Anti-ulcers Flashcards
Drug type for Sodium Bicarbonate
Systemic antacid, anti-ulcer
Hydrochloric acid release is influenced by what three biochemical mediators?
_____ ulcers are the result of gastric acid secretions in the esophagus as a result of a defective cardiac sphincter
_____ ulcers occur TEN times more frequently than gastric or esophageal ulcers and are due to the hypersecretion of acid from the stomach.
What are three causes of duodenal ulcers?
insufficient buffers.
defective pyloric sphincter.
hypermotile stomach.
With a _____ ulcer, pain will occur 2-3 hours after eating
If pain occurs 30 min to 1.5 hours after eating, this suggests WHAT type of ulcer?
____ ____ is released by the parietal cells of the stomach.
hydrochloric acid
What is the goal pH of the stomach?
Which digestive enzyme is activated at a pH of 2?
At what pH will pepsin activity decline?
What are some predisposing factors in Peptic Ulcer Disease?
mechanical disturbances
environmental factors
Which GRAM-NEG bacillus is a cause of many peptic ulcers?
Helicobacter pylori
Treatment for peptic ulcers caused by H. pylori will usually include…
dual, triple, or quadruple drug therapy for 7-14 days.
WHICH medication type is usually added to peptic ulcer treatment to suppress acid secretion, continuing for up to 6 weeks following antibiotic therapy?
What is the main cause of GERD?
incompetent Lower Esophageal Sphincter
Anti-ulcer drugs to neutralize gastric contents and reduce acid secretion in GERD therapy include WHICH DRUG TYPES?
H2 blockers such as ranitidine.
Proton Pump Inhibitors such as Omeprazole, Lansoprazole, Pantoprazole.
Does GERD resolve completely after treatment?
No, it is a chronic disorder requiring continuous management.
What are some NONpharmacologic methods for PUD and GERD?
avoid smoking and alcohol. Weight loss. Avoid spicy foods. Avoid NSAIDs Take glucocorticoids with food--- they can cause ulceration. Raise head of bed. Do not eat before bed. Loose fitting clothing.
THIS DRUG TYPE is no longer commonly used in PUD treatment. It has minimal effect, but it dies reduce vagal stimulation and decrease anxiety.
The usage of THIS DRUG TYPE for PUD treatment has declined since the introduction of H2 blockers. It decreases GI motility and secretion, inhibits ACh, Blocks histamine and HCl, and is usually used in combination.
Since antacids slow the absorption of anticholinergics (among other drugs), when should antacids be taken?
At least 2 hours after taking anticholinergic.
THIS anti-ulcer DRUG TYPE has numerous SE including dry mouth, decreased secretions, headache, blurred vision, urinary retention, and drowsiness.
THIS DRUG TYPE promotes ulcer healing by neutralizing HCl Acid, thereby reducing pepsin activity.
What are the two types of Antacids?
Systemic & non-systemic
What is one example of a SYSTEMIC antacid?
Sodium Bicarbonate, e.g. alka-seltzer.
THIS SYSTEMIC ANTACID is seldom used because it has serious SE, including HYPERnatremia, water retention, metabolic ALKALosis, and rebound acid secretion.
Sodium Bicarbonate
What is one example of a NON-SYTEMIC ANTACID?
Aluminum Hydroxide
THIS DRUG TYPE is composed of alkaline salts such as aluminum or magnesium. A very small amount of aluminum is absorbed systemically.
Aluminum antacids are most likely to cause which SE?
Magnesium antacids are most likely to cause which SE?
THIS NON-SYSTEMIC ANTACID can also help to treat hyperphosphatemia.
Aluminum Hydroxide
Adverse Reactions to THIS DRUG include Hypophosphatemia, hypercalcemia, hypomagnesemia, osteoporosis, nephrolithiasis, and long-term GI obstruction
Aluminum Hydroxide (a non-sytemic antacid)