Antebrachium and Manus Flashcards
Flexor Carpi Radialis
O: Common flexor tendon of humeral medial epicondyle
I: Base of Mc II and III
Ax: Flex and ABd manus; flexes elbow; pronates antebrachium
N: Median N
A: Ant interosseus, radial and ulnar Aa
**Prime Mover for Flexing carpus
Palmaris Longus
O: Common flexor tendon of humeral medial epicondyle
I: Palmar aponeurosis and flexor retinaculum
Ax: Flex elbow and carpus; pronate antebrachium
N: Median N
A: Radial, ulnar and ant interosseus Aa
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris
O: Common flexor tendon of humeral medial epicondyle and post ulna
I: Pisiform, hook of hamate, and base of Mc V
Ax: Flex and add carpus; flexes elbow
N: Ulnar N
A: Radial, ulnar and ant interosseus Aa
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis
O: Humeral medial epicondyle, coronoid process of ulna and superf half of lat radius
I: Sides of middle phalanges of digits II-V
Ax: Flexes elbow, carpus and digits II-V
N: Median N
A: Ulnar, radial and ant interosseus Aa
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
O: Ant and medial ulnar diaphysis and interosseus membrane I: Distal phalanges of digits II-V Ax: Flex carpus and digits II-V N: Ulnar and median N A: Ulnar, radial and ant interosseus Aa
Flexor Pollicis Longus
O: Central ant radius and interosseus membrane I: Base of distal phalanx of pollex Ax: Flex pollex and carpus N: Median N A: radial, ulnar and ant interosseus Aa
O: Supracondylar ridge of humerus
I: Distal lateral radius to its styloid process
Ax: Flex elbow; supinate and pronate antebrachium
N: Radial N
A: Radial, ulnar and ant interosseus membrane
O: 2 heads - ant & post prox ulna, lat epicondyle of humerus I: Wraps around prox 1/3 of radius Ax: Supinates antebrachium N: Deep radial N A: Radial, ulnar and ant interoseus Aa
Pronator Teres
O: ulnar coronoid process and common flexor tendon of medial humeral epicondyle I: Central lat side of radius Ax: Pronate antebrachium; Flexes elbow N: Median N A: Radial, ulnar and ant interosseus Aa
Pronantor Quadratus
O: Distal ant surface of ulna I: Distal ant surface of radius Ax: Pronate antebrachium N: Median N A: Ulnar, radial and ant interosseus Aa
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus
O: Lat supracondylar ridge of humerus I: Base of MC II Ax: Extens & ABd carpus N: Radial N A: post interosseus A
Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis
O: Lat epicondyle of humerus I: Base of MC III Ax: Ext & ABd carpus N: Deep radial N A: Post interosseus A
Extensor Digitorum
O: Lat epicodyle of humerus I: Extensor expansions of digits II-IV & into distal tendon of Ext digiti minimi Ax: Extends carpus & digits II-V N: Deep radial N A: Post interosseus A
Extensor Digiti Minimi
O: Lat epicondyle of humerus I: Extensor expansion of dig V Ax: Extends carpus and digit V N: Deep radial N A: Post interosseus A
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris
O: Lat epicondyle of humerus and post border of ulna I: Base of Mc V Ax: Extends & add carpus N: Deep radial N A: Post interosseus A
ABductor Pollicis Longus
O: Middle post antebrachium I: Base of Mc I Ax: ABd & extends pollex; Abd carpus N: Deep radial N A: post interosseus A
Extensor Pollicis Brevis
O: Distal post radius & interosseus membrane I: Base of proximal phalanx of pollex Ax: Extend pollex N: Deep radial N A: Post interosseus A
Extensor Pollicis Longus
O: Middle post ulna & interosseus membrane
I: THROUGH radial dorsal tubercle to base of distal phalanx of pollex
Ax: Extend pollex & carpus
N: Deep radial N
A: post interosseus A
Extensor Indicis
O: Distal post ulna & interosseus membrance I: Ext expension of dig II Ax: Extends dig II & carpus N: Deep radial N A: post interosseus A
ABductor Pollicis Brevis
O: Flexor Retinaculum, scaphoid & trapezium
I: Lat bse of prox phalanx of pollex
Ax: ABd & flex pollex; opposes pollex
N: Recurrent branch of Median N
A: Superf & deep palmar arterial arches, Mc Aa, palmar digital Aa
Opponens Pollicis
O: Flexor Retinaculum, scaphoid & trapezium
I: Length of Mc I diaphysis
Ax: Opposes Pollex
N: Recurrent branch of Median N
A: Superf & deep palmar arterial arches, Mc Aa, palmar digital Aa
Flexor Pollicis Brevis
O: Flexor Retinaculum, scaphoid & trapezium
I: BASAL SIDES of prox phalanx of pollex
Ax: Flexes Pollex
N: Recurrent branch of Median N
A: Superf & deep palmar arterial arches, Mc Aa, palmar digital Aa
ABductor Digiti Minimi of Manus
O: Pisiform
I: Base of prox phalanx of hallux of dig V
Ax: ABd & Flex dig V
N: Ulnar N
A: Superf & deep palmar arterial arches, Mc Aa, palmar digital Aa
Opponens Digiti Minimi
O: Flexor retinaculum & hook of hamate I: Along Mc V Diaphysis Ax: Opposes dig V N: Ulnar N A: Superf & deep palmar arterial arches, Mc Aa, palmar digital Aa
Fl Digiti Minimi of Manus
O: Flexor retinaculum & hook of hamate I: Base of prox phalanx of dig V Ax: Flexes digit V N: Unar N A: Superf & deep palmar arterial arches, Mc Aa, palmar digital Aa
Lumbricals of Manus
O: Distal tendons of Fl dig profundus
I: Extensor expansions of dig II-V
Ax: Flex McP jts of dig II-V and Ext IP of dig II-V
N: Median AND Ulnar Aa
A: Superf & deep palmar arterial arches, Mc Aa, palmar digital Aa
Adductor Pollicis
O: ALONG Mc III diaphysis & adjacent carpals
I: Base of prox phalan of pollex
Ax: add & oposes pollex
N: Ulnar N
A: Superf & deep palmar arterial arches, Mc Aa, palmar digital Aa
Palmar Interossei
O: Diaphysis of Mc II, IV & V
I: Prox phalanges of dig II, Iv & V and ext expansions
Ax: Add dig II, IV & V; flex McP jts & Ext IP jts
N: Ulnar N
A: Superf & deep palmar arterial arches, Mc Aa, palmar digital Aa
**3 PAD
Interosseus - is singular
Dorsal Interossei of Manus
O: Adjacent Mc I-V
I: Prox phalanges of dig II-IV & Ext expansions
Ax: ABd dig II-IV; Flex McP jts & Ext IP jts
N: Ulnar N
A: Superf & deep palmar arterial arches, Mc Aa, palmar digital Aa
Interosseus - is singular
Palmaris Brevis
O: Ulnar side of flexor retinaculum/palmar aponeurosis
I: Ulnar side integument of hypothenar region
Ax: Pulls lat hypothenar skin medially
N: Ulnar N
A: Superf & deep palmar arterial arches, Mc Aa, palmar digital Aa