Anti-Infectives & Injections Flashcards
If giving a shot on an angle, the bevel should be _______.
Rubber topped container for multiple entry
Drugs to Remember
Penicillin G
Principles of Antibiotic/ Anti-Infective Therapy:
Give other drugs to ________ the loss of natural flora
counter act
30 mL syringe
General procedure for using vials
- Clean the top with alcohol and let it dry a bit
- Inject as much air into the vial as the amount you will take out
Turn upside down to draw out medication
- For fewer air bubbles
Types of syringes
- 3 mL syringe
- Tuberculine syringe
- Insulin syringe
- 5 mL syringe
- 10 mL syringe
- 30 mL syringe
- 60 mL syringe
- Pre-filled syringe
Age & Situation Related Side Effects:
Very Young
No tetracycline
- Causes malformed/discolored teeth & bones
Principles of Antibiotic/ Anti-Infective Therapy:
MD often “________” at the right drug rather than wait to do a _______ (wait 2 days to know what organism is)
-Often uses ____________ medication
-Broad spectrum
Works mostly on which type of bacteria?
Gram (+) bacteria
How to Choose a Site & Equipment:
Consider where the ______ was given
last injection
Sulfonamides Uses:
- This drug is often ________________
combined with others for best effect
Bacteriostatic or Bacteriocidal?
Patient Teaching:
Take the _________. Don’t stop until all doses are gone. At first infection may just be __________ and not gone, although you feel better.
whole prescription
Antibiotics that inhibit bacterial growth
Parts of the syringe that must be kept sterile:
- The needle
- The inside of the barrel
- The end of the plunger
- The barrel tip that the needle hub fits into
Age & Situation Related Side Effects:
Pregnant Women
Some types of antibiotics will harm fetus
Caused birth defects
Inhibits bacterial cell wall sythesis
-Causes the bacteria cell to breakdown and die
Aspirate or not
Depends on hospital policy
How to Choose a Site & Equipment:
Site may be determined by________
amount of medication
(deltoid- 1 mL only)
Penicillins Problems:
Combination drugs may be used to _________
beta- lactamase
Patient Teaching:
Don’t ____________, if you do, throw them away. May be _______ when expired.
have any leftovers
Disadvantages of administering medications by injection
- More expensive than pills
- Takes more than popping a pill
- Hard to get it back if given wrong
- Can’t pump your stomach like a pill
- Painful?
Can sulfanomides be combined with other drugs?
Yes, sulfanomides are often combined with other drugs for the best effect
Defining Characterisitc
Synthetic antibiotic
Minimizing tissue damage & reducing discomfort:
________ and get the needle in all _________
_*Don’t insert needle in stages_
Dart quickly
one motion
Four biggest side effects of antibiotics:
- Allergy (mild to severe)
- Resistance
- Superinfection
- Gastrointestional upset
How to Choose a Site & Equipment:
Consider the __________ the patient is going to recieve
of injections
Pre-filled syringe
- Already drawn up in standard dosages
- Used for narcotics, saline, emergency meds
Four biggest side effects of antibiotics:
Gastrointestional Upset
- Nausea
- Vomitting
- Diarrhea
Age & Situation Related Side Effects:
Very Old
May need a small dose because of poor liver function
*the liver can’t metabolize well
Penicillins Contraindications:
Many people are _________-especially people with __________
Where are the acceptable locations for ID injections?
Acceptable ID injection locations:
- Inside forearms
- Particulary left arm for TB test
Minimizing tissue damage & reducing discomfort:
Don’t ________ once it is in the patient
move the needle
Penicillins Uses:
Often used for _________ and ___________
ear infections
Advantages of administering medications by injection
- Works quickly- 15 minute
- Pretty easy to do- pt. can learn
- Some medications can only be done this way
Acceptable locations for SQ/SC injections
- Out arm “flab”
- Anterior thigh
- Lower abdomen
- Aim for a stretch mark (W)
- Upper back (scapula area)
What is the maximum amount for IM injections
3 mL
Gram (-) cocci
Bacteria with a more complex cell wall
What is the needle made up of?
