Abolition Movement 5.1
A movement Western Europe and the Americas, to put an end to slavery, from 1788-1888. This consisted in conflicts and plenty of revolts that had to happen in order for this to happen. People who were able to escape slavery, were able to testify for the cruelness of it, which was able to lead to these movements. (LO.2: We find how enlightenment ideals, were able to lead to these movements and revolts, in the way that with these ideas, people were getting closer to being able to pursue equality.)
Empiricism 5.1
This is a belief that knowledge comes from experience. This was able to tie into scientific thinking in difference to a religious way of thinking. Scientific experiments were a huge part of how this way of thinking was able to be “proved”. (LO.1: During this time, ways of thinking like this one, was one of the ways that people’s ideas and beliefs began to change slowly and made it for them to be convinced that religious beliefs were not always facts and real knowledge that was needed to develop.)
Enlightenment 5.1
A period of time where new ideas were able to arise, most of revolutionaries, which was able to spark a chain reaction into society at the time to begin change. This included ideas of change in politics and government, which affected the influence of the abolition. (LO.1: We find that new ideas from people like Locke or Rousseau, who thought that men were naturally good (Locke), and that governments should follow the general will of the people (Rousseau).
Suffrage movement (include Wollstonecraft and Seneca Falls) 5.1
A 72 year long movement in the US, that’s objective was to get women to have the right to vote. Wollstonecraft, was able to write a book about the political rights of women in England 1792, and was able to influence more women to want to have these political rights. In 1848, the Seneca Falls convention was a convention resulting in the beginning of an organization of feminists trying to fight for Women’s rights. It was not until 1920 that Women were granted the full right to vote in the US. (LO.1: We find that a lot of the ways that this movement was able to be brought up was by the books and ideas of people like Wollstonecraft, who had futuristic mindsets different to those of their time and can affect change in other people’s minds.)
American Revolution (include leaders, events, and documents) 5.2
This is a revolution that was mostly the want to be an Independent nation seperate from Britan, because of the unjust ways that citizens were treated and taxed. We find that this began in small events like that of the Boston Tea Party, that were mainly to protest the taxation that they had to pay to the British, and ended up in a full war in an attempt to get independence as a nation. This ended in the new nation of America, with a new government, that was enforced with things like the Bill of Rights, the constitution, etc, under the influence of the founding fathers: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, etc. (LO.3: We find how this specific revolution was able to give independence to a nation, and change how they were able to run their government in the way that we find how it becomes a democracy where people are able to choose.) their ruler (influenced by enlightenment).
Bolivar Revolutions ((include leaders, events, and documents)) 5.2
Is similar to these other revolutions because of the way that it is able to be about creoles being suppressed by the Spanish and wanting to have their independence and own government. We find how it’s also similar in the way that they have a leader that is able to help bring order to this revolution (like bonaparte in France). One of the differences from this revolution is the effects that lead to conservative governments in Latin America, which ended up affecting how the states in Latin America were able to develop and are still present today. (LO.3: The effects of this revolution was that it was able to free a lot of states in Latin America from the Spanish influence that they had, and were able to become independent nations. It led them to conservative government, which still affects Latin America today.)
Classical Liberalism (include John Stuart Mill) 5.2
This is a belief system that believes in natural rights, progress and constitutional monarchy. The political ideology also is able to advocate economic and political freedom as well as civil liberties. (LO.3: We find that the effects of having revolutions and ideologies like that of Classical Liberalism is able to change the belief systems of a lot of people at the time. John Stuart Mil, was one of the most influential thinkers, that was able to expand ideas of classical liberalism. He believed in the ideals of utilitarianism, a theory that advocates actions that bring happiness or pleasure and don’t advocate actions that cause unhappiness or harm.)
French Revolution (include leaders, events, and documents) 5.2
Was mainly a peasant led revolution to overthrow the government/monarchy and was able to lead to a more equal government system where there is no feudalism. It was able to be a revolt that was able to cause a chain reaction to other revolutions, as well as have the most influence from the renaissance, reformation and enlightenment which was most present in France. (LO.3: This revolution was able to affect a lot of Europe, since France was one of the most powerful states at the time. People being able to revolt against absolute monarchs set off a chain reaction in more governments changing and following the ideals and revolts of the French.)
Haitian Revolution (include leaders, events, and documents) 5.2
This revolution was about slaves in France that craved for freedom, so they could have equality for all men as well as human rights for all. Having a slave led revolution makes for a lot of differences with the effects of this reform. We can find how it is a lot harder for this revolution to be able to work because of the way that they have a lot more restrictions (no freedom). (LO.3: This revolution was able to effect a lot of the way that other revolts began their uprise because of a slave led revolt that inspired more revolts during this time.)
