Animal Handling & Movement Flashcards
How does the flight zone of an animal vary
Depending on how “tame” the animal is, how calm it is
Gets bigger when an animal becomes excited
Bigger when you approach head on (can’t get as close)
When the handler is outside vs inside the flight zone
Outside = animal turns and faces the handler, maintains safe distance
Inside = animals will turn away
What is the point of balance
At the animal’s shoulder
Livestock will move forward if handler is behind the point of balance, back up if the handler stands in front of the point of balance
How can a handler move animals through a chute using point of balance
Handler walks past the point of balance in the opposite direction of each animal in the chute, animals move forwards
Slides 10, 11, 13
Chute systems, out of pen
How do we move animals in an open area
Handler alternates between penetrating the collective flight zone and withdrawing from the collective flight zone
Alternating pressure > continuous
How do herds move with relation to point of balance
Next animal behind the leader is positioned just behind the leader’s point of balance
How do we change movement direction
Animals must all be walking in same direction before attempting
Control direction of good movement by moving to the left to make cattle turn right and vice versa
What is the bud williams method
Stimulus is person simulating predator stalking behaviour, elicits predatory avoidance behaviour
Predator locates herd, slowly surveys it by walking in cirular direction
Handler moves at normal walking speed, steady, deliberate, no noise such as whistling or yelling
Causes bunching
Problem with bud williams method
Predator circling can cause uneasiness and anxiety which can become fear and flight
What do you do if animals become too excited in the bud williams method
Must be allowed to calm down for at least 30 mins before next attempt
Slide 20
Bud williams method
How full should the crowd pen be
No more than 3/4 full
How should the one-way or sliding gate be positioned when animals enter
Should be open when they are brought in, might balk at closed gate, need to see through
How to check the chute before sending animals in
Go in, see what they see (e.g. litter on the ground, see stuff through grating, loose chain hanging down, hat or coat on fence)
What is balking
Things to consider about flooring
Plastic strips on ground, change in floor type may cause pigs to balk
What are ground stripes used for
Livestock tend to avoid zebra stripes, do not cross
Poor depth perception in cattle
How do dark shadows affect handling
Animals will not enter facility that looks dark
Movement into building can be improved by installing skylights or adding lights inside the entrance
How do open doors affect handling
Animals are attracted to open door that lets in light
Why are solid side panels important
Animals walking up the ramp may refuse to move because they can see something
Might balk/refuse to move if they can see people
What part of the chute should be covered
Back half of the open bar sides closest to the tailgate, prevents animal from seeing operator
How to lower noise
Rubber stops on gates to stop clanging
Large diameter plumbing, quiet pumps
Equipment installed in animal handling areas should be engineered for quietness
Animals that become agitated and excited…. How long does it take to calm down?
They bunch together and are more difficult to separate and sort
Takes up to 20 mins for HR of agitated cow to return to normal
Safety tips with cows
Single, lone, agitated steer is dangerous
Escaped cattle should not be chased
Stay out of blind spot
Electric prods can be replaced with…
Flags, plastic paddles, stick with plastic ribbons, matador cape, lightweight plastic board