Anatomy Pre-Practical Lecture Flashcards
study the following image

Enlargement of the pituitary gland in disease often impinges on the crossing fibres of the optic chiasm.
Which fibres from the optic nerve, nasal or temporal, cross over to the opposite side at the chiasm?
What therefore would the resultant visual field defect be due to pituitary gland enlargement?
bitemporal hemianopia (temporal field lost in each eye)

Posterior pituitary continues down from the __________ _____ and __________
Posterior pituitary continues down from the pituitary stalk and hypothalamus
what does the anterior pituitary develop from?
Anterior pituitary – larger, glandular (develops from the branchial arches)

III ventricle

optic chiasm

pars intermedia

anterior pituitary

posterior pituitary

mammilary bodies
name 1, 2 and 3

1 – anterior pituitary
2 – posterior pituitary
3 – pituitary stalk
Low magnification - Should work out how magnified the image is first
Can see a slight difference in the middle that is the pars intermedia
what is the posterior pituitary made up of and what does it secrete?
Posterior pituitary is made up of nerves, neurons and glial cells as it is neural tissue
Posterior pituitary secretes ADH and oxytocin
Only neural tissue in the posterior pituitary
what are the normal features of an endocrine gland?
Round nucleus
Abducent cytoplasm
Different nuclei size
Lots and lots and lots of blood vessels
what is this showing?

anterior pituitary
High magnification
No particular arrangement
Just a mix of cells
what cells make up the anterior pituitary gland?
Cells are of 3 types of cells
Acidophilic – stain pink
Basophilic – light stain and go blue
Chromophobes are pituitary cells that by light microscopy lack stainable cytoplasmic secretory granules, and represent degranulated chromophils, inactive reserve cells, and/or undifferentiated stem cells - dont like stain at all
Stain different as in histology things do different things. Structures in the cytoplasm, secretions they are going to secrete, are different

what is this showing

Posterior pituitary
Lots of white due to the myelin sheath
Not a slide only looking at the posterior pituitary
Question may show both anterior and posterior pituitary
Definition of a portal vein (Webster’s)
A vein that collects blood from one part of the body and distributes it in another through capillaries

Neurons that secrete releasing hormones for the anterior pituitary

Neurons that secrete posterior pituitary hormones

Superior hypophyseal a.
(a branch of the cerebral part of the internal carotid artery)

Hypophyseal portal veins

Hypophyseal veins

Hypophyseal veins

Inferior hypophyseal a.
Hypothalamus tells the _________ pituitary when to secrete
The thyroid and parathyroid gland vertebral level?
C5 – T1 level
where is the Isthmus of the thyroid gland?
Isthmus at 2nd – 4th tracheal rings

What supplies the thyroid and what are they branches of?
Superior thyroid artery – 1st branch of ECA
Inferior thyroid artery – branch of subclavian
What are the thyroid veins and where doe they drain?
Superior - IJV
Middle - IJV
Inferior - Brachiocephalic
Where’s the parathyroid?
back of thyroid
Can’t see it with naked eye
name 1-7

1 – Sternohyoid
2 – Omohyoid (anterior belly)
3 – Sternothyroid
4 – Thyrohyoid
5 – Stylohyoid
6 – Mylohyoid
7 – Digastric

External laryngeal n (branch of Vagus)

Recurrent laryngeal n (branch of Vagus)


Superior thyroid a. (branch of ECA)

Inferior thyroid a. arises from subclavian a
What are nerves that lie close to the thyroid arteries?
External laryngeal n (branch of superior laryngeal n) lies close to Superior thyroid artery
Recurrent laryngeal n lies close in the tracheo-oesophageal groove close to the Inferior thyroid artery
what does damage to the superior and recurrent laryngeal nerves result in?
Damage to the rec. laryngeal n – hoarseness (if U/L) and if B/L aphonia and breathing difficulties
Damage to sup. Laryngeal n – hoarseness, inability to produce high-pitched voices
what is this showing?

