ANS Flashcards
Location of soma of preganglionic fibers? Postganglionic fibers?
(CNS vs PNS)
soma of pre in CNS
soma of post in PNS
location of soma of preganglioinic sympathetic neurons
lateral horn of spinal cord (intermediolateral cell column)
Where do preganglionic sympathetic fibers go?
- synapse in sympathetic chain at same level
- ascend or descend in sympathetic chain/trunk prior to synapsing at another level
- pass through sympathetic chain and synapse at prevertebral ganglia (like celiac, superior mesenteric, etc)
sympathetic chain ganglia formed by?
postganglionic sympathetic neurons
sympathetic ganglia include?
- cervical ganglia
- superior cervical ganglion
- middle cervical ganglion
- inferior cervical ganglion
- 10-12 thoracic ganglia
- 4 lumbar ganglia
- 4-5 sacral ganglia
Where do postganglionic sympathetic fibers course?
- all spinal nerves
- virtually all parts of body (except avascular tissue)
dental pulp receives postganglionic sympathetic fibers from?
superior cervical ganglion
What fiber types in dental pulp and what do they do?
- GVE to control vascular tone
- GSA transmit pain
- GVA send info on vascular tone to CNS
superior cervical ganglion receives preganglionic sympathetic fibers from what vertebral levels?
Where do they go after?
T1-T3 (also T4, T5)
than ascend through sympathetic chain
superior cervical ganglion sends post sympathetic fibers to: (5)
- internal corotid plexus (to cranial cavity w/ cranial nerves)
- external corotid plexus (to face)
- corotid body/sinus
- C1-C4 spinal nerves
- cardiac plexus via cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerve
what is the smallest cervical ganglion?
middle cervical
middle cervical ganglion gets preganglionic sympathetic fibers from what vertebral levels?
T1-T3 (also T4, T5)
middle cervical ganglion postganglionic sympathetic fibers go to? (2)
- C5, C6 spinal nerves
- cardiac plexus via cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerves
what is the stellate ganglion?
inferior cervical ganglion when fused to 1st thoracic
inferior cervical ganglion receives preganglionic sympathetic fibers from what vertebral level?
T1-T3, T4, T5
inferiro cervical ganglion postganglionic sypmathetic fibers go to?
- C7, C8 spinal nerves
- cardiac plexus via cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerves
upper thoracic ganglia receives preganglionic sympathetic fibers from what vertebral levels & where do they synapse?
T1-T5 (lateral horn)
synapse in thoracic paravertebral ganglia at same level
upper thoracic ganglia postganglionic sympathetic fibers go where?
leave sympathetic chain and contribute to cardiac & pulmonary plexuses via cardiopulmonary splanchnic nerves and spinal nerves T1-T5
mid-lower thoracic and lumber ganglia preganglionic sympathetic fibers synapse where?
- in thoracic paravertebral ganglia at same level
- through sympathetic chain w/o synapsing to prevertebral ganglia
mid-lower thoracic and lumber ganglia postganglionic sympathetic fibers go where?
leave sympathetic chain and contribute to spinal nerves
mid-lower thoracic and lumber ganglia preganglionic sympathetic fibers form what nerves if passing through sympathetic chain w/o synapsing?
- abdominopelvic/splanchnic
- greater splanchnic (T5-T9)
- lesser splanchnic (T10-T11)
- least splanchnic (T12)
- lumbar splanchnic (L1-L2/3)
prevertebral ganglia (which abdominopelvic splanchnic nerves travel to) include?
- celiac
- aorticorenal
- superior mesenteric
- inferor mesenteric
abdominopelvic splanchnic nerve postganglionic sympathetic fibers go to (4)?
celiac to foregut
superior mesenteric to midgut
aorticorenal to kidney
Horner syndrome
- results from interruption in cervical sympathetic chain
- causes absence of sympathetically stimulated functions on ipsilateral side of head
- pupil constriction
- ptosis (drooping upper eyelid)
- redness of skin
- anhydrosis (no sweating)
soma of preganglionic parasympathetic fibers located?
in brainstem nuclei w/ CN III, VII, IX, X
(also in S2, S3, S4)
soma of postganglionic parasympathetic fibers located?
ganglia close to target organ