APPH 1 Flashcards
(Refer to figure 171.) What is the MDA and visibility criteria respectively for the approach procedure?
1,240 feet MSL; 1 SM.
When 1,300; 1,280; 1,240
Pick 1 Kobe
If a control tower and an FSS are located on the same airport, which function is provided by the FSS during those periods when the tower is closed?
Aport Advisory Service.
Which service is provided for IFR arrivals by a FSS located on an airport without a control tower?
Airport advisories.
If during a VFR practice instrument approach, Radar Approach Control assigns an altitude or heading that will cause you to enter the clouds, what action should be taken?
Avoid the clouds and inform ATC that altitude/heading will not permit VFR.
Where may you use a surveillance approach?
At airports for which civil radar instrument approach minimums have been published.
You arrive at your destination airport on an IFR flight plan. Which is a prerequisite condition for the performance of a contact approach?
Clear of clouds and at least 1 SM flight visibility.
Contact APPH: COC+1SM
Aircraft approach categories are based on
1.3 times the stall speed in landing configuration at maximum gross landing weight.
What are the main differences between a visual approach and a contact approach?
The pilot must request a contact approach, the pilot may be assigned a visual approach and higher weather minimums must exist.
Visual: Assigned VA
Contact: Request CR
What are the requirements for a contact approach to an airport that has an approved IAP, if the pilot is on an instrument flight plan and clear of cloud?
The pilot must request the approach, have at least 1 mile visibility, and be reasonably sure of remaining clear of clouds.
Contact: Request; 1SM & COC
When cleared to execute a published sidestep maneuver for a specific approach and landing on the parallel runway, at what point is the pilot expected to commence this maneuver?
As soon as possible after the runway or runway environment is in sight.
Published Sidestep: ASAP RWY in sight