Anatomy Pathology Flashcards
Displacement of distal segment of radius POSTERIORLY
Dinner/silver fork deformity
Displacement of distal segment of radius ANTERIORLY
Smiths fracture
Distal radial fracture, fragment dorsally placed
Distal radial fracture, fragment ventrally placed
Pain and tenderness localized over the anatomic snuffbox
Scaphoid fracture
Most commonly dislocated carpal bone
Dislocation may cause CTS
Fracture of the base of the first metacarpal bone
Fracture of the neck of the second and third metacarpal
Inability to stand on tip toes, paresthesis on skin of posterior leg, sole and lateral foot
Tibial nerve lesion
Foot drop, steppage gait, pain and paresthesia in the lateral leg and dorsum of the foot
Common peroneal nerve lesions
Weakness in eversion, pain and paresthesia in dorsal aspect of foot
Superficial peroneal/ fibular nerve lesions
Foot drop and paresthesia in skin of the webbed space between the great toe and second toe
Deep peroneal/ fibular nerve lesions
The terrible triad
Tibial collateral ligament, meadial meniscius and ACL
Unhappy triad of Donoghue
ACL, MCL, Medial meniscus
Forward sliding of the tibia on the femur
Anterior drawer sign (ACL rapture)
(backward sliding of the tibia on the femur)
Posterior drawer sign- PCL ligament rapture
Tibia is bent or twisted laterally; collapse of lateral compartment of the knee
Knocke knee/ Genu valgum- rapture of medial/ tibial collateral ligament
Tibia is bent medially, collpase of medial compartment of the knee
Bowleg(genu varium)-rupture of lateral/ fibular collateral ligament
Ataxia, dysmetria, dysdiadochokinesia, intention tumor
Posterior lobe syndrome
Marked gait instability
Anterior lobe syndrome
Truncal ataxia
Flocculonodular lobe syndrome
Lesion in supramarginal sinus
Tactile agonosia
Lesion in BA 22
Auditory agnosia
Results form damage to the contralateral subthalamic nucleus
Collar bone of scottie dog
Fish mouth vertebra
Sickle cell anemia
Bamboo spine
Ankylosing spondylosis
Damage to a motor neurons w/in ventral gray horn
Werndig hoffman disease
Damage to a motor neurons within ventral and lateral corticospinal tract (UMN and LMN)
Lou gerhig disease
Sensory pathways of dorsal column is affected
Tabes dorsalis
damage to dorsal columns and lat corticospinal and spinocerebellar tract
Vit B12 neuropathy
Transection above c4 leads to
Most common intramedullary tumor of the spinal cord
Grade III acromioclavicular sublaxation
Piano key sign
Most common site for clavicular fracture
Middle 3rd
Severe distal traction of the radius
Nursemaid elbow
Gamekeeper thumb
Disruption of ulnar collateral ligament of the MP joint of the thumb
Contraction of forearm muscles
Volkmann ischemic contracture
Thickening and contracture of palmar aponeurosis leading to progressive flexion of fingers
Dupuytren contracture
Idiopathic AVN of femur, presents as unilateral hip pain, slight external rotation and a limp
Legg- Perthes disease
Pott fracture
Eversion injury
Fibular fx+avulsion of medial malleolus
Pott fracture
Fracture of distal portion of tibia
Ski boot injury
Also called lover’s fracture
Calcaneal fracture
Fx sustained from jumping a great height, usually involves subtalar jt and fx of the lumbar vertebrae and femoral neck
Lover’s fracture
Fx/dislocation at the tarsometataraal jt
Lisfrane injury
Common injury sustained when a bicyclist’s foot is caught in pedal clips
Lisfrane injury
Most common site for aneurysm
Anterior communicating artery
Severe pain due to thalamic damage
Thalamic syndrome of Dejerine and Roussy (PCA occlusion)
Blood vessel affected in epidural hemorrhage
Middle meningeal artery
Lucid interval, lens shaped(biconvex) hyperdensity on CT
Blood vessels affected in subdural hemorrhage
Superior cerebral veins(bridging veins)
Crescent shaped hyperdensity on CT
Subdural hemorrhagr
Bv involved in SAH
Cerebral artery, communicating arteries
Worst headache of my life,
BV involved in extracranial hemorrhage
Emissary veins, branches of superficial, temporal and occpital arteries
Black eye cranial CT
Extracranial hge
Sweating whenever a person eats
Frey syndrome
Tearing whenever a person eats
Crocodile tears syndrome
Most common herniation
In arnold chiari malformation
Foramen magnum herniation
Difficulty elevating trunk, difficulty using crutch, latissimus dorsi is affected
Thoracodorsal nerve
Maybe injured as a result of dislocation of the head of the humerus; or by a fracture in the surgical neck of the humerus
Axillary nerve
Loss of rounder contour of shoulder, weakness in abduction, weakness in lateral rotation
Axillary nerve lesion
Weakness in flexion of arm at elbow and in supination
Musculocutaneous nerve lesions
Wrist drop
Radial nerve
Hand of benidiction/ ape hand
Median nerve lesion
Supracondylar fx of humerus; hand of benediction
Proximal lesiont
Ape hand; lunate dislocation, CTS
Distal median nerve lesion
May result due to medial epicondyle fx of the humerus
Ulnar nerve lesion
Fracture at hook of hamate
Distal lesion- Ulnar nerve lesion
Claw hand
Ulnar nerve lesion
Axillary artery is the continuation wc artery
Divides the axillary artery into 3 parts
Tendon of pectoralis minor
Results to weakened abduction of the thigh by gluteus medius ; waddling gait
Superior gluteal nerve injury
Trendelenburg sign
Superior gluteal nerve injury
Weakness in ability to laterally rotate and extend the thight at hip joint, difficulty climbing stairs or rising from a chair
Inferior gluteal nerve injury
A muscle irritates and places pressure on the sciatic nerve causing pain in the buttocks and referring pain along the course of the sciatic nerve
Pirifomis syndrome
Pain and paresthesia in the skin of the medial aspect of the leg and foot
Saphenous nerve lesions
Most commonly lesioned in the pelvis
Obturator nerve lesion
Major supply of the head of the femur
Medial femoral circumflex
Dislocation of femur usually occurs in which direction
Skull fx at pterion may lacerate which artery
Middle meningeal
Laceration of middle meningeal artery may cause?
