anger management programmes Flashcards
for clients to think about long term consequences of their behaviour
what are anger management programmes based on the assumption of
that the primary cause of violent criminal acts is anger
the ability to control aggressive behaviour will impact on recidivism rates
what type of therapy is anger management and who was it developed by
cognitive behavioural therapy
Novaco - 1975
what are the three main steps in anger management
cognitive preparation
skill aquisition
application practice
cognitive preparation
reflecting on past experiences to identify anger triggers and consequences
with a trained therapist
skill aquisition
examples include - behavioural redirection, self-talk to promote calmness rather than aggression and social skills, such as conflict resolution
application practice
applying the skills to a triggering setting in a controlled environment
tests whether new techniques have been internalised
what is CALM and its aims
Controlling Anger and Learning to Manage it
24 two-hour sessions
reduce the frequency, intensity and duration of anger
helps participants to control, monitor and understand their emotions
each session is sequential
what are the 6 stages of CALM
- motivating to want to change
- taught how to identify physiological changes that occur when they become angry, then provided with techniques to reduce anger
- learning how to replace irrational and hurtful thoughts with more rational thoughts
4.learn communication skills - e.g. thought stopping (learns to stop thinking aggressive thoughts and direct them somewhere else)
- applying skills to situations
- identifying situations most likely to cause aggression and develop prevention methods and learn coping skills if the offender relapses to aggression.
benefits of CALM being fully scripted
anyone can deliver it after a short training programme
ppts workbook is sixth-grade reading level, so it is suitable for males with poor literacy skills and limited education and scripts can be adapted easily.
Using the acronym ‘DESSERT’, evaluate a ‘different treatment’ point.
P - Hormone therapy is an alternative treatment
E - It aims to reduce criminality by inhibiting the production of testosterone and may be seen as a faster acting treatment
E - This is because biological treatments start working immediately whereas anger management programmes may take up to 10 weeks to complete with a waiting list beforehand
Using the acronym ‘DESSERT’, evaluate an ‘expense’ point.
P - More expensive than hormone treatment
E - The sessions are run by a trained professional and can involve group and one-to-one work
E - Therefore more expensive due to the practitioner needing to be paid and tax payer money is used
Using the acronym ‘DESSERT’, evaluate 2 ‘supporting studies’ points.
P - AM causes a reduction in anger for the majority of people who take part
E - Ireland (2000) showed that 92% benefited from the treatment of the 24 two-hour sessions of CALM
E - shows that anger management reduced the frequency of anger as 92% of ppts showed improvement on at least 1 angry behaviour
P - offenders taking part voluntarily will increase the effectiveness of AM - Howells et al (2005)
E - Found that AM programmes don’t guarantee improvement unless the ppt is motivated to change as there was a positive correlation between prisoners who stated they were ‘ready to change’ and the improvements they made
E - Therefore showing that they should only be given to those who are willing to change and that when they are, they work
Using the acronym ‘DESSERT’, evaluate 2 ‘side effects’ points.
P - No side effects
E - Whereas hormone treatment could lead to side effects such as drowsiness
E - If there are no side effects then this means that the treatment will be more likely to be completed with lack of harm caused and criminals will be more likely to participate
P - Can lead to domestic abuse
E - Men who were convicted of domestic violence were found to be less physically violent following an AM programme but were more verbally or psychologically abusive.
E - Therefore the programmes may highlight other ways offenders can hurt people, and it may not actually decrease anger and instead the anger is just expressed through a different form of abuse. This questions their effectiveness
Using the acronym ‘DESSERT’, evaluate 2 ‘ethics’ points.
P - Poor
E - There is a lack of focus on the harm caused to the victim of the offender and it instead focuses on the triggers that causes anger
E - Therefore they may fail to understand the morality issues which could potentially lead to reoffending
P - Poor
E - Some may be forced into the programme as a condition of release
E - This means it has high levels of social control meaning the offenders rights may be compromised
Using the acronym ‘DESSERT’, evaluate a ‘reason or mask’ point.
P - Anger management programmes give offenders life skills
E - The programme focuses on the trigger of aggression and new ways to react in those situations, which aims to solve the route cause of the problem. Instead of masking the issue like hormone therapy does.
E - Therefore can lead to helping people understand what makes them angry to help them avoid it and lower the risk to themselves and others, which also reduces their risk to society.
Using the acronym ‘DESSERT’, evaluate a ‘time’ point.
P - Anger management programmes can take up to 10 weeks, occurring twice-weekly
E - This is slower than hormone treatment which can take effect instantly
E - However could be more effective long term as people learn life skills in AM programmes to help them in the future whereas hormone treatment is always a short term solution and if it is discontinued, the anger may return.