Anatomy W8 - Floor of the mouth Flashcards
What salivary glands are found in the floor of the mouth?
The submandibular and sublingual salivary glands
What kind of secretions does the submandibular salivary gland produce?
A seromuco gland
How does the submandibular gland communicate with the floor of the mouth?
Via the submandibular salivary duct which opens on to the floor of the mouth via the sublingual papilla.
Describe the course of the submandibular salivary duct, what problems does this cause clinically?
The duct runs slightly uphill = predisposes it to salivary calculi since the flow slows as it goes uphill.
How many sublingual papilla are there?
2 - one on each side of the lingual frenulum corresponding to the left and right submandibular ducts.
What kind of secretions does the sublingual salivary gland produce?
Describe the ducts of the sublingual gland.
Has many ducts
Some open up on to the end of the submandibular duct
Some open up on to the floor of the mouth at the sublingual fold.
Describe the lingual nerves position in relation to the submandibular duct.
The lingual nerve curves under the submandibular salivary duct.
List the extrinsic muscles of the tongue.
What type of muscle are the extrinsic muscles of the tongue?
Skeletal muscle - voluntary control
What is the function of the hyoglossus muscle?
Pulls the tongue down/depresses
What is the function of the styloglossus muscle?
Pulls tongue upwards and backwards
What is the function of the palatoglossus muscle?
Pulls the soft palate down
What is the function of the genioglossus muscle?
Protrudes the tongue
What extrinsic muscle(s) of the tongue are supplied by the hypoglossal nerve?
The genioglossus
The styloglossus
The hyoglossus
What extrinsic muscle(s) of the tongue are supplied by the vagus nerve?
The palatoglossus
What type of muscle are the intrinsic muscles of the tongue?
Skeletal - voluntary
What nerve innervates the intrinsic muscles of the tongue?
The hypoglossal nerve
Name the intrinsic muscles of the tongue.
The superior and inferior longitudinal muscles
The vertical muscles
The transverse muscles
What is the function of the superior and inferior longitudinal intrinsic muscles?
They pull the tip of the tongue back to curl the tongue
What is the function of the vertcal intrinsic muscles?
Make the tongue thin by flattening it
What is the function of the transverse muscles?
Pull the sides of the tongue in
What is the function of the extrinsic muscles of the tongue?
Change position of the tongue
What is the function of the Intrinsic muscles of the tongue?
Change shape and position of the tongue
What is the function of the GenioHYOID? (not a muscle of the tongue)
Used in swallowing - pulls the hyoid bone forward to create space in the pharynx
Name the 2 heads of the submandibular salivary gland.
The superficial head
The deep head - located on the floor of the mouth.
What muscle in the submandibular region does the submandibular salivary gland wrap around?
The mylohyoid
What branch of the external carotid artery makes a groove in the submandibular gland?
The facial artery
If there was damage to the hypoglossal nerve on one side, what would the patient present with?
A tongue that deviated to one side (the deviated side would be the affected side)
Describe the lingual nerves secretomotor function to the submandibular and sublingual salivary glands.
The preganglionic parasympathetic fibres leave the superior salivatory nucleus in the pons of the brainstem via the facial nerve
The chorda tympani then carries the information from the facial nerve to the lingual nerve.
The fibres then enter the submandibular ganglion via the lingual nerve and synapse.
(submandibualr ganglion controls both glands)