ANUG Flashcards
Spiro (Boriella vincenti)
Predominant org found in ANUG?
Over even FUSO…!
Predisposing factors or contributing factors for ANUG?
1 Local…
Smoking…. Pericoronal flap… Injury to ging…. Pre-existing gingivitis…
- Systemic..
Nutritional defi…
Debilitating dis - Psychosomatic
Factors causing recurrence of ANUG?
- Pericoronal flap
- Inadequate local therapy
- Anterior overbite
ANUG basic clinical description?
PUNCHED OUT… Crater like… At the crest of gingiva (mainly ID Papilla)… Covered by pseudo membranous Slough… Demarcated from rest of ging by linear erythema…
ANUG Syns?
Vincent’s angina… Vincent’s stomatitis…
Trench mouth..
Fetid stomatitis…. Putrid stomatitis… (Tog)
Mouthwash used in ANUG?
3% H2O2 + EQUAL Dilution of wtr for 3 days…
Why H2O2 used in ANUG?
Because it creates an OXIDATIVE environment… Which kills anaerobic bact…
Which of the following creates gingival deformities that require GINGIVPLASTY to eliminate the defects?
Over…. Desquamative gingivitis… Acute herpetic gingivostomatitis…
Peni + Metronidazole
Rx of ANUG… All except?
Except… Steroids… C/I..
All - peni…. Debridement… Oral hygiene…
In ANUG… Extractions n Perio Sx to be done when?
After 4 wks
Which dis if not treated can lead to indifferent course?
4 zones of ANUG first described by?
- Bact zone
- Neutrophil rich zone
- Necrotic zone
- Zone of Spirochete infiltration
Different features in diff dis?
1 ANUG - Marginal ging
- Herpetic gingivitis - diffuse
- Chemical irritation - PATCH like or diffuse
- Chronic ging - Red or bluish red marginal gingiva