Antike Religionsgeschichte with study questions Flashcards
Nennen Sie fünf Autoren der griechisch-römischen Literatur,
deren Werke bedeutende Quellen für die Religionsgeschichte der
Antike sind!
Homer: The Iliad and the Odyssey
The Homeric Hymns
Herotodus’ Histories
Aristophanes’ Comedies
Aeschylus’ Tragedies
Sophocles’ tragedies
Plato’s Dialogues, The Republic, Nomoi, Timaeus etc.
Cicero: De Natura Deorum
Was ist im Zusammenhang der antiken Religionsgeschichte unter
Allegorese zu verstehen? Nennen Sie einen in der Antike
bekannten Vertreter dieser „Methode“!
Allegorese, or allegory, is the practice of using mythic stories to explain natural phenomena.
A representative of this method is Theagenes of Rhegion, a sixth century BC Greek poet.
Nennen Sie die Namen von drei für die antike Religionsgeschichte
bedeutenden Autor*innen des 20. Jahrhunderts!
George A. Frazer: The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion
Sigmund Freud: Totem und Tabu
Anthropologie Structurale: Claude Levi-Strauss
Welche Bezüge lassen sich zwischen der Anrufung Zeú páter, dem
lateinischen Namen Jupiter und dem Genetiv Diós herstellen?
In welchen Vorstellungsbereich weisen diese Namen für den „Vater
der Götter und Menschen“?
Zeu Pater: Zeus the father is used by Thetis in the begging scene.
Jupiter: the Latin name for Zeus, means heavenly father. These terms, as well as the genitive Dios from Zeus, could stem from the Indo-european root of dieus. This word is a noun for semblance and connects Zeus with perceivable reality and daylight.
Pater andron te theon, „Vater
der Götter und Menschen“ is used by Homer in the Iliad.
Welche für eine Bitt-Szene typischen Elemente kann man der
Erzählung über Thetis’ Gang zu Zeus im ersten Gesang der Ilias
entnehmen? In welcher Funktion erscheint Zeus dort?
Zeus demonstrates his assent through a nod of his head and that Zeus can be petitioned, although he is wary of rivalries among the gods such as between Thetis and Hera.
Thetis is appealing to Zeus Hikesius, the custodian of oaths, the family and the state.
Was verbindet sich im Kontext von Zeus’ Herrschaftsanspruch mit
der Rede von der „goldenen Kette“ bzw. dem „goldenen Seil“?
The golden chain is a metaphor for lightning or reminiscent of lightning. The threat that if Zeus wrenches the rope it will disturb the harmony of the sea and earth is a symbol of his divine dominion.
Was sind zentrale Stationen der in Hesiods Theogonie
geschilderten Sukzession der Götterherrschaft?
Wie findet diese Abfolge ein gewisses Ende?
The titans Rhea and Kronos were married; Rhea gave birth to Hestia Demeter, Hades and Zeus. Because Kronos was frightened of Zeus and all of his children, having been prophesised of their power, he intended to eat them. Kronos did eat them all except for Zeus, who was fed a stone by Gaia. Zeus defeated Kronos afterwards and was awarded the godhead for liberating his siblings.
Was ist unter der „Theodizee“ des Zeus in der Odyssee zu
A theodicy is an argument explaining the existence of evil despite god. In this Theodicy, describing the Aigisthos action to marry Atreus’ sons wife (the beginning event in the Oresteia), Zeus claims humanity brings evil on itself through bad actions and throughts because the gods, through Hermes in this case, did intervene.
Mit welchen Figuren des Mythos und des Epos verbindet sich
besonders der Charakter der Athena als einer „wissenden“ Göttin?
Metis. Zeus married apparently because she was wiser than all other gods and goddesses, and is Athena’s mother.
Was kann man sich im Zusammenhang mit Athene unter der
Aigis vorstellen und welche für die Göttin typischen Elemente
verbinden sich mit ihr?
The Aegis is Athena’s shield. It is linked to thunder and symbolises that she is Zeus’ daughter.
In some versions, the aegis is etched with the image of a gorgon but the symbolism is similar, albeit slightly inverted. Rather than her power emanating from the sky with the icon of the lightning bolt on her shield, the gorgon, originating from the earth, shows Athena’s power and link to Zeus as well. The critical difference is a gorgon is creepier as an image.
Durch welche Gabe besiegt Athena welchen Gott im Wettkampf
um Athen? Was stellt die Göttin den Erinyen in Aussicht für den
Fall, dass sie in Athen bleiben?
Athena defeats Apollo and his Erinyen, goddesses of revenge, who are hunting Orestes for the murder of his mother Clytemnestra, by organising a court of law. She promises the court will revere the furies.
Welche Geburtsgeschichte der Aphrodite verbindet sich mit dem
Beiwort „schaumgeborene“?
Aphros means foam in ancient Greek.
After Kronos had castrated Uranos, he threw Urano’s genitals into the ocean. Foam rose from the spot carrying Aphrodite. This was in the vicinity of Kythira and Cypros, where Aphrodite’s cults can be evidenced.
Welche troianischen Helden unterstützt Aphrodite in besonderer
Weise und was ergibt sich daraus für die Göttin?
In the battle between Paris and Menelaus Aphrodite intervenes to ensure that Menelaus’ sword shatters on his helmet, thus preserving his life and signalling her support for the Trojans.
More importantly, Aeneas is the Aphrodite’s son. During the Iliad, when Aeneas fights Diomedes in order to protect Pandaros’ corpse, Aphrodite shields Aeneas after which Diomedes wounds her hand. She bleeds ichor and drops Aeneas, who is rescued by Apollo.
Venus, after an exchange in Libya with Aeneas (during which she is disguised as a huntress), decides to intervene and assist with his altercation with Dido. The result of her intervention, in which she sends Cupid to “enflame” Dido’s desire, results in Dido’s death.
Worauf deutet die Unterscheidung der pandemischen und
himmlischen Aphrodite hin? In welchem literarischen Werk wird
diese Unterscheidung ausführlich besprochen?
In Plato’s Symposium, Phaidros makes the distinction between two Aphrodites. The heavenly Aphrodite is older and the daughter of Uranos, while the younger, pandemonic Aphrodite is daughter of Zeus. Likewise, these means there are two forms of Eros.
In welche Kultbereiche weisen die im Zusammenhang mit der
Aphrodite-Verehrung begegnenden Figuren Attis und Adonis?
In Cyprus at Amathus, there are many hermaphroditic statues of Aphrodite. The hermaphroditic nature of this statues hints a connection with two other stories.
Hermaphroditus leads Attis to a Kybele, where in a fit of madness castrates himself. Attis could be connected to the earlier Agdistes, who a hermaphroditic animal counter to the designs of god.
Adonis is Aphrodite’s lover. Depending on which source, he is the product of the incestuous relationships between a Phoenician king and daughter, or, as in Ovid’s version, a Phoenician king is seduced by his daughter (Cinyas and Myrhha). Myrhha is consquently turned into a myrrh tree from which Adonis rises.
Adonis is names is etymologically linked to the Hebraic word for lord.
The famous death of Adonis is a Roman myth, linking Adonis’ death to the birth and rebirth of vegetation.
Welche hauptsächlichen Funktionen werden Apollon in
Platons Kratylos zugeschrieben?
Apollo is denoted as the patron of music, medicine as well as archery.
In welcher Weise erfüllt Apollon im ersten Gesang der Ilias die
Bitten seines Priesters Chryses?
During the Iliad, Chryses prays to Apollo to shoot the invaders. He reminds Apollo of his duty to protect the temple.