ap gov - unit 2 vocab - bureaucracy and judicial branch Flashcards
A large, complex organization composed of appointed officials
proxy government
when state and local governments are hired to staff and administer federal programs
rule making authority
an agency’s ability to make rules that affect how programs operate, and to force states and corporations to obey these rules as if they were laws
iron triangle
A close relationship between an AGENCY, a CONGRESSIONAL COMMITTEE, and an INTEREST GROUP
revolving door
Government officials quit their jobs to take positions as lobbyists or consultants to businesses and lobbyists or consultants quit their jobs to take government positions.
red tape
a term used on the bureaucracy - barriers to success
merit system
how 90% of the federal employees that are civil service workers are chosen
3 Main features of bureaucracy
- Hierarchical authority
- Job specialization
- formalized rules (lots of rules)
4 agencies/types
cabinet departments
independent regulatory agencies/commissions government corporations
independent executive agencies
cabinet departments
-lead by a secretary
-enforce laws
- specialized
- constitutionally created agency
- chosen by president, confirmed by Senate
independent regulatory agencies/commissions
FDA, EPA, Federal Reserve Board
-agencies created by congress to regulate economy
-have rule-making authority
Government corporations
Post Office, AMTRAK, UPS
-businesses run like corporations but are controlled by the government
-have equal legislative power, have authority to make rules and regulations
-have more freedom and control over their budgets
-somewhat independent somewhat not
Checks on bureaucracy
power of purse
judicial review
Fire (besides commissions)
Office of Management and Budget
-all bureaucracy agencies send budget requests to the president(they determine the budget)
Power of Bureaycracy
Implementation and discretionary authority
-carry out laws of congress
-have power to set certain guidelines
issue rules and regulations
administrative law
rules and regulations created by an agency that have an effect to laws
Federalist 78
-Hamilton argued to have power of JUDICIAL REVIEW
-justices serve LIFE TERMS [this way they stay out of politics]
Dual court system
Federal courts, state courts, jurisdiction
what creates a “dual” court system
power to do something
federal court system
all federal courts are created by Congress
- Federalist District Courts (94)
- Federal Appellate Courts (13)
Lowest court
State (Justices LOVE hearing cases from the state*, also love inconsistent lower court rulings)
The Supreme Court
-Only court mentioned in the Constitution
-SCOTUS is the last court of appeals
-Judicial Review
-Life terms
-all federal judges are appointed by President
-Must be approved by Senate (this is a check on them)
-Litmus test
-Senatorial courtesy
Marbury v. Madison
Judicial Review
The Rule of 4
4 of 9 votes are needed to grant “cert” to hear a case
- 4 votes needed for a court to be heard
- 5 votes needed for majority decision
writ of certiorari
“to be made more certain”
amicus curiae brief
friend of court [attempt of interest groups to influence the decision/judges]
opinion of the court
provides an explanation of majority party’s opinion
dissenting opinion
explains why the minority group thinks majority is wrong
The Power of the Precedent
each decision becomes precedent (a past case is looked into for a current, similar case)
-SCOTUS doesn’t like to overturn previous precedents
Stare decisis
“Let the decision stand”