Stainless steel
General rules for Z-Track Style IM injection
- Displace tissue to side with side of hand
- Inject at 90 degree angle into muscle
- Pull out needle and release displaced tissue at the same time
- Usually done in a large muscle
What is the relationship between number of the needle’s gauge and its size?
Inverse Relationship
- The smaller the number the larger the diameter of the needle
- The larger the number the smaller the diameter of the needle
How to Choose a Site & Equipment:
Consider the patient’s ________
Protecting Yourself:
Dispose of the needle/syringe _________
Do NOT aspirate for _________ & ________
Inhibit the synthesis of folic acid used for growth of bacteria
Principles of Antibiotic/ Anti-Infective Therapy:
Ideally, the drug should:
- Kill the specific organism
- Not kill the normal flora
- Have NO side effects
General rules for ID injections
- Not for delivering medication
- Use a TB syringe with 25 gauge needle or less
- Insert bevel up and make and “bleb” under the skin
- DO NOT massage or press
Patient Teaching:
If _________, wear a medical alert tag.
How to Choose a Site & Equipment:
Syringe: Depends on __________
amount of medication
Minimizing tissue damage & reducing discomfort:
________: Have band-aids, stickers, kisses from parents
General rules for SQ/SC injections
- Give no more than 1 mL is given in a SQ injection
- 5/8 inch needle with small diameter -25 gauge is common
- Pinch the skin
- Enter at a 45 degree angle with bevel up
What is the needle’s bevel?
- The bevel makes the needle more pointy and easier to use
Where are the acceptable locations for IM injection?
Acceptable IM Locations
- Ventrogluteal
- Deltoid (only 1 mL max)
- Vastus lateralis
- Use this site for kids less than 2
NO, NO - Dorsogluteal site (no longer acceptable!)
Protecting Yourself:
Use the needle ________ on the syringe
Principles of Antibiotic/ Anti-Infective Therapy:
It may be enough to ________ the organism so that body’s natural defenses can “_______“
catch up
Penicillins Uses:
_________ drugs
Broad spectrum
Help fight infections
Four biggest side effects of antibiotics:
Organism mutates and avoids the effects of the medication
Barrel of the needle
- The part of the needle where medication goes into
- Marked off for precise measurement
Needle cap
Cap cover of sterile needles
Patient Teaching:
Antibiotics interfere with ______________. Use a barrier method.
oral birth control
Four biggest side effects of antibiotics:
Superinfection type #2
Superinfection type #2
- When the patient starts with a viral infection and now bacteria have invaded
- Because the immune system is busy fighting the virus
Medication containers for syringes
- Vials
- Ampules
Minimizing tissue damage & reducing discomfort:
________ the skin
Intramuscular injections
- Injection into MUSCLE
Sulfonamides Uses:
- Excellent antibiotic for ________
The needle shield should be able to be activated with _________
One hand
Tuberculine syringe
- Holds 1 mL only
- Can measure 1/100th of a mL
Made from _________
Carpuject Syringe Holder
Used for pre-filled medications
Patient Teaching:
Contact your health care provider if you have the following symptoms when taking anti-infectives:
- Rash
- Respiratory problems
- Edema around face
- Diarrhea lasting more than 1 day
Insulin syringe
- Holds 1 mL max
- Some can hold only 1/2 of an mL
- Measures insulin only
- Insulin comes in units
- 1 unit = 1/100th of mL
- Needle is NOT removable
Since many bacteria are not resistant, sulfanomids are useful for treating__________
(Methicillin Resistant Staphyloccus aureus)
Penicillins Problems:
Many bacterial have ________ and produce _________ which _____________.
beta-lactamase (lact-a-mase)
destroys penicillins
Needle shield
- Protective covering used after the needle is used
- Covers the dirty needle
- Cannot be taken off once activated
How to Choose a Site & Equipment:
Needle choice: ___________ to do what you want
_________ not to bend
long enough
thick enough
How to Choose a Site & Equipment:
Consider if the medication is _________.
