Aparato digestivo Flashcards
Causa más frecuente de obstrucción intestinal baja en RN
Enfermedad de Hirschprung
Anomalia congenita mas frecuente del tubo digestivo
Diverticulo de Meckel
Causa mas frecuente de obstruccion intestinal entre los 3 meses y los 6 años.
Invaginacion intestinal
Lo primero que hay que sospechar en niños mayores de 6 años con obstruccion intestinal
Tumores, sobretodo linfoma intestinal
RN con antecedentes de polihidramnios que en el paritorio no pasa la sonda nasogastrica, tiene salivacion excesiva y se atraganta con las tomas. Hay que pensar en
Atresia esofagica o fistula traqueoesofagica
Modalidad de atresia de esofago mas frecuente
Tipo III “aTRESia” atresia proximal y fistula distal
Complicaciones postquirurgicas de la atresia y fistula traqueoesofagica: La mas frecuente
Reflujo gastroesofagico, que suele ser grave
A three-week old male infant is brought to the office by his father because of non-bilious vomiting that is small in quantity but frequent. He has gained 8 ounces since birth and has been a fussy baby who does not like to feed. Abdominal imaging shows tissue surrounding the second portion of the duodenum. Which of the following developmental mechanisms best describes the etiology of this condition?
Failure of pancreatic ventral bud rotation. This patient’s nonbilious vomiting and poor weight gain in the neonatal period combined with his abdominal imaging results suggests the presence of annular pancreas. Annular pancreas is a congenital abnormality with a prevalence estimated at 5 to 15 per 100,000.
During normal development, the pancreas develops from dorsal and ventral buds. The former becomes the tail and body, while the latter become the head and uncinate process. The ventral bud first passes behind the duodenum during rotation of the gut and then fuses with the dorsal bud. Failure of this rotation with the duodenum causes entrapment of the duodenum, which is believed to be the pathogenesis of annular pancreas.
Approximately ⅔ of patients are asymptomatic. Clinical manifestations depend on the severity of duodenal obstruction. These range from abdominal discomfort, postprandial fullness, and nausea to pancreatitis.
Tipo de hernia diafragmatica mas frecuente
H de Bochdalek
Localizacion de la hernia de Bochdalek
BACK daLEFT, posterior izquierda
Tratamiento de la hernia diafragmatica de Bochdalek
Estabilizar hipertension pulmonar y posteriormente a las 24-72 horas realizar cierre quirurgico NO ES URGENCIA QUIRURGICA
Tipo mas frecuente de ERGE
Fisiologico en menores de 2 años
Signo mas frecuente de ERGE
Vomito atonico o regurgitacion tras las tomas
¿Que es el sindrome de Sandifer?
Tendencia a epistotonos y posturas cefalicas anomalas para proteger la via aerea del ERGE
Diagnostico del ERGE
Tratamiento farmacologico de eleccion de ERGE