Anterior And Medial Thigh Flashcards
L1-L2 give off 3 cutaneous nerves called
Iliohypogastric (innervates skin just above iliac crest to below iliac crest)
Ilioinguinal (innervates skin in your groin)
Genitofemoral (innervates most medial aspect of groin including genitalia)
4 nerves that come off the lumbar plexus proper L3-L5
Femoral nerve
Obturator nerve
Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
Branch to psoas major
Femoral nerve enters the thigh
Under the inguinal ligament (which runs from the ASIS to pubic tubercle)
Obturator nerve enters thigh through
Obturator foramen
Femoral nerve has 2 cutaneous branches called
Anterior femoral cutaneous nerve Saphenous nerve (largest cutaneous branch of femoral nerve)
Saphenous nerve has two branches
Infrapatella branch (skin below knee) and medial crural branch (medial side of shin)
After ACL reconstruction or total knee replacement patient may not have feeling in patch of skin below knee - normal
Fascia in LE helps
Increase venous return by compressing muscles when they contract and prevent pooling of blood in LE
2 superficial veins in LE
Great saphenous and lesser saphenous vein
Very superficial, follows path of saphenous nerve up medial side of leg behind knee up medial thigh to femoral vein
Very long and thick, used for coronary artery bypass graft if someone has blockage of coronary artery
3 compartments of thigh
Anterior innervated primarily by femoral nerve and extend the knee and flex the hip
Medial innervated by obturator nerve and adduct hip
Posterior innervated by sciatic nerve and flex knee and extend hip
Iliacus origin: iliac crest and fossa, sacrum
Psoas major origin: T12-L5 lumbar vertebrae
Insert: lesser trochanter
Innervated by femoral nerve L2-L4
Does hip flexion
Origin: ASIS
Insertion: superior medial tibia (pes anserine)
Innervated by femoral nerve
Does hip flexion, abduction, and external rotation
Tensor fascia lata
Origin: ASIS and lateral iliac crest
Insertion: iliotibial band (which inserts into gerdys tubercle)
Innervated by superior gluteal nerve L4-S1
Does hip flexion, abduction, internal rotation
Origin: body of pubic bone
Insertion: pectineal line of femur (just inferior to lesser trochanter)
Innervated by either femoral or obturator nerve
Does hip adduction and flexion
Quadriceps femoris
Rectus femoris origin: AIIS
Vastus lateralis origin: greater trochanter
Vastus medialis: medial lip of linear aspera
Vastus intermedius: anterior/lateral femoral shaft
All insert on tibial tuberosity via patella tendon
All innervated by femoral nerve
All do knee extension, rectus femoris can also do hip flexion because it crosses the hip
Has something to do with patella tracking
Adductor longus
Origin: inferior pubic ramus
Insertion: middle 1/3 of the linear aspera
Innervated by obturator nerve L2-L4
Does hip adduction
Adductor brevis
Origin: inferior pubic ramus
Insertion: proximal aspect of linear aspera and the pectineal line of femur
Innervated by obturator nerve
Does hip adduction
Adductor magnus
Origin: inferior pubic ramus and ischial tuberosity
Insertion: adductor tubercle of femur
Innervated by obturator nerve and sciatic nerve L4-S3
Does hip adduction and extension
Origin: inferior pubic ramus
Insertion: superior medial tibia (pes anserine)
Innervated by obturator nerve
Does hip adduction and knee flexion
Obturator externus
Origin: obturator foramen
Insertion: trochanteric fossa of femur
Innervated by obturator nerve
Does hip external rotation
Femoral triangle
Base: inguinal ligament
Lateral border: sartorius
Medial: adductor longus
Floor: lateral- iliopsoas, medial- pectineus
Roof: fascia lata
Contents: femoral vein, artery, nerve VAN medial to lateral
Blood supply
Abdominal aorta becomes common iliac artery, which bifurcates at L2 into the external and internal iliac artery.
External iliac artery runs under inguinal ligament and becomes femoral artery, femoral artery enters triangle and gives off largest branch (profunda femoral). Femoral artery goes down thigh and enters hiatus in add Magnus and becomes popliteal artery