APES Unit 8 Flashcards
Point source pollution
single, identifiable source of pollutants
EX smoke stack, waste discharge pipes
non-point source pollution
pollutants entering the environment from many places at once
EX runoff; pesticide spraying
Point source examples
– Emissions from smokestack of coal PP
– BP oil spill
non-point source examples
– animal waste runoff from CAFO
– urban runoff
– large areas of land (agricultural land/ urban land)
coral reef relationship with what
mutualistic relationship with coral and photosynthetic algae called zooxanthellea
photosynthetic algae
what does zooxanthellae provide
sugar, oxygen
what does coral provide
CO2, detritus (nutrient containing organic mattter)
how does coral bleaching occur
when coral are stressed they expel their zooxanthellae. coral lose color and may die without algae (main food source)
pollutants from runoff and incr. temp can stress coral
3 threats to coral reefs
- incr ocean temp/ decr. ocean pH
- runoff of sediment
– can smother corals and block sunlight for photosynthesis - destructive fishing methods
– blast fishing can destroy entire reefs
– use of cyanide to stun fish and capture for live aquarium trade
how can oil spills occur with example of both
– underwater oil well explodes/ blows out oil (example: BP gulf spill)
– when a tanker runs in to a rock/ iceberg and is punctured (example: Exxon Valdez)
how to clean an oil spill on ocean
– can involve booms on a surface to contain spread and ships with vacuum tubes to siphon oil off of the surface or devices to skim off
– chemical dispersants are sprayed on oil slicks to break up and sink to the bottom. Clears surface but can smother bottom dwellers. can be harmful
– burn oil off surface
how to clean oil spill on animals/ beach
physical removal iwth towels/ soap/ shovels from beach sand and rocks
oil spill effects
– death of organisms (hydrocarbons are toxic)
– oil coats feathers of marine birds and fur of marine mammals; they ingest when they clean it off
– some oil sinks and kills bottom dwelling organisms
– oil can enter the ocean food chain via plankton uptake
– oil can wash ashore and decr. tourism revenue and kill fish, decr. fish revenue and huting restaurants that serve fish/ sea food