antenatal care Flashcards
when should the first booking occur when they know they are pregnant
before 10 weeks
what happens during the booking
advise about health and lifestyle
vitamins - healthystart programme
folic acid - 400 mcg daily
Food hygiene, including how to reduce the risk of a food-acquired infection
smoking cessation, implications of recreational drug use & alcohol consumption in pregnancy
All antenatal screening- as well as risks and benefits of the screening tests
which food infection increase more in pregnant woman
mx for it
listeriosis gram +ve cocci
what foods can increase the infection of listeriosis
drinking only pasteurised or UHT milk
not eating ripened soft cheese such as Camembert, Brie and blue‑veined cheese (there is no risk with hard cheeses, such as Cheddar, or cottage cheese and processed cheese)
not eating pâté (of any sort, including vegetable)
not eating uncooked or undercooked ready‑prepared meals.
Pregnant women should be offered information on how to reduce the risk of salmonella infection by:
avoiding raw or partially cooked eggs or food that may contain them (such as mayonnaise), avoiding raw or partially cooked meat, especially poultry.
risks of drinking alcohol for the baby
low birth weight, preterm birth, and being small for gestational age may all be increased in mothers drinking above 1-2 units/day during pregnancy.
what clinical examination is carried out in a pregnant women at booking
measurement if weight and BMI
if no healthcare at UK before a complete general clinical examnato
what routine tests are offered to pregnant women
- haemoglobinopathy
- – sickle cell and Beta thalassaemia
- anaemia
Blood group and rbc antibody screening
- rhesus status and risk of rhesus isoimmunisation
- non rhesus antibodies
Infection screening
- syphilis, hep B and HIV
- asymptomatic bacteriuria
- glycosuria, proteinuria, haematuria
if smoker measure CO levels
what do we screening for infection
Asymptomatic bacteriuria- MSU
Serological screening for hep B virus should be offered & effective postnatal interventions offered to decrease the risk of MTCT
Pregnant women should be offered screening for HIV infection early in pregnancy as interventions can reduce MTCT
No evidence that routine screening for GBS, toxoplasmosis, CMV, chlamydia, Hep C, asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis is beneficial
when do we screen for gestational diabetes
based on risk assessment
between 24-28 weeks
BMI above 30
previous macrosomic baby weighing 4.5kg or above, previous gestational siabetes
FH of diabetes (first degree relative w diabetes)
family origin with a high prevalence of diabetes
- south aisan
- middle eastern
screening for pre eclampsia
BP & urinalysis check for protein at each antenatal visit to screen for pre-eclampsia.
risk for preeclampsia
Age 40 years or older
Pregnancy interval of more than 10 years
Family history of pre-eclampsia
Previous history of pre-eclampsia
BMI 30 kg/m2 or above
Pre-existing vascular disease such as hypertension
Pre-existing renal disease
Multiple pregnancy
what symptoms should women at risk of pre eclampsia should be aware of
severe headache
problems with vision, such as blurring or flashing before the eyes
severe epigastric or right upper quadrant pain
sudden swelling of the face, hands or feet.
At what DBP and SBP levels do you treat
DBP of above 100mmHg
two consecutive reading of 90mmHg more than 4 hours apart and/or significant proteinuria should prompt increased surveillance
SBP above 160mmHG
150-159 mmHg on two consecutive readings at least 4 hours apart consider treatment
keep SBP below 150mmHg
When is dating scan done
essential to all antenatal care timing, including fetal anomaly testing
first trimester (10-13+6 weeks)
CRL used unless less than 84mm, then HC used
also nuchal translucency scan plus biochem
when is screening for T13, T18, T21 done
first trimester by the end (13 weeks 6 days)
the combined test of bloods and US should be done (NT, BhCG, PAPP-).
what happen if women miss the window for scrrening of T13, T18, T21
15-20 weeks for late bookers
only serum screening quadruple test is available for these lot
hCG, aFP, uE3 and inhibin-A
if high suspicion of trisomy on screening test what do u do
explain the results and tell them when the confirmatory tests would occur
invasive tests
Purpose of the anomaly scan screening
identify fetal anomalies and allow
- reproductive choice - termination of pregnancy
- parents to prepare (for any treatment/disability/palliative care/ termination of pregnancy
- managed birth in a specialist centre
- intrauterine therpauy
what is used to assess rate of growth
head circumference
abdomen circumference
femur length
what fetal anomalies can we look for in scan
cleft palate
lip anomalies
nasal abridge
for uncomplicated nulliparous women how many appts are required
for uncomplicated parous women how many appts are requires