Anatomy wk 1 Flashcards
Most common type of joint between bones of the skull
Suture (fibrous)
Skull is divided in 3 components - name them
Facial skull (viscera-cranium)
Name the 3 layers of the skull bone
Outer pericranium layer (compact bone)
Dipole (spongy bone)
Inner pericranium layer
What layer of the skull bone contains red bone marrow
Name the suture that runs in the midline of the skull and which bone it lies between
Saggital suture
Name the suture that runs in coronal plane + which bones it lies between
Coronal suture
Frontal + parietal
Name the suture at the back of the skull + which bones it lies between
Lambdoid suture
Parietal + occipital
What type of bone makes up the facial skeleton
Name the facial bones (15, some are pairs)
Frontal Nasal x2 Maxilla x2 Lacrimal x2 Zygomatic x2 Mandible Vomer Palatine x2 Inferior nasal x2
Name the bony prominence on the external surface of the occipital bone
External occipital protuberance (not same as occipital condyles, they’re on the inferior surface of skull)
Name the bony prominences of the temporal bone
Mastoid process
Name the bony prominent feature formed by the squamous temporal and zygomatic bone
Zygomatic arch
Name the bony prominence coming off the temporal bone
Styloid process
Name the bony prominences of the occipital bones on the inferior surface of skull
Occipital condyles
What 2 bones make up the middle cranial fossa
Temporal + sphenoid
Name the 5 main parts of the sphenoid bone
Greater wing Lesser wing Body Pituitary fossa Medial/lateral pterygoid plates
What 2 bones make up the anterior cranial fossa
Frontal (mostly)
What 2 bones makes up the posterior cranial fossa
What is the anterior + lateral boundary of the posterior cranial fossa
Petrous ridge of temporal bone
What 2 bones make up the middle cranial fossa
Function of air sinuses relating to skull
Decrease weight of skull
Name the 2 parts of the temporal bone
Squamous and petrous
Where the scalp extend to anteriorly and posteriorly and laterally
Anterior - eyebrows
Posterior - superior nuchal lines
Laterally - superior temporal line
What joint is found between the temporal and zygomatic bone where they unite to form the zygomatic arch0
Suture (fibrous) joint
Name the 5 layers of the scalp
Skin Connective tissue (Dense) Aponeurosis of the occipitalis and frontalis (epicranial aponeurosis) Loose connective tissue Pericranium (periosteum of skull)
What 2 muscles does the epicranial aponeurosis connect
Frontalis (Anterior belly) and occipitalis (posterior belly) of occipitofrontalis muscle
Name the 4 muscles of facial expression
Orbicularis oris
Orbicularis occuli
What does contraction of the anterior belly of the occipitofrontalis do
Raise eyebrows and wrinkle forehead
Cutaneous innervation of the anterior and posterior scalp
Anterior scalp (anterior to auricle) - CN V1/V2/V3
Posterior scalp (posterior to auricle) - cutaneous branches of C2 & C3
Which spinal level doesn’t have a dermatome
What is formed from the ventral rami of C5-T1
Brachial plexus
Which layer of scalp are blood vessels present
2nd - dense connective tissue layer
Wound wounds to the scalp bleed profusely or sparingly
Profusely because connective tissue in 2nd layer prevents vasoconstriction
Arterial supply of the scalp (5) + indicate whether it’s a branch of ECA or ICA
Supratrochlear artery - ICA Supraorbital artery - ICA Superficial temporal artery - ECA Posterior auricular artery - ECA Occipital artery - ECA
2 terminal branches of ECA
Superficial temporal
Venous drainage of the scalp (5) (follows arterial supply) + what 2 veins in the neck do they ultimately drain into
Supra-orbital vein Supratrochlear vein Superficial temporal vein Posterior auricular vein Occipital vein
Veins of the scalp anastomose with diploic veins via what veins
+ what does this then allow
via emissary veins
Allows connection between scalp and dural venous sinuses, so can spread infection intracranially from outside cranium
Are there lymph nodes in the scalp
No, they drain into lymph nodes in head and neck
What do muscles of facial expression lie within
Superficial fascia of the face
How do the muscles of facial expression differ from other skeletal muscles in terms of superficial/deep and in terms of attachment