Describe the features seen in thyroid histology?

colloid (viscous fluid in the central cavity of thyroid follicles, containing the glycoprotein thyroglobulin) stains pink
fibrous septa
Big follicles and lined by a called called follicular cells (major cell type in the thyroid gland and are responsible for the production and secretion of the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine)
Hormones stored inside follicles as a big pink mass
Nothing else like this
Tall columnar cells when active but when inactive get flatter
Mass of cells between folliclae cells are C cells and they secrete calcitonin (hormone that is produced in humans by the parafollicular cells (commonly known as C-cells) of the thyroid gland. Calcitonin is involved in helping to regulate levels of calcium and phosphate in the blood, opposing the action of parathyroid hormone)

what 2 cells can be seen in the thyroid
2 types of cells in thyroid = follicular cells and C cells
what do C cells do?
Calcitonin is a hormone that is produced in humans by the parafollicular cells (commonly known as C-cells) of the thyroid gland. Calcitonin is involved in helping to regulate levels of calcium and phosphate in the blood, opposing the action of parathyroid hormone
what do follicular cells do?
major cell type in the thyroid gland and are responsible for the production and secretion of the thyroid hormones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)
What is this and describe its features

In the parathyroid gland, the parathyroid oxyphil cell is larger and lighter staining than the parathyroid chief cell. These cells can be found in clusters in the center of the section and at the periphery. Oxyphil cells appear at the onset of puberty, but have no known function
Fat deposition in the parathyroid gland

The adrenal medulla, the inner part of an adrenal gland, controls hormones that initiate the flight or fight response. The main hormones secreted by the adrenal medulla include epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline), which have similar functions

Each gland has an outer cortex which produces steroid hormones


zona glomerulosa

zona fasciculata

zona reticularis

adrenal medulla
what does the zona glomerulosa secrete?
what does the zona fasciculata secrete?
what does the zona reticularis secrete?
what does the adrenal medulla secrete?
what is this an image of?

suprarenal gland

Hostolgoy of adrenal gland:
Adipose cytes are _____ looking cells
Medulla is the part in the ______
You can see _______ zones of the cortex
Adipose cytes are empty looking cells
Medulla is the part in the middle
You can see three zones of the cortex



what is the blood supply to the suprarenal glands?
Three arteries usually supply each adrenal gland:
- The superior suprarenal artery, a branch of the inferior phrenic artery
- The middle suprarenal artery, a direct branch of the abdominal aorta
- The inferior suprarenal artery, a branch of the renal artery

what is the venous drianage of the suprarenal glands?
Venous blood is drained from the glands by the suprarenal veins, usually one for each gland:
- The right suprarenal vein drains into the inferior vena cava
- The left suprarenal vein drains into the left renal vein or the left inferior phrenic vein
Right side drains directly into the IVC but on the left side it doesn’t
Gonadal veins do the same thing - right side goes right in

_ pairs of suprarenal arteries:
Superior from _____ ______
Middle directly from _____
Inferior from ____ ______
3 pairs of suprarenal arteries:
Superior from inferior phrenic
Middle directly from aorta
Inferior from renal arteries
Only _ suprarenal vein on each side
R into ___
L into _ _____ _
vWhich other vein follows this pattern of drainage?
Only 1 suprarenal vein on each side
R into IVC
L into L renal v
Gonaldal veins - Like the suprarenal veins each side drains differently: the left gonadal vein drains into the left renal vein. the right gonadal vein drains directly into the inferior vena cava
Pancreas blood supply is from branches of _______ _______
coeliac trunk
The main vascular supply of the pancreas is governed by the splenic artery and its subsequent branches, which stem from the celiac trunk. It also receives blood from the superior mesenteric artery, the gastroduodenal artery and also the superior and inferior pancreaticoduodenal arteries
what are the main branches of the coeliac trunk?

what is this image showing?

what is 1?

1 – Islet of Langerhans – endocrine part
what is 2?

2 – exocrine part – pancreatic acini
what is 3?

3 – pancreatic duct (for exocrine part)