Nationalism (include German, Italian, and Argentinian)
We find how this is an ideal that includes the want to have unification of ones own nation, the want for independence, the superiority mindset of ones own nation, that can lead to conflicts in the way that people will compete to prove it. In Germany this idea was pursued with a confederacy that was able to attempt a unified nation. In Italy, this ideal was able to be pursued with the hate for Hasburg rule as well as their language bringing the nation together. (LO.3: We find how these ideals were able to cause a lot of various revolutions and give the motivation for independence.)
Causes of Industrialization 5.3
Things like the columbian exchange, the rise of maritime empires, and the agricultural revolution, are all things that cause the changes that happened during this time period. We find that these were all things that were able to connect states and bring forwards the opportunity for innovations and new ideas that created the revolution. (LO.4: We find that one of the ways that the revolution was able to be facilitated is because of the natural network of rivers and bodies of water in places like Britain and the US that was able to be used for transportation of materials, even more effective when steamships were introduced.)
Factory system 5.3
Richard Arkwright was able to introduce the water frame in 1760s, which was able to be more effective and faster than humans at spinning wheels (textile). This is how textile production was brought to factories and thus the system was created. (LO.4: Water proved to be an essential part of the industrial revolution, because it was the source of power for many of the technologies that were able to create systems like this. Because of this we find that having access to water and bodies of water became very important during this time.)
Industrialization 5.4
After Britain had the industrial revolution many other countries began to modernize and become more Urban as well as adopt the factory systems, or sometimes only things like railroads, etc. We find that the spread of the revolution was able to help a lot of states’ economies and societies. (LO.5: We find that over time a lot of things were able to change in the way that states were able to modernize and change economically. An example of this is the US, that industrialized during the 19th century, after Britain, France and Germany, yet was leading in production by the 1900s.)
Fossil Fuels Revolution 5.5
We find that during the industrial revolution the most important technologies came from the use of fossil fuels as a source of energy. Factories, boats, cars, and most things that were able to contribute to the industrial revolution were all fueled by these fossil fuels. (LO.6: Things like coal, coke, and other forms of fossil fuels are able to help production of things like Iron, and are also able to fuel ways of transportation. Fossil fuels changed almost everything that went on in society, and were also able to change the way countries were able to interact with each other. They are not only the fuel of transportation but of the industrial revolution.)
Industrial Communication (include Railroad, Steamship, and Telegraph) 5.5
We find that during this time the creation of things like railroads, steamships and telegraphs, were able to shape a lot of the transportation that went on during the industrial revolution. This was able to affect things like trade, and interactions between states. (LO.6: transportation was another essential part of the industrial revolution and the modernization of everything that went on during this time.)
Internal Combustion Engine 5.5
During the second industrial revolution, this invention was made, it was a different than the steam engine in the way it is powered by gas, and made for a new way to fuel a lot of technology and transportation at the time, and we find that it was able to impact the revolution by being more effective and changing most production to be fueled by gas. (LO.6: We find that there is a lot of innovations like this one that are able to help with mass production, and help industrialization advance by making production be facilitated as well.)
Second Industrial Revolution 5.5
In the late 19th and early 20th century, this revolution occured. During this time steel, chemicals and precision machinery, were the developments that were able to help the rise of this revolution. These new developments allowed for the creation of things like electricity and developments in communications and transportations were able to be made. (LO.6: The technology that was introduced during this time period was able to be extremely helpful to the new developments made in society at the time. This revolution was able to bring about an age of creation and invention, because of these new technologies that brought many new things to society.)
Steam engine 5.5
This was an engine created during the industrial revolution was able to provide an inexpensive way to take coal power to create steam, that generated energy for machinery in factories. We can also find how steamships and other inventions were also able to be created after the creation of this engine. (LO.6: Innovations and technology like this one, were able to be useful in production and transportation, making everything done in factories to become quicker and cheaper. This is why it was impactful to the economy and a huge part in the upbringing of the industrial revolution.)
Meiji Restoration 5.6
After the US opens trade relationships, Japan decides to bring back the emperor, in order to not commit the same mistakes made by the Quing in their trade relationship, They are able to westernize and industrialize Japan. (LO.7: Japan is able to be benefited by this restoration by being able to have it successfully westernize and industrialize Japan in a way that would lead to equal and more balanced trade between Japan and other states.)
Muhammad Ali 5.6
He was the first leader of Modern Egypt and he was able to try to modernize Egypt. He was a strong, even the strongest general in the Ottoman Empire. Because of the general will of the people he stayed in Egypt and was able to rule however he wanted to. He also tried to rule the Ottoman empire and would’ve if it were not for the control Britan had over this. (LO.7: Britan’s economical stratedgy was to trade with other countries and be able to have relationships with other nations like the Ottoman to be able to gain power and money in trade.)
Capitalism (include Adam Smith) 5.7
This was the political and economic system that is used by several states, that allows trade and industry to not be controlled by the state, but instead controlled by private owners, of companies and estates for profit. We find that Adam Smith’s ideas were the ones who were able to influence the creation and upbringing of this since he was able to think that humans were self serving naturally which is why as long as every individual in a society seeks for success and fulfillment in their own interests then the needs of society would be met. (LO.8: During this time influences of belief systems like these were able to shape the way that a lot of the way that the political structures of states were shaped. The most prominent of them being America.)