Muscles of facial expression more superficial and attach directly onto skin
Function of orbicularis oculi
Close eyes
Functions of orbicularis oris
Open mouth
Function of buccinator
Puff cheeks
What is the platysma
Large sheet of muscle overlying SCM arising from upper chest/shoulder over collar bone to the angle of the mandible
Innervation of muscles of facial expression
5 branches of facial nerve
Temporal Zygomatic Buccal Mandibular Cervical
Which foramen does CN VII emerge the cranial cavity from to the side of the face
Stylomastoid foramen
What gland does the facial nerve pass through but not actually innervate + what nerve does innervate this gland
If facial nerve injured, what are the deficient movements (4)
Can’t close eyes
Can’t smile or open mouth
Can’t raise eyebrows or wrinkle forehead
Can’t chew
Name the 3 salivary glands
What does the parotid gland extend superiorly to
Zygomatic arch
What does the parotid gland extend inferiorly to
Angle of the mandible
What part of the parotid gland lies over the masseter
What muscle does the long base of the parotid gland overly
Anterior border of SCM
What type of gland is the parotid gland
Exocrine - secretes into ducts
Which nerve gives off branches in from the anterior border of the parotid gland
What muscle does the parotid duct overlie + then what muscle does it pierce to enter the oral cavity
Opposite which tooth does the parotid duct open into
Upper maxillary second molar
What artery passes through the parotid gland
What vein passes through the parotid gland
Retromandibular v
Secretomotor innervation of parotid gland
Parasympathetic - CN IX
Sensory innervation of the face
Divisions of CN V
V1 -ophthalmic
V2 - maxillary
V3 - mandibular
What 2 things are the muscles of facial expression attached to
Subcutaneous tissue
3 main arteries supplying the face
Superficial temporal
Maxillary - supplies deep structures of face
What muscle lies posterior to the facial artery as it enters on the face
Just before facial artery enters onto side of face, what gland does it groove
Name 2 veins draining the face + what do they drain into
Superficial temporal
What is the odontoid peg (DENS)
Protuberance of the axis (C2) up towards C1 (atlas)
Joint type between C1 and C2
Pivot between C1 and the odontoid peg of C2
Name the 2 main fascial layers in the neck
Superficial fascia
Deep cervical fascia
How many compartments are found within the deep cervical fascia + name them
Investing layer of fascia (surrounds all of the neck)
Pre-tracheal fascia (covers visceral compartment)
Pre-vertebral fascia (covers vertebral column and muscles around it)
Carotid sheath
What are the 3 compartments in the neck + what fascia encloses each
Vertebral compartment (pre-vertebral fascia enclosing it)
Vascular compartment (carotid sheath encloses it)
Visceral compartment (pre-tracheal fascia encloses it)
Musculofascial collar (investing layer of fascia) (Encloses all of the above)
What 3 things does the carotid sheath enclose
Vagus nerve
What does the visceral compartment of the neck contain (6)
Thyroid Parathyroid glands Pharynx Larynx Trachea Oesophagus
What does the vertebral compartment of the neck contain
Cervical vertebrae and postural muscles
How many cervical vertebrae
What joint is between occipital condyles and C1 (atlas)
Condyloid (Atlanto-occipital joint)
What passes through foramen transversarium (3)
Vertebral artery
Vertebral vein
Sympathetic nerve plexus
What vertebrae is vertebra prominens
C7 - long spinous process
Special feature about spinous process of cervical vertebrae
Bifid spinous process
What curvature exists in cervical spine + thoracic + lumbar
Thoracic kyphosis
Lumbar lordosis
Neck divided into what 2 triangles
What is the posterior triangle also called
Lateral cervical region
What is the
- superior
- posterior
- anterior
boundary of the anterior triangle
Superior - inferior border of mandible
Posterior - anterior border of SCM
Anterior - midline of neck
What is the
- anterior
- posterior
- inferior
boundary of the posterior triangle
Anterior - posterior border of SCM
Posterior - anterior border of trapezius
Inferior - middle 1/3 of clavicle (between SCM and trapezius)
Contents of the anterior triangle (think muscles, arteries, veins, nerves, glands, lymph nodes)
