APES unit 6 Flashcards
renewable energy sources
can be replenished naturally, at or near the rate of consumption
depletable renewable
can runout if overused EX biomass (wood, charcoal,)
non-depletable renewable
resources do not run out EX solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal
non-renewable energy sources
exists in fixed amounts on earth, can’t easily be replaced or regenerated
non-renewable energy sources Fossil Fuels
fossilized remains of ancient biomass that take millions of years to form
non-renewable nuclear
energy generated from uranium or other radioactive fuels
key to renewable energy
rate of consumption must be at or below rate of regeneration for renewables
subsistence fuels
biomass fuel sources that are easily accessible (found and gathered by hand); often used in developing countries as a home heating or cooking food
wood as a fuel source in developing countries
wood is free/cheap to cut down and utilize as fuel; can cause deforestation and habitat loss
is made by heating wood under low oxygen conditions for a long time (dehydrating wood)
peat is partially decomposed organic matter (often ferns or other plants) found in wet, acidic ecosystems like bogs and moors.
– can be dried and used as fuel
coal formation
pressure from overlying rock and sediment layers compacts peat into coal over time
stages of coal formation
peat – lignight – bituminous – anthracite (oldest)
most valuable because more energy is released when coal is burned.
coal for electricity
coal is burned to heat water into steam, to turn a turbine that generates electricity
more dense coal =
hotter, longer fires = more steam = more electricity
natural gas (methane)
decaying remains of plants and animals (mostly marine) are buried under layers of rock and converted by pressure into oil (petroleum) and natural gas over time.
what is natural gas? where is it mostly found?
natural gas is mostly methane (CH4) and is found on top of trapped oil deposits
how does natural gas form?
forms when oil is trapped in a porous, sedimentary rock, underneath harder, impermeable rock layer that doesn’t let gas escape
what is the cleanest fossil fuel?
natural gas is the cleanest: produces fewest air pollutants when burned
how does crude oil (petroleum) form?
decaying organic matter trapped under rock layers is compressed into oil over time
how is crude oil extracted?
by drilling a well through the overlying rock layers to reach the underground deposit. Then pumping liquid oil out under pressure
crude oil extraction from tar sands
extracting and using oil from tar sands is extremely energy and water intensive.
why is extracting crude oil from tar sands water and energy intensive?
lots of water needs to be heated to create steam that’s piped down into the tar sand to melt the bitumen into a liquid that can flow up a pipe
lots more water is used to separate the oil from all the impurities
thick, sticky, semi-solid form of petroleum (asphalt)
how are fossil fuels converted into lots of diff. products
crude oil is burned in a furnace and vapor passes into a column where diff. hydrocarbons are separated based on their boiling points
–hydrocarbons with lower at the top
–hydrocarbons with higher boiling points at bottom
a fuel source is used to gather both usable heat and electricity
EX heat produced by a car engine can be used to run the car’s heater in winter
developed nations vs. developing energy consumption
developed nations use more energy per capita basis, but developing nations use more in total (higher pop.)
how does global energy consumption vary depending on developed nations vs. developing?
will incr. on a per/person basis their economies industrialize and residents achieve higher standards of living
most common fuel source globally
- fossil fuels:
oil - gasoline
coal - electricity generation
nat. gas - electricity and heating - hydroelectric energy:
dams used to create electricity. water spins a turbine - nuclear:
uranium fission releases heat to turn water into steam and turn a turbine
factors that affect energy source use
gov. regulation
availability affecting energy source use
fossil fuel use depends on discovered reserves and accessibility of these reserves. use of FFs varies heavily with availabilty