Anatomy W1 - Vault of the skull Flashcards
What bones can you see from norma frontalis?
Frontal Nasal Maxilla Zygomatic bone Mandible
What bones can you see from norma verticalis?
Parietal (x2)
What bones can you see from norma Lateralis?
Frontal Parietal Greater wing of the sphenoid Temporal Maxilla Mandible Zygomatic Occipital
What suture connects the frontal bone to the parietal bones?
Coronal suture
What suture runs down the middle of the cranium joining the two parietal bones?
The sagital suture
What suture unites the occipital bone with the parietal bones?
The lambdoid suture
What suture joins the two frontal bones in a young individual?
The metopic suture
What is the highest part of the skull called?
The bregma
What age is the metopic suture fused by?
3 years old
8% of the population still have a metopic suture > the age of 3.
What is the function of the parietal foramen? What runs through them?
Provides venous communication between the inside and the outside of the cranial cavity.
Emissary veins pass through
What are wormian/sutural bones?
They are islands of bones along a suture
commonly on the lambdoid suture
Where are Wormian bones commonly found?
The lambdoid suture
What is the most post posterior part of the skull called?
Where is it located?
The external occipital protuberance
The occipital bone
Where is the anterior fontanelle found?
Diamond shaped membrane located between the 2 frontal bones and the 2 parietal bones of a baby.
What are sutures?
Unossified fibrous joints