AO3 evaluation for neuroanatomical explanation Flashcards
what is a supporting evidance for the neuroanatomical explination
menzies et al
what did menzies et al find
when conducting brainscans of OCD paintents found less grey matter in brain areas
where didi menzies et al find less grey matter
in less brainareas including the orbitalfrontal cortex
who was this compared to
healthy control group
how does this support the neuroanatomical explanation of OCD
t/f suggests a physical differance in orbitalfrontalcortex in people with OCD supporting the neuroanatomical explination of OCD
what is anouther supporting research
feng et al
what animal did feng use
what did feng at al do
bred mice to show symptoms linked to OCD when a certain gene was missing.
what was the missing gene in feng et al’s research
gene is one expressed in the brain areas associated with planning and initiation of actions, showing a clear link to the formulation of compulsions
how does Feng et al’s research support the neuroanatomical explanation of OCD
t/f suggests dysfunction in certain areas of the brain can lead to OCD which the neuroanatomical explination explains
how can fengs research be criticized.
its anthropermorphic
how is fengs research anthropermorphic
fengs research only uses animals such as mice which have a completely different genome and barin structure to humans
t/f meaning we caanot generalise the findings of dysfuction in certin areas of the brain leading to OCD in mice to humans meaning the supporting research lacks validity decreasing the validity of the neuroanatomical expliantion of OCD
what is anouther weakness of the neuroanatomical approach
cause and effect
why cant cause and effect be established
becuse brainscans where conducted on paitents after they had been diagnosed with OCD we cannot be sure the changes in the brain cuased OCD or OCD caused changes in the brain
how does the lack of cuase and effect oppose the neuroanatomical approach
t/f reducing the validity of the neuroanatomical approach to OCD as we cannot be sure cause and effect has been establishedso we cannot be sure OCD is due to a faulty neuroanatomical loop
whats a supporting research strength
max et al
what did max et al find
that when basal ganglia disconnected from frontal cortex during surgery OCD like symptoms are reduced
what does this then suggest
t/f suggesting that the basal ganglia plays a role in OCD symptoms thus increasing the validity of the neuroanatomical explanation
what is another non -resarch supporting evidence for neuroanatomical explanation
reliable and objective methods
why is it being reliable and objective a strength
many studys use brain scand or PET scans to look at the brain of OCD paitents compared to a healthy control group. this is an objective scientific method of gathering data and can easliy be verified by anouther researcher as it is qualitative data
how does this support the neuroanatomical explanation
t/f findings are reliable as they are objective and can be verified by different researchers increasing the validity of the neuroanatomical explanation of OCD
what is another weakness - research based
sanematsu et al
what did sanematsu et al find
found differances in other brain areas of OCD paitents compared to healthy controlsuch as parietal cortex and cerebellum
how does sanematsu’s research oppose the neuroanatomical
t/f shows that that actual areas of the brain affected by OCD are not just those in the neuroanatomical explanation thus reducing it’s validity
what is another weakness of the neuroanatomical explanation
how is the neuroanatomical explanation of OCD reductionist
only accounts for nature and not nurture factors in the environment such as social learning theory meaning it’s not a holistic explanation of OCD
how does this oppose the neuroanatomical explanation of OCD
t/f reduces the validity of the theory as it isn’t holistic and only considers natures affect in explaining OCD