If so give in ___________.
large muscle
5 mL syringe
- Measures in 1/10th
- Rare
Principles of Antibiotic/ Anti-Infective Therapy:
_______ the infection without too many _______
side effects
Bacteriostatic or Bacteriocidal
-inhibits growth
General procedure for using ampules
- Flick to get all the fluid to the bottom
- Clean the break area (neck) with alcohol
- Break away- cover top with alcohol swab package
- Dont turn ampule upside down when you draw med out
- Use a filter needle to a regular needle before injection
What are ID injections mostly used for?
- TB tests
- Allergy tests
General rules for IM injections
- IM injectins with larger diameter needle
- 20 gauge is common
- IM needle length is 1-1 1/2
- Pinch the skin
- Enter at a 90 degree angle (into the muscle)
Minimizing tissue damage & reducing discomfort:
If the medication is NOT heparin, then ___________
massage the site
Patient Teaching:
Don’t ___________ with anyone. They may have _______ or it may not be the right medication for their situation.
share your meds
Intradermal Injections
- Injections just under the skin
Contradictions of sulfanomides?
Four biggest side effects of antibiotics:
- Mild to severe
- Rash, itching →Constriction of bronchi & anaphylactic shock
Antibiotics that kill bacteria
Drug to Remember
Patient Teaching:
When taking anti-infectives, you should see improvements in ________ hours after starting
The bevel is the needle’s_________?
Sharpest point
How is the diameter of the needle measured?
Needle’s diameter is measured in “gauges”
Minimizing tissue damage & reducing discomfort:
Inject quickly, but not ___________
a burst
Subcutaneous Injections
- Injection into FAT
- NOT the muscle
Protecting Yourself:
Do NOT _________ the needle after its been in the patient
DO aspirate for ___________
IM injections
Gram (+) cocci
Round bacterial with thick cell walls
________, ________, _________ and ________ all cause infections, but must be treated differently.
Bacteria, fungi, protozoa, virus
Principles of Antibiotic/ Anti-Infective Therapy:
Start the medication now, don’t wait-Get to the “____________” ASAP
therapeutic level
What unit of measurement is used for the needle’s length?
Plunger of the needle
- Measures at where the plunger scrapes the barrel of the syringe
- Note the pointy tip in the middle
Living in the presence of O2
Living the the absence of O2
Principles of Antibiotic/ Anti-Infective Therapy:
Prophylactic Use Goal:
To prevent infection when there is a risk of contamination:
- Before surgery
- With severe injury
- With a dirty wound
Injection types and sites
- Subcutaneous injections (SQ/SC)
- Injection into FAT
- Intramuscular injection (IM)
- Injection into MUSCLE
- Intradermals (ID)
- Injection just UNDER the SKIN
Z-Tack style IM injection
- Push skin as you inject into MUSCLE
General rule about used insulin needles and caps?
Don’t recap
Insulin needles go through the cap
Minimizing tissue damage & reducing discomfort:
________ quickly
Get out
What is the usual amount for ID injections?
1/10th is the usual amount
Sulfonamides is used in treating (2):
- UTIs
Purpose of Z-Track Style IM Injection
- Style of injection for medications too irritating or might stain the skin
Glass container that must be broken open
Four biggest side effects of antibiotics:
Superinfection type #1
Superinfection type #1
- Normal flora disturbed (2% change)
- Normal flora has a function in the body
- When normal flora is killed
Other organisms are no longer kept under control
- ex. fungi, C.diff
Other organisms are no longer kept under control
Hub of the needle
- Comes in different colors
- The colors usually corresponds to the gauge of the needle
3 mL syringe
- Measures in 1/10<strong>th</strong> of a mL
- Up to 3 mL
Protecting Yourself:
___________ during the injection
Wear gloves