AOS 1 - How is Inheritance Explained? Flashcards
What is Accuracy?
Relates to how close the data is to the ‘true’ value.
What is Precision?
Relates to how closely the data agrees with each other.
What is Repeatability?
Being able to repeat the experiment in the same conditions.
What is Reproducability?
Whether or not the experiment can be repeated with similar results.
What is the ‘True Value’?
The value, or range of values, that would be found if the quantity could be measured perfectly.
What is Validity?
- When it measures what it is supposed to be measuring
- If it has only one Independent Variable.
What are Personal Errors?
Mistakes or Miscalculations
What are Random Errors?
Affect the Precision of Measurements - Unpredictable
What are Systematic Errors?
Affect the Accuracy of Measurements - Differ from true value
What are Significant Figures?
i.e. 12.034 = 5 Significant Figures whilst 12. 340 = Only. 4
What are Chromosomes?
Chromosomes carry a large number of genes and contain a molecule of DNA and proteins. They are found in the nucleus of a cell.
What is a Eukaryotic cell?
Contains a Nucleus.
What does Condense mean?
To become visible.
What do Eukaryotic cells contain?
DNA and Histones (Protein)
What is condensed DNA called?
What is a Prokaryotic cell?
Has no Nucleus
Where are Prokaryotic cells located?
What does DNA Stand for?
Deoxyribonucleic Acid
What does each Nucleotide contain?
Sugar (Deoxyribose), Phosphate and a Base.
What are the 4 different Nitrogenous pairs (Bases)?
Complementary Base Pairing
Complementary Base Pairing
How do you draw a DNA molecule?
O - Phosphate
\ _ _
\ / \___|| - Base
\ _ / - Deoxyribose Sugar
What are Alleles?
Variations of a Gene
What does an Allele do?
They code for specific traits.
What does the Female Sex Chromosome look like?
X X | | | | | | | |
What does the Male Sex Chromosome look like?
X Y | | | | | |
What is the Genome?
The sum of all organisms DNA
How is the Genome determined?
Using the Haploid number of base pairs in an organism
How many base pairs do humans have?
What is the study of Genomes called?
What is a Homologous Chromosome?
Same Chromosome
What does Locus stand for?
Location of Gene on Chromosome - Homologous chromosomes have the same gene at the same Locus
What are Autosomes?
Not Sex Chromosomes
How many Autosomes are in a human?
22 matched pairs
How many genes are in x and y chromosomes?
X = approx. 800. Y = approx. 50
Why is the Y chromosome important?
It determines Sex
What is the SRY gene?
Found on Y chromosomes and codes for protein controlling development for male characteristics.
What sex chromosomes do Birds and Reptiles have?
WZ/ZZ system
What pair of sex chromosomes do male birds & reptiles have?
What pair of sex chromosomes do female birds & reptiles have?
With Birds and Reptiles, who determines the sex?
With Humans, who determines the sex?
What is Environmental Sex Determination?
When the incubation temperature of the egg determines the sex.
How can chromosomes be classified?
By the position of the Centromere
What does Metacentric mean?
Middle of Chromosome - Centromere location