APPH 3 Flashcards
The Glide path Qualification Surface (GQS) limits the height of obstructions.
Decision Altitude and the Runway Threshold.
GQS: DA & RWY Threshold
(Refer to figure 251.) What is the slope of RWY 9?
0.4% DOWN.
RWY 9: 0.4% ⬇️
The standard IFR ATC climb gradient is
200 feet per NM.
STD Climb Gradient: 200 FPM
(Refer to figure 247.) During a stabilized IMC approach, the pilot should have the aircraft in a landing configuration
ESTABLISHED on the glide slope before descending below 1819 MSL.
Stabilized APPH: EST on Glide before descending
(Refer to figure 249.) What approach should be selected to ensure the safest approach at night?
LPV since it takes you to the lowest height above the runway and provides close guidance all the way to the DA ensuring obstacle avoidance along the approach.
Safest APPH @Night: LPV to Lowest Height
A pilot may conduct a contact approach
if ATC approves the PIC’s request to do so.
Contact APPH: ATC Approves Request
(Refer to figure 192.) You have been cleared for the VOR/DME-B approach at PRB in a category D aircraft. Consider the IAP only specifies circling minimums. Under what conditions could you perform a straight-in landing on runway 31?
A straight in landing may be performed if the runway 31 in sight and the aircraft is in a position to make a normal approach.
PRB straight in=straight in; if RWY in sight & AC in POS. for normal APPH.
(Refer to figures 208 and 209.) You are cleared, ”Jet 123AB, proceed direct to AUDIL for the STELA ONE arrival, cross SWEDE at FL230.” Proceed
As charted, then you must receive ATC verbal clearance to descent for STELA at 11,000 ft.
JET 123AB Proceed: As Charted, MUST RECEIVE verbal CL to Descend for STELA @11
When might you expect ATC to issue a visual approach as you approach your destination on an instrument flight plan?
When ATC deems it beneficial and the weather is reported as 1,000 feet and visibility 3 SM.
Issued Visual APPH: Deemed Beneficial
The main purpose of a vertical descent angle on a non-precision approach
is advisory in nature and allows the pilot to establish a stabilized descent during the approach.
Vertical Descent Angle: Advisory
ATC directs you to resume own navigation after completing a no-gyro surveillance or precision based approach. All turns should be
standard rate.
The controller has cleared you for a visual approach. What must the pilot have?
Be able to remain in visual conditions.
Visual APPH: Remain in Visual Conditions