Ankle and Foot Flashcards
Most common dysfunction of the navicular bone?
Plantar navicular dysfunction
Most common dysfunction of the cuboid bone?
Plantar cuboid dysfunction
In a plantar navicular dysfunction, which direction does the navicular drop plantar?
Which cuboid drops plantar in a plantar cuboid dysfunction?
Medial cuboid
Plantar cuboid dysfunction is commonly associated with?
A posterior fibular head dysfunction
Medial longitudinal arch is made of what foot bones?
1-3 Cuneiforms
Longitudinal arch bones?
Calcaneous, cuboid, 4th and 5 metatarsal bones
What is involved in high ankle sprain?
Interosseous membrane and anterior inferior tibiofibular l
Most common ankle l that is sprained? Test to evaluate?
Anterior talofibular ligament - always tears first
Ankle drawer test
What test to you use to evaluate deltoid ligament?
Talar tilt test - eversion
Anterior/posterior tibia on talus is due to changes in what type of mechanics?
Distal tibia mechanics
When you have an anterior lateral malleolus where is the talus more prominent?
The distal medial border of the talus
When you have a posterior lateral malleolus where is talus prominent?
Anterior portion is displaced in a lateral direction
Inversion/eversion calcaneus dysfunctions are due to what type of mechanics?
Changes in subtalar mechanics
In plantar dysfunctions of navicular and cuboid, what way do the bones drop?
Lateral navicular drops plantar
Medial cuboid drops plantar
When fixing a plantarflexed talus where do you place hands?
Interlock fingers over the dorsum of the foot
–4th and 5th contacts head of talus
Transtarsal thrust of navicular goes in what direction?