AOS 2 - Adaptation Examples Flashcards
A fluctuating core temperature
Physiological - Allows survival of extreme temps.
A slower metabolic rate
Physiological - Slow metabolic rate = Less heat produced = Body temp stays cooler
A lower breathing rate
Physiological - Slower breathing = less water loss = doesn’t dehydrate. Breathing hot air in cause’s dehydration.
Blood with a water content higher than the blood of other mammals
Physiological - The higher blood water content prevents dehydration - Go long times without water
Oval-shaped red blood cells that remain functional even after significant amounts of water have been lost
Structural/Physiological - Allow oxygen still to be transported around the body even when there is little blood water content
Extremely dry faeces
Physiological - Conserve water
An ability to drink large volumes of water
Behavioural/Physiological/Structural - Can go fro long periods of time without water
Lying down for long periods during the day
Behavioural - Conserve energy and therefore not become even hotter
Urinating so that the urine runs down its legs.
Behavioural - Allows for evaporation to cool itself down.
Squatting close to other animals
- Keep Warm at night
- Reduces surface area to keep cool during day
Moving during the day so that it is always facing directly at the sun
Behavioural - Less surface area exposed to the sun
A large roundish body with fat concentrated in the hump and extremely thin legs
Structural - The hump allows for storage of fat for energy, as well as an insulator.
Countercurrent exchange system
Physiological - Maintains the correct blood temp.
Elevation of their leaves slightly above the hot sand
- Not touching hot sand
- Conserves water - less transpiration
Thick dense root fibres
Allow for great absorption of water. Also allows for roots to absorb the water in the air.
The phloem tissues are in the middle of the roots and are surrounded by xylem
By having the phloem surrounded by the xylem it allows the plants to use evaporation through transpiration to cool the plant down.
Deep root system
Reach water
Densely packed leaves
Less surface area exposed to sun = Less Transpiration = Less water loss