Aphasia Flashcards
Intact fluency, good comprehension
Conduction aphasia
May involuntarily verbalized, without correct context
Global aphasia
Impaired writing
Wernicke’s aphasia
Motor impairment is typical
Broca’s aphasia
Good articulation
Wernicke’s aphasia
Severe impairment with repetition
Conduction aphasia
Use of paraphasias
Wernicke’s aphasia and Broca’s aphasia
“Expressive aphasia”
Broca’s aphasia
Poor naming ability
Wernicke’s aphasia
May use nonverbal skills for communication
Global aphasia
Speech interrupted with word finding difficulties
Conduction aphasia
Motor impairment not typical
Wernicke’s aphasia
Reading intact, writing impaired
Conduction aphasia
Comprehension (reading and writing) is intact
Broca’s aphasia
Comprehension (reading and auditory) are severely impaired
Global aphasia
Impaired repetition and naming skills
Broca’s aphasia
Impaired naming, writing, and repetition skills
Global aphasia
Frustration with language skill errors
Broca’s aphasia
“Receptive aphasia”
Wernicke’s aphasia
Comprehension (reading and writing) is impaired
Wernicke’s aphasia