All suprahyoid muscles
All infra hyoid muscles
CCA, ECA, ICA, facial a
IJV, facial vein
Submandibular gland
Deep cervical lymph nodes
Contents of the posterior triangle (think muscles, arteries, veins, nerves)
Anterior, middle, posterior scalenes
Subclavian a, transverse cervical a, suprascapular a
CN XI, cervical plexus
EJV, subclavian v, transverse cervical v, suprascapular v
What muscle splits the neck into 2 triangles
Attachments of the SCM (3)
Superiorly to mastoid process and superior nuchal line
Inferiorly to anterior surface of manubrium (sternal head) and superior surface of medial 1/3 of clavicle (clavicular head)
If right SCM contracts, what happens to head and face
Head tilts right
Face turns left
Trapezius attachments
Originates from occipital bone and all along the spinous processes of T1-T12
Inserts onto lateral 1/3 clavicle, acromion and spine of scapula
Trapezius actions (3)
Upper part elevates pectoral girdle
Lower part depresses shoulders
Middle part retracts/adducts scapula
Which cranial nerve innervates trapezius and SCM
Anterior triangle can be further subdivided into what 4 triangles
What muscles form the floor of the posterior triangle of the neck (3)
Splenius capitis
Levator scapulae
Anterior, middle and posterior scalenes
Contents of the submental triangle (1)
Submental lymph node
Contents of the submandibular triangle (3)
Facial a
Facial v
Submandibular salivary gland
Contents of the carotid triangle (3)
Carotid sheath - CCA (–> ICA, ECA), IJV, vagus nerve
Contents of the muscular triangle (2)
Strap muscles of the neck (infrahyoid muscles)
Thyroid gland
What is the right/left CCA a branch of
R CCA - brachiocephalic artery
L CCA - aortic arch
What level does CCA divide and where exactly does it divide
Upper border of thyroid cartilage
Branch of ECA that supplies thyroid gland
Superior thyroid artery
Which vein of upper limb does IJV merge with to form the brachiocephalic vein
Is EJV superficial or deep to SCM
Posterior triangle of neck subdivided into what 2 triangles
Vagus nerve lies anterior/posterior in relation to the vascular contents of the carotid sheath
Where does phrenic nerve lie in relation to carotid sheath
3 components of the hyoid bone
Body Lesser horn (cornu) Greater horn (Cornu)
Name the 4 muscles/muscle groups attached to the hyoid bone
Suprahyoid muscles
Infrahyoid muscles
Middle pharyngeal constrictor
Name the 4 suprahyoid muscles
Innervation of mylohyoid
CN V3 (specifically inferior alveolar branch)
Innervation of geniohyoid
Innervation of digastric (anterior/posterior belly)
CN V3 (specifically inferior alveolar branch) innervates ant. belly
CN VII innervates post. belly
Innervation of stylohyoid
Action of suprahyoid muscles
Elevate hyoid bone Depress mandible (open mouth)
Name the 4 infrahyoid (Strap) muscles
Innervation of all the infrahyoid muscles except thyrohyoid (+ its innervation)
Sternohyoid, sternothyroid + omohyoid: innervated by anterior rami of C1-C3 carried by a branch of the ANSA CERVICALIS
Thyrohyoid: innervated by anterior rami of C1 carried within CN XII
Action of infrahyoid muscles (3)
Depress hyoid bone
Sternothyroid depresses thyroid cartilage
Thyrohyoid elevates larynx if hyoid bone fixed
Root values of cervical plexus
Between which 2 muscles do the roots of the cervical plexus emerge
Anterior scalene and SCM
What nerve emerges from the cervical plexus and travels down the thorax
What is the ansa cervicalis
Nerve loop formed of nerve roots of C1-C3
Vertebral level range of thyroid gland
3 components of the thyroid gland
Left lobe
Right lobe
What connects the 2 lobes of the thyroid gland
Which tracheal rings is the thyroid gland anterior to
2nd and 3rd
Blood supply to the thyroid gland (2) + what are they branches of
Superior + inferior thyroid a
Superior thyroid branch of ECA
Inferior thyroid branch of thyrocervical trunk (which is branch of subclavian a)
What 3 veins drain thyroid gland + what do they then drain into
Superior thyroid vein –> IJV
Middle thyroid vein –> IJV
Inferior thyroid vein –> brachiocephalic v
Anatomical relation of infrahyoid muscles to thyroid gland
Anterior to thyroid
Anatomical relation of SCM to thyroid gland
Anatomical relation of carotid sheath to thyroid gland