AP World Vocab Unit 6 Flashcards
Social Darwinism 6.1
We find how during this time science was used to be able to further justify imperialism. Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution “the survival of the fittest” was able to help European powers believe in white supremacy. By proving this, it also helped feed into their belief that they had a role to play to help these powers by being able to imperialise and take over. (LO.1: New ideologies and discoveries, were able to help the mindset of imperialism by creating a sense of superiority.)
Belgian Congo 6.2
Belgian was able to take over the private colony in Africa, and in King Leopold II’s harsh rule he tortured and made terrible conditions for the citizens. We find that he caused a genocide, where he would enslave, and would kill millions, in fact 3-15 million people died in the time of his rule. After images of the suffering going on were brought to Berlin, his rule was put to an end, only following Berlin taking control of this. (LO.2: We find that during this time there was a shift in power because of the effects of imperialism, and this can be a clear example of this as well.)
Berlin Conference 6.2
During this time, European powers wanted to imperialise and have full control of Africa, without being able to fight over these new lands. This conference was able to help to settle the scramble for Africa, so there was even distribution of Africa, between European powers. We find that this conference had little to none African representation in it. (LO.2: We find that European powers were able to have more and more power distributed between them, but with this came the taking away power from people in African nations.)
Settler colonies 6.2
These were colonies and communities set outside of Europe, where Europeans would voluntarly migrate to, to create these new communities where they could have political dominance. We find that one example of this is Algeria, becoming a French Colony during this time. (LO.2: We find that having these colonies that could be completely dominated by European settlers affected a lot of the way that land was distributed, people were treated and overall the dominance that European had over people.)
Suez Canal 6.2
This canal was able to make a trip of an entire continent to only be 100 miles instead. We find that this is why there was the most tension over taking over and having control over the canal or mostly Egypt. Even though the French were able to have the company that built the canal, the British took control of Egypt. (LO.2: We find that the way that the British were able to take control of Egypt, in a mostly economical way, that was able to give them all this special power.)
Boxer Rebellion 6.3
This is a rebellion that happened inside of the Quing Dynasty in China, that’s objective was to drive foreigners out of China at the time. It was a peasant led revolt that awoke in the beginnings of the Opium war, that wanted to drive the corruption and imperialism out of China. (LO.3: We find how external factors like foreign control of a lot of the trade market in China fro, European powers, can lead to rebellion and resistance movements.)
Creation of Zulu Kingdom 6.3
Because of the leadership of people like Shaka, we find how this kingdom was able to be formed in an organized and well centered manner, however because of imperialism, we find how it ended up belonging to the British even after being able to fight a rebellion against the English and Dutch. (LO.3: We find that because of the effects of imperialism, more and more states began to build and be created during this time, weather it be because of the European control, or the unity of people to create a state for the want of independence.)
Indian Rebellion of 1857 6.3
This rebellion was against Indian Imperialism from the british, out of economic and political effects, that were able to lead people to believe that the control from the British was corrupt and wrong. This rebellion failed because of improved British weaponry and advantage. (LO.3: While this rebellion failed we find how it was able to influence Indian Nationalism and the building of the Indian National Congress.)
Tupac Amaru II’s Rebellion in Peru 6.3
This is a rebellion led by a descendant of the last Incan ruler, and was able to start a revolt against spanish rule. Unfortunately this resistance movement ended up in failure, after creoles were able to back out of the fighting because of the pain and suffering they were enduring. (LO.3: We find how this was able to spread the revolts against the Spanish in Bolivia and Argentina after Peru, so while it was a failed revolt was able to spread these ideas of independence.)
Xhosa Cattle-Killing Movement 6.3
We find how this is a movement that happens mostly for religious reasons, because of how it happens because of the belief of ancestors telling the people of the evil that’s going on. Basically, what happens is that people begin to kill off cattle that come from Europe, because of the belief that these are evil things and it leads to famine, and even still it is able to lead to fighting against these people from the European. (LO.3: We find that this is able to lead to a lot of ideas of revolution because of the belief system that these people are able to hold true.)
Export Economy 6.4
We find that some states are more dependent on trade and export to provide for their economy. During this time, we find how providers of raw materials were the most common economies to be dependant like this. (LO.4: We find how countries with more raw materials were the main countries that were able to depend of these economies and be successful in their trade because of their resources.)
Economic Imperialism 6.5
This is a type of imperialism, where other states are able to control and affect factors of the economy in the state being imperialised. We find how this is able to drive economic power and has control taken away from exports and trades as well. (LO.5: We find how the development of the economy of imperialised economies were very different and slowed down since they weren’t able to have these same benefits as the state with the control and power.)
Opium Wars 6.5
A highly addictive drug was able to be spread among Asia and Europe, but while most countries stopped using it because of realizing the non-beneficial aspects of it, but Britain was able to remain exporting and trading this drug to China. After the Chinese government realized the awful effects of this they tried to stop this trade, but were unsuccessful and fought the Opium wars with Britain, which ended up in their defeat. (LO.5: We find how the effects of the control that Britain had over China at the time affected a lot of the development that was able to occur in China at the time.)
Chinese and Indian Indentured Servitude 6.6
Because of the abolition movements going on at the time, many states found it important to be able to find a substitute for forced labour and slavery and thus people began to use indentured servitude as this substitute. Most people in China and India were tricked into this slavery and had to face the consequences of unfair treatment in their work. (LO.6: We find that this slavery usually went to areas with plantations that needed work, and during this time was able to spread culture and people among certain areas.)
Migrant workers (include Japanese and Argentinians) 6.6
The rise of people migrating for economical purposes as well in search for jobs and wages began during this time and affected a lot of states. We find that in Japan, the government attempted to set up colonies in Mexico and Peru, and had young men moving to study in America. We find that in Argentina people who moved there usually did for reasons of business and things that would help them appeal to the middle class with companies and comoditties. (LO.7: We find that in many countries even today, there is migration that goes on because of economical factors in a state that draw people to want to work in other states to get these benefits themselves.)
Chinese Exclusion Act 6.7
This was a policy that the United States was able to keep against Chinese migration during this time because of the amount of people moving to the US. This was able to affect the spread of discrimination against the Asian race in the US as well as some people moving to Mexico instead. (LO.8: We find that to escape things like famine and poverty in China, people began to move to the US and eventually Mexico because of restrictions. )
Ethnic Enclave 6.7
These were communities and clusters of people that come from a different nation, that are able to share language, culture, way of life, etc, and live the same way they would in their home country. (LO.8: We find that this is able to cause the expansion of things like cultures and begin to build a more globalized world as well, as these clusters of people are able to set these new ideas and spread them as well.)
White Australia Policy 6.7
We find that in Australia there were multiple set policies during this time against the migration of non-british people, most of the time Chinese that were moving there mostly because of economic causes. Basically the main policy wanted to restrict people who were non-white from moving to Australia. (LO.8: A lot of Chinese culture and other cultures as well were able to spread during the time that there wasn’t as much restrictions against people moving and being able to work in Australia.)