Ap human 1 + 2 Flashcards
Absolute Direction
the cardinal directions; north, south, east, west
Absolute distance
distance that can be measured by a standard unit of length
a official count of the number of ppl in a define area; state
a places absolte location, as well as it physical characteristics
location of a place in relation to other places or its surrounding features
classicfication of a country or region that has qualities of both core and perpheral areas and is often in the process of industrailizing
the focal point of a functional region
classicfication of a country or region that has less wealth, lower education levels, and less sophisticated techonologies and also tends to have and unstable govermnet and poor healthcare systems
classification of a country or regio that has wealth higher education levels, more advanced technology, many resources, strong military and powerful allies
the area of the world being studied
Relative distance
distance determined in relative to other places or objects
Relative direction
direction based on a persona perception; left, right, up and down
Choropleth map
display divided geographical areas or regions that are coloured, shaded or patterned in relation to a data variable.
a person that creates maps
Isoline map
uses lines to connect point locations with similar values
DTM (demographic transition model)
a simplified way of looking at how population is changing and has changed around the world.
doubling time
The number of years required for a specified population to double in size at the current rate of population growth.
land degradation
A negative trend in land condition, caused by direct or indirect human-induced processes including anthropogenic climate change, expressed as long-term reduction or loss of at least one of the following: biological productivity, ecological integrity, or value to humans.
agricultural density
A measures the number of farmers per unit area of farmland