Anterior Abdominal Wall Flashcards
Which bones make up the pelvis?
- X2 pelvic bones
- X1 sacrum
- X1 coccyx
What is another name for the pelvic bone?
- coxal bone
- hip bone
What are the X3 parts of the pelvic bone?
1) ilium
2) ischium
3) pubis
What is the socket joint which is formed by the fusion of the ilium, ischium and publis bones of the pelvic bone?
The acetabulum.
What are the attachments of the inguinal ligament?
It runs from the ASIS (anterior superior iliac spine) to the ipsilateral pubic tubercle.
What is the inguinal ligament formed from?
An infolding of the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle.
What are aponeuroses?
Flat, white layer of fibrous tissue (tendon like) that aids muscle attachment.
Which joints join the sacrum to the coxal bones?
The sacroiliac joints.
What is the name of the anterior join of the 2 pelvic bones?
The pubic symphysis.
What is the name of the superior area of the ilium where it opens and flattens out?
What is the name of the depression in the bone found on the medial side of the ilium bone?
The wing of the ilium.
The Iliac fossa.
What are the X2 imaginary vertical lines which help split the abdomen into its X9 subdivisions?
The mid-clavicular or mid-inguinal lines.
What are the X2 imaginary horizontal lines which help split the abdomen into its X9 subdivisions?
The trans-pyloric plane
= the line which travels along the plane at which the pyloric sphincter of the stomach sits. This can be judged to be a hands width below the sternum.
The trans-tubercular plane
= the line which travels between the two ILIAC tubercles (not tubercles) - these are found above the ASIS and on the outside of the iliac wing.
Name the X9 subdivisions of the stomach from top right to bottom left.
1) Right hyperchondriac
2) Epigastric
3) Left hyperchondriac
4) Right lumbar
5) Umbilicus
6) Left lumbar
7) Right iliac/inguinal
8) Hypogastric/suprapubic
9) Left iliac/inguinal
What is the name of the pair of anterior abdominal wall muscles which run vertically?
Rectus abdominis
What are the X3 layers of muscle which (along with rectus abdominis) make up the anterior abdominal wall?
Which is most superficial and which is deepest?
1) External oblique (most superficial)
2) Internal oblique
3) Transversus abdominis (deepest)