Appendicular Skeleton: Upper Limb Flashcards
What bone is this? What feature is #1? Lateral or medial?
- Sternal End- medial end
What is feature #2? Lateral or medial?
Acromial End - Lateral end
What is feature #3?
Body of Clavicle
What is feature #4? Lateral or medial?
Conoid Tubercle - lateral end
What is feature #5? Lateral or medial?
Costal tuberosity - medial end
What bone is this? Anterior or Posterior view?
What feature is #1? Lateral or Medial?
Acromian Process - Lateral
What feature is #2? Lateral or Medial?
Coracoid Process - finger pointing laterally
What feature is #3?
Suprascapular Notch
What feature is #4?
Superior Border
What feature is #5?
Medial (vertebral) Border
What feature is #6?
Lateral border
What feature is #7? Lateral or Medial?
Superior angle - medial
What feature is #8?
Inferior Angle
What feature is #9? Lateral or Medial?
Glenoid Fossa - lateral
What feature is #10?
Supraglenoid Tubercule
What feature is #11?
Infraglenoid Tubercle
What feature is #12?
What feature is #13?
Supraspinous Fossa
What feature is #14?
Infraspinous Fossa
What feature is #15?
Subscapular Fossa
What bone is this? What veiw?
Scapula - Posterior View
What feature is #1?
What feature is #2?
Greater Tubercle - lateral
What feature is #3? Medial or Lateral?
Lesser Tubercle - medial
What feature is #4?
What feature is #5?
Anatomical Neck
What feature is #6?
Medial Epicondyle
What feature is #7?
Lateral Epicondyle
What feature is #8?
Lateral Supracondylar Ridge
What feature is #9?
Medial Supracondylar Ridge
What feature is #10?
Intertubercular Groove
What feature is #11?
Surgical Neck
What feature is #12?
Deltoid Tuberosity
What feature is #13?
Radial Groove
What feature is #14? Lateral or Medial?
Trochlea - medial
What feature is #15? Lateral or Medial?
Capitulum - lateral
What feature is #16?
Coronoid Fossa
What feature is #17?
Radial Fossa
What feature is #18?
Olecranon Fossa
What bone is this? What view?
Humerus - Anterior
What bone is this? What view?
Humerus - Posterior
What feature is #1? What bone?
Head - thinner end. Radius
What feature is #2?
What feature is #3?
Distal end - thicker
What feature is #4? Medial or Lateral?
Interosseous Border - medial
What feature is #5?
What feature is #6?
Radial Tuberosity
What feature is #7?
Ulnar Notch
What feature is #8? What bone?
Styloid Process - radial
What feature is #9?
Olecranon Process
What feature is #10?
Coronoid Process
What feature is #11?
Trochlear Notch
What feature is #12?
Radial Notch
What feature is #13? What bone?
Styloid Process - Ulnar
What feature is #1-8?
“Straight line to pinky, here comes the thumb?”
1: Scaphoid
2: Lunate
3: Triquertrum
4: Pisiform
5: Trapezium
6: Trapezoid
7: Capitate
8: Hamate
What feature is #9?
Metacarpals 1-5. 1 = thumb
What feature is #10?
What feature is #11?
What feature is #12?
Proximal Phalanx
What feature is #13?
Middle Phalanx
What feature is #14?
Distal Phalanx