Anxiety Disorders- Presentation, Diagnosis, Symptoms Flashcards
GAD definition
excessive, difficult to control anxiety and worry about multiple events or activities; symptoms of restlessness/feeling on edge or muscle tension
GAD diagnostic criteria
Persistent symptoms for most days for at least 6 months. It’s unrealistic or excessive about a number of events or activities
Accompanied by at least 3 physiologic or psychological symptoms
Psychological symptoms of GAD
excessive anxiety, worries that are difficult to control, feeling on edge, poor concentration or mind going blank
Physical symptoms of GAD
restlessness, fatigue, muscle tension, sleep disturbances, irritability
Impairment in GAD
socially, occupationally, poor coping skills
Medical illnesses and GAD
a lot of the diseases (the ones in the chart) are chronic, lifelong diseases and patients may feel anxiety about having these diseases, treating them, living with them, etc.
Anxiety syndromes
anxiety could be the presenting symptom of mood disorders, schizophrenia, delirium, dementia, substance abuse
Drug-induced anxiety syndromes causes
AEDs, ADs, antihypertensives, ABX, bronchodilators, corticosteroids, DAs, herbal agents, illegal drugs, stimulants, toxicity, withdrawal
PAD Definition
recurrent unexpected panic attacks, in absence of triggers; persistent concern about additional panic attacks and/or maladaptive change in behavior related to attacks for at least 1 month
PAD diagnostic criteria
Patient has ≥4 symptoms (psychological and physical)
How long do panic attacks last?
Attacks last 20-30 minutes, the first 10 minutes are the WORST
Psychological symptoms of PAD
fear of losing control, going crazy, dying, depersonalization, derealization
Physical symptoms of PAD
abdominal distress/nausea, chest pain/discomfort, chills/hot flashes, dizziness, palpitations/tachycardia, SOB, trembling/shaking, sweating
Agoraphobia definition
anxiety about being in at least 2 different situations or places where escape is difficult or help’s not available, develops in 50% of patients secondary to a panic attack but panic attacks may never be experienced
Specific phobias definition
persistent fear of object or situation and the patient is free of symptoms (symptoms aren’t there despite being around panic-stimulus)
SAD definition
marked, excessive, unreasonable fear or anxiety about social situations in which there may be scrutiny by others, which is actively avoided
Principal physical indicator and distinguishing feature of SAD
Common situations where SAD could be triggered
addressing a group of people, eating or writing in front of others, interacting with authority, public speaking, talking to strangers, use of public facilities
Distinguishing feature of SAD vs. PAD
SAD is the fear of being embarrassed
PAD is the fear of having anxiety
PTSD diagnostic criteria
Exposure to traumatic event is required that must include threatened death or serious injury- possible harm to self or others
Response to event must include intense horror, fear, or feelings of helplessness
Patients must have at least 1 intrusion symptom, 1 avoidance symptom, and at least 2 symptoms of each negative alterations in cognition and mood and symptoms of increased arousal; symptoms must be present >1 month and cause significant distress or impairment in functioning
PTSD intrusion symptoms
recurrent, intrusive distressing memories of the trauma; recurrent, disturbing dreams of the event, dissociative flashbacks and feeling like the trauma event is recurring, physiologic reaction to or psychological distress from reminders of the trauma
PTSD symptoms: negative alterations in thinking and mood
inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma, anhedonia, estrangement, restricted affect, negative beliefs about oneself, distorted beliefs causing one to blame others or themselves for the trauma, negative mood state
PTSD avoidance symptoms
avoiding convos, thoughts, or feelings about the event, avoiding people, places, or activities that are reminders of the event
PTSD specifiers
dissociative symptoms, depersonalization or derealization, with delayed expression: full criteria aren’t met until at least 6 months post-trauma
PTSD hyperarousal symptoms
decreased concentration, easily startled, hypervigilance, sleep disorders/insomnia, agitation, irritability, outbursts, self-destructive behavior
OCD: obsession
persistent, recurrent idea, thought-impulse that is intrusive and inappropriate and produces marked anxiety
OCD: compulsion
repetitive behavior or mental act performed in response to an obsession