Antenatal Care Flashcards
Common modes of inheritance
Autosomal D/r
X-linked D/r
3 commonest severe congenital abnormalities
Heart Defects
Neural Tube Defects
4 General considerations for perscribing in pregnancy
1) Pre-pregnancy counselling optimises medication
2) Balance risk to fetus with benefit to mother
3) Assess on individual basis, give information so that an informed decision can be made
3 Physiological changes in pregnancy relevant to perscribing
Affects distribution
1) Increase in total body water
2) Increase in fat stores
Affects metabolism
1)Increaase in cardiac output
Pharmokinetic changes in pregnancy
- Dec due to n & v (nausea + vomiting)
- Inc plasma volume
- Dec plasma binding
- Cyt P450 induction
- Increase eGFR
- No change
Generally dec drug conc due to haemodilution, inc distridution + metabolism
Teratogenic drugs in pregnancy
Diethylstilboestrol (used in breast and prostate cancer and recurrent miscarriage)
Most anti-psychotics except: quetiapine, olanzapine, or risperidone
All AED except (Lamotrogine + levetricetam)
Time line of antenatal screening
What happens at a booking appointment
First contact with midwife
- Information gathered
- General info taken (name, age gestation)
- Risk assessed (obs hx, drug use, domestic abuse, PMH, )
- Baseline obs taken - BP, temp, weight
- Bloods taken - Hb, iron, rhesus, blood group, downs, spina bifida, HIV, syphillis, thalasaemia, Hep B,
- Urine dip
- Information given
- Pregnancy plan initiated
Standard antenatal screening offered to women
8-12 weeks - Bloods for infectious disease Syphilis, Hep B + HIV (usually done at booking apt)
>10 weeks - Bloods for Sickle and Thalesaemia (usually done at booking apt)
10 weeks - Booking appointment
10-14 weeks - Combined test Bloods for T21 (downs), T18 (edwards) and T13 (Pataus)
11-14 weeks - Dating scan and early anomoly scan (the same scan aka Nuchal Translucency), supports combined test and looks for other defects
14-20 weeks - Quadruple test Bloods for T21 and spina bifida (not offered to everyone)
18-21 weeks - Anomoly scan detailed USS for structural abnormalities incl T18 T21, supports quadruple bloods
Main reasons to be CLC
- <16/>40 years
- Grand multip >6
- >35 BMI
- Won’t take blood products
- Cervial suture/LLETZ
- Familial genetic abnormalities
- Drug user
- Alcoholic
- STI e.g. herpes
- If only risk is smoking MLC, but need serial growth scans in 3rd trimester
- Pre-eclampsia
- Gestational diabetes
- Shoulder distocia
- 3/4th degree tear
- Previous C section
- Epilepsy
- Multiple pregnancy
- Antepartum haemorrhage
- Recurrent UTI
full list at:
Aim of screening
Monitor normal pregnancy
Identify complicated pregnancy
Identify risks and requirements of mother and fetus
Risks of and management of VBAC
- 0.5% scar dehiscence
- Think about future pregnancies, no more than 3 c-sections recommended + risk of placenta accreta
- Emergency c-section
- Counsell for risks before (70% successfull)
- Should be done in hospital access to c-section
- Pain between contractions can indicate rupture
- Continuous CTG
- Maternal pulse changes can indicate rupture
- Check for bleeding can indicate rupture
- Induction caries 1.5 increase risk of rupture
Risks of and management of Group B strep infection
Risks (fetal)
- Septicaemia
- Pneumonia
- Meningitis
- Intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP)
- If in urine given treatment at time of diagnosis not indicated for vaginal/rectal
- IAP not needed in c-section if membranes have not ruptured
- Once membranes ruptured induction is recommended at 37w
Risks of, risks for and management of breech
Risks for
- High parity
- Uterine/pelvic abnormalities
- Previous breech
- Placenta abnormalities
- Fetal abnormalities
- Multiple pregnancy
- Low birth weight/pre-term
- Polyhydramnious
- Space occupying lesion
Risks of
- Cord Prolapse
- Hypoxia to baby
- Head entrapment
- Counsell mother with risks + create a birth plan
- Terms breech trial says planned c-section has better outcomes, recent studies conflict. Green top says women should be told c-section has small decrease in perinatal mortality but vaginal is better for mum + normal counselling for c-section and vaginal birth Re-read green top
- ECV (check contraindications)
- Labour in hospital access to c-section
- Induction not recommended
- Continuous CTG
- Consider c-section if descent is delayed in 2nd stage of labour
- If 2nd twin = breech can do total breech extraction
Types of breech, best and worst
- Frank/extended breech- crossed legs next to ears
- Complete breech-crossed legs above buttock
- Footling breech-presenting part is foot WORST