Anorexia vs. Bulumia Flashcards
a relentless pursuit of thinness
Sx. -rigid rules and over control (hallmark)
-rules suppress conscious anxiety
-obsessive rituals
-eating (cutting into small pieces, chewing 20 times a bite
-exercise (multiple hours)
-self-worth dependent on others approval
often overachievers, distortion of body image, laxative abuse, hoard food/talk about it a lot, fear obesity
Anorexia S/S
Signs: think their overweight (usually underweight)
fearful of slightest weight gain
preoccupied with food & exercise
resist treatment
report feeling fine/loss of interest in sex
cognitive distortions (if I eat 1 popsicle = blow up like a balloon)
- 25-50% body weight loss d/t caloric restriction/excessive exercising
- adolescence
- amenorrhea d/t low weight
- decreased bone density d/t low estrogen & low Ca+ intake
- sunken eyes & skeletal appearance
- lanugo d/t starvation
- yellow skin d/t hypercarotenemia
- impaired renal d/t dehydration
- peripheral edema d/t hypoalbuminemia and refeeding
- cardiovascular abnormalities d/t starvation, dehydration, e/e imbalance
Anorexia Labs & VS
Bradycardia, hypotension, arrhythmias, delayed gastric motility, hypothyroid-like sx. (thin hair, dry skin), hypokalemia, elevated BUN, elevated cortisol d/t high stress, leukopenia, anemia, hypokalemia
Refeeding Syndrome
- recovering from a period of starvation
- assoc. low levels of Ph, K+, Mg
- body adapts to starvation and starts using liver/muscles for energy (after 1st 24hr of no food)
- if after 3 days of no food body adapts again
- if person starts to eat again, body switches back to food for energy = f/e imbalance and vitamin deficiencies
Anorexia RX:
- express feelings about body size
- ask them to make 3 positive statement about their bodies
- can draw/journal
- might have a 1hr lockout of bathroom/bedroom after meals
- encouraged to meet goals
- may be healthy body weight/overweight
- lack of control
- have inappropriate compensatory behavior
- excessive exercise (not compulsive)
- vomiting
- excessive exercise (not compulsive)
- purging may/may not be present
- bingeing triggered by something else
Bulimia sx.
- dental caries, tooth erosion d/t vomiting
- parotid swelling d/t increased amylase
- gastric dilation/rupture d/t binge eating
- calluses, scars on hand d/t self-induced vomiting
- peripheral edema d/t rebound fluid (esp. with diuretics)
- muscle weakening d/t electrolyte imbalance
- abnormal labs (low K+/Na+, e/e imbalance) d/t purging, vomiting, laxative/diuretic use
- cardiovascular abnormalities, (cardiomyopathy, ECG changes d/t e/e imbalance
Bulimia Rx:
Reduce anxiety
- try to recognize that create anxiety (trigger bingeing)
- calm, reassuring attitude
- quiet environment
- manage stress
- contract with the patient
- allow for feeling expression when at binge/purge risk
- use āIā statements
Manage f/e
- I&Os (rehydration with 2,000-3,000mL liquid)
- weight (same time/place/scale/amount of clothing)
- observe for at least 1hr a/meals
- frequent mouth care
Eating Disorder Meds
Treat the assoc. sx. of anxiety/depression. No specific meds for individual disorders.
- SSRIs (Prozac -1st choice)
- Atypical Antipsychotics (olanzapine, chlorpromazine)