Anxiety Disorders Flashcards
What are the 3 models of stress?
Models of Stress;
- Biomechanical “Engineering”
- Medicophysiological
- Psychological (Transactional)
What is the Engineering Model of stress?
The idea that stressors fill up the bucket with water and relievers reduce the volume of water so it all doesnt boil over.
What is the Medicophysiological Model of Stress?
The idea that stressors cause the pituitary to release ACTH which triggers the adrenal gland to produce Stress Hormones (corticoids, adrenaline and noradrenaline) to trigger fight or flight
What is the Psychological (transactionsal) Model of Stress?
An individual’s reaction to stress will depend on a balance between their cognitive processing of any perceived threat and their perceived ability to cope.
Coping is either;
- Problem focussed
- Emotion focussed
When does stress become anxiety?
When a normal stress response occurs at an abnormal time or to an abnormal degree
What are the Autonomic Symptoms seen in Anxiety/Panic Attack?
- Dry Mouth
- Swallowing difficulties
- Dyspepsia, nausea and wind
- Frequent loose motions
- Tight chest, difficulty inhaling
- Palpitations/Missed beats
- Chest pain
- Frequency/urgency of
- Amenorrhoea/ Dysmenorrhoea
- Erectile failure
- Dizziness and sweating
What are some Psychological symptoms of anxiety?
Psychological Symptoms
- Fearful Anticipation
- Irritability
- Sensitivity to noise
- Poor concentration
- Worrying Thoughts
What are some other associated symptoms with anxiety ?
Muscle Tension;
- Tremor
- Headache
- Muscle pain
- Causing CO2 deficit hypocapnia
- Numbness and tingling in extremities may lead to carpopedal spasm
- Breathlessness
Sleep Disturbance;
- Initial insomnia
- Frequent waking
- Nightmares and night terrors
What do we use to classify anxiety disorders?
What is the difference between Phobic Anxiety Disorders and General Anxiety Disorders?
Both these sets of disorders have same core anxiety symptoms but they EITHER occur in particular circumstances (difference is when it occurs):
- Agoraphobia
- Social phobia
- Specific (Isolated) Phobias
OR Occur persistently
WHat are the features of Generalised Anxiety Disorder?
Persistent (several months) symptoms not confined to a situation or object.
All the symptoms of human anxiety mentioned earlier can occur;
- Psychological arousal
- Autonomic Arousal
- Muscle Tension
- Hyperventilation
- Sleep Disturbance
What are some differential diagnoses for Anxiety Disorders?
Psychiatric Conditions;
- Depression
- Schizophrenia
- Dementia
- Substance Misuse
Physical Conditions;
- Thyrotoxicosis
- Phaeochromocytoma (tumour secreting adrenalinę)
- Hypoglycaemia
- Asthma and or Arrhythmias
What is the Epidemiology of Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?
Anxiety disorders are the world’s most common mental disorders, affecting 301 million people in 2019.
More women are affected by anxiety disorders than men.
Symptoms of anxiety often have onset during childhood or adolescence.
Approximately 1 in 4 people with anxiety disorders receive treatment for this condition.
What is the difference between anxiety and anxiety disorders?
Remember, there is no clear line between “normal” anxiety and anxiety disorders. They differ in the extent of symptoms and duration.
“In general terms, GAD for instance is caused by a stressor acting on a personality predisposed to the disorder by a combination of genetic
factors and environmental influences in childhood.”.
What are some ways to manage Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?
- Clear Plan of Management
- Explanation and education
- Advice regarding caffeine, alcohol, exercise, etc.
Relaxation training
- Group or individual
- DVDs, tapes or clinician-led
- Sedatives have high-risk dependency
- Antidepressants SSRI or TCA
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy