Anterior Femoral Muscles Flashcards
Psoas Major
O- bodies and transverse processes of last thoracic and lumbar vertebrae
I- lesser trochanter of femur
A- non-weightbearing- flexes and laterally rotates thigh; weight bearing- side bends and flexes the vertebral column to same side
N- ventral rami of spinal nerves L1,2,3
O- illiac fossa
I- lesser trochanter
A- flexes and laterally rotates the thigh
N- femoral nerve (L2,3)
I- medial tibia at pes anserinus
A- flexes and medially rotates the leg; flexes and laterally rotates thigh; abducts lower limb when knee is locked
N- femoral nerve
Rectus Femoris
O- straight head- AIIS; Reflected head- superior brim of acetabulum
I- superior surface of patella to tibial tuberosity
A- flexes the thigh and extends the leg
N- femoral nerve
Vastus Lateralis
O- anterolateral surface of femur
I- lateral border of patella, tibial tuberosity
A- extends leg
N- femoral nerve
Vastus medialis
O- anteromedial surface of femur
I- medial border of patella, to tibial tuberosity
A- extends leg and assists in maintaining proper patellar tracking
N- femoral nerve
vastus intermedius
O- most anterior surface of femora
I-deep surface of tendon or rectus femoris
A- extends leg
N- femoral nerve
articularis genu
O- lower anterior surface of femur
I- upper portion of synovial membrane of knee
A- prevents synovial membrane form becoming trapped between patella and femur when leg is extended
N- femoral nerve
anterior femoral muscles
- psoas major
- iliacus
- sartorius
- quadraceps femoris
4. rectus femoris
5. vastus lateralis
6. vastus intermedius
7. vastus medialis
8. articularis genu
medial femoral muscles
- pectineus
- adductor longus
- adducotr brevis
- gracilis
- obturator externus
- adductor magnus
O- superior pubic ramus
I- below lesser trochanter
A- adduction, flexion and assist in rotation of thigh
N- obturator nerve, assessory obturantor nerve, femoral nerve
adductor longus
O- body of pubis
I- medial lip of line aspera
A- adduction, flexion, and assists in rotation of the thigh
N- obutator nerve (anterior)
adductor brevis
O- inferior pubic ramus
I- upper 1/2 medial lip linea aspera
A- adduciton, flexion, and assists in rotate of thigh
N- obturator nerve (anterior division)
adductor magnus
O- ischiopubic ramus
I- below lesser trochanter to adductor tubercule
A- adducts, proximal part adducts, flexes, and assists in rotation, distal part adducts, extends, and assists in rotation
N- proximal- obturator nerve posterior division; distal- tibial nerve
adductor hiatus
- gap in distal attachment of adductor magnus
- provides continuity between adductor canal above and popliteal fossa below
O- inferior pubic ramus
I- medial tibia at pes anserinus
A- adducts thigh; flexes and medially rotates leg
N- obturator nerve anterior division
obturator externus
O- outer margins obturator foramen
I- trochanteris fossa
A- lateral rotation of thigh
N- obturator nerve posterior division
Pes anserinus
- sartorius
forms per anserinus - flex and medially rotates the tibia when flexes