AP HUG Unit 2 Vocabulary Flashcards
Population distribution
The pattern of people scattered over an area
Population Density
The number of people within a given area
The habitable parts of the world
Arithmetic Population Density
Measure of the number of people within a given area divided by the total land area
Physiologic Population Density
Measure of the number of people per arable (farmable) land
Agricultural Population Density
Measure of the number of farmers per arable land
Carrying Capacity
The number of people an area can sustain without critically straining its resources
Population Pyramid
Provides a visual representation of a population in terms of age and sex as well as a good indication of the dependency ratio within a country and is used to assess a population growth and decline and to predict markets for goods/services
Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
The average number of children a woman will have during her childbearing years (15-49)
Crude Birth Rate
Number of live births in a single year for every 1000 people (in a population)
Replacement fertility level
2.1 (slightly higher than 2.0 to account for infant/childhood mortality/childless women)
Mortality (Crude Death) Rate
Number of deaths in a single year for every 1000 people (in a population)
Infant mortality rate
Number of deaths during the 1st year of life (per 1000)
Child Mortality Rate
Number of deaths of between the ages of 1 and 5 (per 1000)
Maternal mortality rate
Number of deaths during or shortly after childbirth (per 100,000)
Natural Increase
Crude birth rate crude minus death rate, does not consider immigration
Population Doubling Time
The length of time for a population to double in size
-Countries with growth rates of 1% take approximately 70 years to double
-Countries with growth rate of 2% take approximately 35 years to double
-When this growth rate is graphed, a J-curve represents exponential growth (began in the 1950s)
-Growth rates have declined (last couple of decades) and population follows more of an S-curve (greater stability)
-At current rate, the world population doubling time: 54 years
Population explosion
The very great and continuing increase in human population
Pre-natalist population policies
Policies that provide incentives for women to have children, typically in countries with declining population
Anti-natalist population policies
Policies that encourage couples to limit the number of children they have
Immigration Policies
Policies that address the movement of persons across borders
Population Aging
Determined by birth rates, death rates, and life expectancy
Life Expectancy
Average number of years an infant newborn can expect to live; number varies within countries, cities, ethnicities, sexes, and between MDCs and LDCs
Aging Population
An increasing median age in the population due to declining fertility rates/rising life expectancy
Describes the movement out of a particular place
Dependency Ratio
A measure of the economic impact of younger and older cohorts on the economically productive members of a population
Describes the movement to a particular place
Pull Factors
Characteristics that attract a person to a place
Push factors
Characteristics that make a person want to leave a place
Intervening Oppurtunity
The presence of a nearer opportunity that greatly diminishes the attractiveness of sites further awayI
Intervening Obstacle
An event or obstacle that discourages people from migrating
Premeditated effort to destroy a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group
Ethnic Cleansing
The effort to rid a country/region of a particular ethnicity either through forced migration or genocide.
Forced Migration
An individual migrates against his/her will
Individuals, protected by the law, who cross national boundaries to seek safety from armed conflict or persecution
e.g. race, religion, nationality, political opinion
Asylum seeker
Individuals who flee their home country and applies for protection, but their request for sanctuary has yet to be processed, once processed, they are either give refugee status or refused and returned to their home country
Internally displaced person (internal refugee)
Individuals who leave their home due to conflict, human rights abuse, war, or environmental catastrophes but do not leave their country to seek safety
Voluntary Migration
An individual who chooses to move, typically based on various push-pull factors
Trasnational Migration
Migration across national boundaries
Internal Migration
Migration within natural boundaries
Seasonal movement of pastoral nomads who move livestock between summer and winter pasture
Chain migration
Immigrants who follow family and/or friends to the same destination
Step migration
Migration to a distant destination that occurs in stages (steps)
Guest Workers
A person with a temporary permission to work in another country (e.g. migrant labor)
Rural to Urban Migration
The movement of people from the countryside to the city which causes two things to happen; increasing proportion of people living in towns and cities and expansion of urban areas