Anglais Oral Flashcards
1 à 5
- The name of the document is
- The nature of the document is
- a course book, nursery rhyme, poem, story book, song - The class level is
- The A1…
- Cycle 1,2,3 - Especially the
- CP… - This activity is for cycle.. because
Si écrit :
- Writing is limited (préciser)
- Writing but just feel in the blank
- Writing a simple sentances
- Changing an élément
- Pupils supposed to know the perequisites (préciser)
Si oral :
- Changing an élément
- Pupils supposed to know the perequisites (préciser)
- Répétitive : (nb) sentences only
- Repeating like the teacher
6 à 9
- The cultural domain assigned to this doc is
cycle 2 :
- the child : family, house, pets
- The child environment : Town, shopping
- The classroom : number, alphabet, sport
Cycle 3 :
- the child daily Life : hoobys, routine, eat, clothes
- Child environment : hist/geo, tradition, monument, people
- Fantasy : fairy tales - Why ?
- bc the doc is based on… - It’s interesting to work on this (type de doc) bc
- the title / the song… is interesting bc… attractiv for children - I think that pupils will understand this (type de doc) bc :
- The pictures help a lot
- They are a big sentences, big pictures
—> they are fun, cultural and short
—> pupils will not get lost
- The front size (police d’écrit) helps too
—> bc it’s usual to have this type of front size in the children book, to stay focus
10 à 14
- In terms of the objectives of the lessons, we can work on the linguistic skills, especially :
- the phono : because the pupils need to pronounce specific words with sound that they do not use in French as [u], [th] with the word…
- The voc : the voc of clothes…
- The grammar : form of sentances (.?!), verbforms, simple sentance.
- The syntax : the word order
- The culture : Also, we can work the English culture because they will discover (tipic english song, town, tradi, food..) - The language activites which are conjured up are
- writing : fill in the blank…
- Singing :
- Listening : the song…
- Reading : we can read the (préciser le doc), the instruction in the class, they need to listen and we learn the new words.
- Speaking : we can interact on the book if some pupils do not understand - With this teaching materials, pupils will be able to recognize (name places, people / drawing)
- I can cross this lessons with… bc…
- Final task :
We can do a last exercice where pupils make them imagine another story, songs….