Anothony Flew: Falsification Principle Flashcards
Anthony flew goes further than popper who was inspired by him , to say what about any statements ?
If statements is not falsifiable it’s unscientific and meaningless if it fails the verification principle
Antony flew: falsification Principle
Why does he say that the verification principle and falsification principle aim to do the same thing but opposite
falsification principle is that statement is factually significant ONLY if there is some form of evidence which could falsify it (what would prove it to be incorrect)
And verification wants confirmation and evidence - empirically and tautology
Antony flew: falsification Principle
What does he say about religious language and people?
But religious people are not ready to falsify their belief in God to be incorrect
“God us loving and exists” as they always qualify belief in God than evidence against God so ** religious language is meaningless to flew **
Antony flew: falsification Principle
What does flew say about theist
Qualify not falsify
Antony flew: falsification Principle
What does he state about religious language ?
Meaningless and lead to the death of God by a thousand qualifications
Antony flew: falsification Principle
Why does religious language lead to the death of God by a thousand qualifications ?
Because they have chopped and changed definition and understanding of God so many times that you might as well not believe in God
Antony flew: falsification Principle
What example does flew use for death of God by a thousand qualifications?
Example of the invisible gardener
Antony flew: falsification Principle
What is this invisible garderer story
- two explorers find a garden
- one explorer believe there is a gardener and the other doesn’t
- use a dog to find the gardener but there ain’t one
Antony flew: falsification Principle
What does the believe say about gardener
That the gardener exists but the story has changed as It must be invisible gardener that works in secret
Antony flew: falsification Principle
Instead of believers accept their is no Gardner what do they do instead ?
Believers instead qualify what they mean by gardener and they change their definition and understanding e.g gardener cannot be seem so must be invisible and cannot be touched so intangable
Antony flew: falsification Principle
By the end what is there of the Gardner ?
There is nothing left of the original gardener so assertion killed by inches as there is no connection to the original belief as they have modified and qualified so much so no point of believing as now belief in death of God/gardener by a thousand qualifications
Antony flew: falsification Principle
Why does he say the the gardener existence dies a thousand death of qualifications
Because every time he fails to be detected believe qualifies what is meant by the Gardner and just modify and qualify instead of accepting he is not real or they’re wrong as rhere is no empirical evidence of Garderner/God
Antony flew: falsification Principle
What is flews 3 overall arguments ?
- That religious believers just like the parable of the gardener will allow nothing to falsify their belief that there is a God who loves/looks after the world
- statements about God are meaningless as do not admit that there is evidence to falsify
- claims of God are unscientific
Antony flew: falsification Principle
How does religious statements contrast with scientist ones
- Nothing can tell them to falsify their belief in God so they always qualify so meaningless by saying God exist outside universe and God gave us free will
WHERAS - scientists establish their hypothesis and test in empirically and do not keep on changing it to be correct so it meaningful and falsifiable
Antony flew: falsification Principle
Another example by flew that cannot be falsified
“God loves his children”
A child is dying of throat cancer and father frantically looking for help but Heavenly Father God shows no concern but rather than falsify believers qualify by saying “we don’t understand Gods love or God love is not merely human love “