Epidural or extradural hematoma
Horizontal fx superior to maxillary alveolar process
Le Fort I
Fx at posterolateral parts of the maxillary sinuses; central part of the face separated from cranium
Le fort II
Horizontal fracture that passes through the superior orbital fissures, ethmoid and nasal extender to greater wingbof sphenoid; maxilla and zygoma seperated from cranium
Le Fort III
Due to premature closure of saggital suture
“Aka tower skull”
Oxycephaly, acrocephaly
Premature closure of coronal suture
Oxycephaly, acrocephaly
Premature closure of coronal and lambdoid suture
3 primary brain vesicles are
Prosencephalon,mesencephalon, rhombencephalon
Ptosis and mydriasis
Found jn superior colliculus
Found in inferior colliculus
Trochlear nerve
Leads to blindness of the right eye(lesion)
Right optic nerve
Lesion leads to bitemporal hemianopsia
Optic chiasm
Lesions leads to right nasal hemianopsia
Right angle of chiasm
Lesions leads to left homonymous hemianopsia
Right optic tract
Spinal cord terminates at what level
Lumbar puncture is done at
Corpus striatum consists of
Caudate nucleus + lentiform nuclei
Striatum consists of
Caudate nucleus+ puta
Due to degeneration of substantia nigra
Parkinson’s diesease
Manifests due to degeneration of striatum
Results from damage to contralateral subthalamic nucleus
Most common location of berry aneurysms
Anterior part of Circle of Willis (ant communicatig, posterior communicating, or MCA)
CSF is produced where?
Choroid plexus
Rate of production of csf
Normal csf pressure
Total volume of csf
Difficulty in sliding the heel in one foot
Anterior (cerebellar lobe syndrome)
Dysmetria, dysdiadochokiesia, ataxia
Posterior lobe syndrome
“Motor disability”
Spinal cord hemisection
Brown sequard
In brown sequaerd all manifestations are ipsilateral except
Pain and temperature(contralateral)
Attacks anterior horn cells leading to LMNL
Caused by neurosyphilis, dorsal root involvement with secondary degeneration of dorsal columns (loss of position and sense of vibration)
Tabes dorsalis
Pure motor disease involving degeneration of anterior horn cells (LMNL) and corticospinal tract(UMNL)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Caused by vitamin B12 deficency; degeneration of posterior and lateral columns(loss of position sense and vibration in legs associated with UMNL)
Subacute combined degeneraton
Progressive cavitation around the central canal; leading to loss of pain and temperature sensations in hands and forearm
Spinal shock can be determined by testing for the activity of
Sphincter reflex
Damage to this portion of the spinal cord may result to paralysis of all four extremities
Quadriplegia : C4-C6
Non fusion of the embryonic halves of the vertebral arches
Spina bifida
Spina bifida with no clinical manifestation, only with the presence of a small dimple with a tuft of hair
Severe type of spina bifida
The lumbar triangle of petit (ext oblique, lattisimus, iliac crest) is prone to what pathology?
Lumbar hernia
Degeneration of pedicles of lumbar vertebrae
Formation of bone spurs and osteophytes
Ossification of annulus fibrosus
Ankylosing spondylytis
Right eye cant look left, left eye nystagmus, convergence is intact
Right medial longitudinal fasciculus
Most common cause of cyanotic heart disease
Chronic stree fracture of pars interarticularis
Pedicles of lumbar vertebra degenerates or fail to develop
Vertebrae affected in spondylolisthesis
Degen: L4-L5; congenital: L5-S1
Degenerative process, formation of bone spurs and osteophytes
Nucleus pulposus usually herniates where?
Hyperflexion of cervical ganglion
Compression of cervical region
Hyperextension of cervical region
Hyperflexion of thoracic or lumbar region
Injury when: diving into shallow waters, whiplash
Injury when: there is force applied to the top of the head
Injury when: hanging chin strikes the dashboard
Seat belt injury
Most common tumor of the SC
Dumbell shaped tumors associated with NF2
Tumors that are remnants of the notochord
Most common extradural tumor
Transillumination test is for what condition
Left renal vein may be compressed by an aneurysm of
SMA (crosses anterior to the aorta)
Accounts for most cases of extrahepatic obstruction of biliary system
Pancreatic head CA
Part of GB, common site of an impacted gallstone
Hepatopancreatic ampulla
Most common location of appendix
Nerve commonly injured in appendectomy
BPH usually involves which region
Periurethral zone
Prostate CA(adenocarcinoma) usually involve which part of the prostate
Peripheral part of prostate in the main pancreatic glands(posterior) part
Musculocutaneos nerve may be compressed as it passes through wc muscle
Clavicular fx hemorrhage may be due to wc vein
Femoral nerve may be damaged in te abdomen by abscess of
Psoas major
Most commonly injured nerve in the pelvis
Obturator nerve