Stock Market 5.7
Corporations are business entities that are owned by stockholders, people who buy a small portion of a company, and gain money when things are going well for the corporation, but lose as much money as they put into the stock in the first place if the company goes bankrupt or is in debt. (LO.8: Things like this system was able to change a lot of the ways that people were able to make their income. By investing in companies, it was easier to be able to make money and become richer, unless a company made no money. It was able to benefit corporations as well by being able to support and keep them safe.)
Transnational Business (include United Fruit Company and HSBC) 5.7
We find that these are companies that are owned by a different state than where they are located. Being able to do this was very beneficial to companies, in the way they were able to gain more money, especially when being able to locate these establishments in more wealthy states. (LO.8: We find that these international companies became popular to own during this time, because of the grand benefits that were able to emerge from having them. We find that a good example of this is the United Fruit Company, an American owned company that would sell in different parts of Latin America, as well as HSBC a bank that is able to exchange currencies in up to 8 different currencies.)
Communism (must include founder) 5.8
Carl Marx was able to write a pamphlet that advocated towards this belief system. This idea advocates the equality of all social classes. It was the final stage of Carl Marx’s idea to get rid of corruption in capitalism, where all people would be considered equal and there would be no unjust social classes. (LO.9: During this time a lot of people were able to agree with Carl Marx’s ideals, people who thought capitalism was corrupt and wrong, and were searching for something more to believe in.)
Labor Unions 5.8
These were unions created by workers because of the way they were overworked and poorly payed, where they would meet in secret (at first) and would be able to plan for ways to be able to be granted more rights as workers. (LO.9: We find how these organizations and unions were able to end up gaining things like minimum wage, work for only 5 days a week, and overall more rights for workers, that have stayed the same for centuries.)
Self-Strengthening Movement 5.8
Taking what the Europeans do and apply it to China, in the 100 days of reform. It was started by Chinese ruler who thought industrialization was the only way to survive and become equal as trading partners of other states and be able to develop as a nation. It was unsuccessful because traditional mindsets were able to stop this from being able to occur in the Quing. (LO.9: In the Quing we find how many people looked for change in society and the government, because of industrial European states being of influence, especially when making the Quing weaker and making it hard for them to recover and continue living with no reforms or change.)
Socialism (must include founder) 5.8
This is a political belief, also founded by Carl Marx, that believed that the proletariat, should take control of the production and be able to share the wealth of the industry with the middle classes, to be able to not have corruption in the way that workers were exploited and payed with barley enough to survive, whilst owners of these companies become wealthy. (LO.9: Because of some of the issues and faults of capitalism, a lot of people were able to agree with ideals of equality in workers. Even when not being able to see the effects that governments with these ideals may have, a lot of people were able to turn to these ideals.)
Taiping Rebellion 5.8
Citizens were upset at the government for raise of taxes and corruption, and begin revolt to take down the Quing Dynasty, which weakens it, but when the revolt gets to the capital they are fought by the British who wanted the Quing to stay in power for trade and their benefit. (LO.9: We find how the effects of having industrial societies it is able to affect the upbringing of rebellions like this one because of how the British want to trade with the Quing.)
Tanzimat Reforms 5.8
These were various political, educational and economic reforms in the Ottoman Empire. They included secular educational systems and codified laws (regulate milits). {LO.9: The Janissaries began to decline because they were not as needed anymore and crimean war is fought which makes for European influence. Nations began to gain independence from the Ottoman especially because its weakness and lack of power over them We find how the want to survive from European, Ottoman leaders decided to reform. All of this was caused by the effects of the industrial revolution.)
Cult of Domesticity 5.9
During this time, women were idealized to be housewifes, that could make their home a place for men to come back and relax to after having to deal with modern society. For women of working class being able to be the idealized women for their husbands and also having to carry out a full time job as well. (LO.10: Industrialization made structures where men were believed to be the people who would provide for a home, and women became oppressed and could only do their best to meet societies expectations.)
New social classes (include middle and industrial worker) 5.9
The spread of industrialization was able to create new social classes that were found in most capitalist societies. At the bottom were the “working class” people who worked in factories and coal mines. Next was the middle class the “White Collar” workers, people who would work office jobs and most of the time were literate. Finally the industrialists, were the higher class, people who owned companies and factories that “lead” the industry and society. (LO.10: We find how industrialization changed society in the way it is structured and was able to bring about new classes that would contribute to their roles in society by following this new structure.)
Urbanization 5.9
When places that are previously rural begin to become urban. During the modern era this was able to be directly related to the industrial revolution that changed the way that we cities were structured, because of things like factories and new technological innovations. (LO.10: We find that this was able to bring about changes in social structures because of how the effects of people working in factories was able to affect a change in social classes at the time.)