Animal responses e'q Flashcards
Suggest 4 symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS) that might not be present in people with Guillian-Barre syndrome
- greater loss of memory due to damage of cerebrum
- greater loss of balance due to damage to cerebellum
- greater loss of temp control due to damage to hypothalamus
- greater loss of controlling heart rate due to damage to medulla oblongata
Suggest and describe how the function of neuromuscular junctions will be affected by multiple sclerosis and guillian-barre syndrome
- lower rate of AP
- no acetylcholine released
- less neurotransmitters binding to receptors
- less depolarisation of post synaptic membrane
Normal human resting heart rate - 70bpm. Cutting the parasympathetic nerve to the heart increases this to approx 100 bpm. suggest 2 conclusions that could be made from this observation about the control of resting heart rate in normal humans
- heart rate controlled by nervous system
- parasympathetic nerve reduces heart rate
- heart rate reduces by approx 30 bpm
outline how injury to hypothalamus and pituitary is able to cause such a wide range of symptoms
- produces a wide range of hormones
- affect other endocrine glands
- damage to pituitary means reduction in reproductive hormones, which leads to menstrual irregularities
Suggest why it can be difficult for a doctor to conclude that the symptoms described for hypothalamus + pituitary are definitely caused by damage to parts of the brain
- damage to other endocrine glands could cause similar symptoms
- symptoms caused by other disease
identify 3 cell signalling molecules involved in fight or flight
response to smooth muscle in bronchioles
muscle relaxes
role in ‘flight or fight’ response for smooth muscle in bronchioles
bronchioles dilate and allow more oxygen to reach blood
response of Sinoatrial node
increases rate of firing impulses
role in the ‘fight or flight’ response of sino atrial node
increased heart rate circulates blood more quickly
response of liver cell
increases glycogenolysis
role in the ‘fight or flight’ response of liver cell
makes more glucose avaliable for respiration
response of erector muscle in skin
contraction of muscle
role in the ‘fight or flight’ response of the erector muscle in skin
causes hairs to be raised and so makes animals look larger /more aggressive
describe the sequence of actions that occur once adenylyl cyclase is activated in the target liver cells
catalyse synthesis of cylic AMP from ATP
Cyclic AMP activates enzyme responsible for conversion of glycogen to glucose
suggest the long term adverse effects of continued exposure to stress on body function
- prolonged high blood pressure can lead to cardiovascular problems
- prolonged high blood sugar can lead to diabetes
suggest how the moro reflex helps to prevent harm to a newborn baby (spread of arms and bring them tgt then cries)
allows baby to try to hold on
crying draws attention to the baby
describe a reflex response a 3 yr old child would make to an object moving towards their eyes and explain the advantage of this response
- blinking
- involuntary: prevents damage to eyes
describe the components and events involved in a relfex arc
AP in sensory neurone
synapse involved
neurotransmitter across to the relay neurone
nervous impulse in motor neurone passes to effector
suggest one benefit to the squid of the reflex response (correct the squids body position)
maintains balance
what can you conclude about the mechanism by which a statocyst acts as a transducer
- kinetic energy converted
- to electrical energy
- movment of statolith moves sensory hairs
- membrane of sensory hairs depolarises
evaluate the extent to which a group of species evolved from a common ancestor are classified in the same phylum due to all of them having statocysts
support is weak - classification based on phylogeny ; statocysts could have evolved on more than one occasion
Describe how the endo crine and nervous system work together to increase water reabsorption from th collecting duct (6 marker)
endocrine system - hypthalamus causes release of ADH from pituitary aldosterone released from adrenal cortex, ADH released from pituitary gland, ADH bonds to receptors on the cell membranes of collecting duct + this increases permeability to water (regulated by aquaporins)
Nervous system - hypothalamus is part of NS, osmoreceptors in the hypothalamus detect a lower water potential in blood, ADH is produced in the hypothalamus , posterier pitutary is extension of hypothalamus
Aldosterone- sodium ions pumped out of collecting duct cells into tissue fluid +k+ ions pumped in , lowers water potential in tissue fluid , conc grad established, Na+ reabsorbed from the collecting duct lumen , water diffuses into collecting duct cells
explain how it is possible for Acetylcholine (ACh) to have an effect on cells in the skin of the squid
travels in blood
binds to receptors on skin cell surface
causes formation of secondary messenger
state which subdivsion of the PNS supplies the SAN
suggest and explain improvements that the student could make to his experimental method and his presentation of data
method: sample size should be increased to improve the accuracy and repeatability of the results, same number of subjects for smokers to make comparison more valid, gender should be tested separtly bc HR may show an overall difference between genders , diet should be controlled as these can affect HR , more repeats before calculating mean to identify anomalies
Presentations: units included to show that measurments made using same method , no. of sf same to standarise the level of precision, present data graphically to spot trends more ealsiy
summary for control of heart rate
HR low,
level of carbonic acid in blood becomes higher
sympathetic nerve send AP to SAN to incr contraction rate of heart muscle
the chemoreceptors in the walls of blood vessel detect that pH of blood is normal
so HR returns to rest