Anatomy OINA Flashcards
Abductor Pollicis Brevis innervation and action:
Innervation: Median Nerve Action: Thumb abduction
Flexor Pollicis Brevis Superficial head innervation and action:
Innervation: median nerve Action: Thumb MCP Flexion
Flexor Pollicis Brevis Deep head innervation and action:
Innervation: Ulnar Action: Thumb MCP Flexion
Opponens Pollicis innervation and action:
Innervation: median nerve Action: Oppose thumb
Adductor Pollicis innervation and action:
Innervation: ulnar nerve Action: Thumb adduction and thumb MCP flexion
Palmaris Brevis innervation and action:
Innervation: Ulnar Action: Wrinkles skin
Abductor digiti minimi innervation and action:
Innervation:Ulnar nerve Action: Small finger abduction
Flexor digiti minimi brevis innervation and action:
Innervation: Ulnar nerve Action: small finger MCP flexion
Opponens digiti minimi innervation and action:
Innervation: ulnar nerve Action: oppose small finger
Lumbricals 1&2 innervation and action:
Innervation: median nerve Action: Extend PIP, Flex MCP
Lumbricals 3&4 innervation and action:
Innervation: Ulnar nerve Action: Extend PIP, Flex MCP
Dorsal interosseous innervation and action:
Innervation: ulnar nerve Action: digit abduction and MCP flexion
Palmar interosseous innervation and action:
Innervation: ulnar nerve Action: digit adduction
Anconeus OINA:
O: Lateral epicondyle I: Posterior Proximal Ulna N: Radial A: Forearm extension
Extensor Digitorum Communis OINA:
O: Lateral Epicondyle I: MCP: sagittal band, P2: central slip, P3: Terminal insertion N: Radial- PIN A: Digit extension
Extensor Digiti Minimi OINA:
O: Lateral epicondyle I: Small finger MCP N: Radial- PIN A: Small finger extension
Extensor Carpi Ulnaris OINA:
O: Lateral Epicondyle I: Base of 5th MC N: Radial- PIN A: hand extension and ulnar deviation
Extensor Radialis Brevis OINA:
O: Lateral Epicondyle I: Base of 3rd MC N: Radial- PIN A: Wrist Extension
Brachioradialis OINA:
O: Lateral Condyle I: Distal radius N: Radial A: Forearm flexion
Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus OINA:
O: Lateral Condyle I: Base of 2nd MC N: Radial A Wrist extension
Supinator OINA:
O: Posterior Medial Ulna I: Proximal Lateral Radius N: Radial- PIN A: Supinates forearm
Abductor Pollicis Longus OINA:
O: Posterior Radius and Ulna I: Base of 1st thumb metacarpal N: Radial- PIN A: Abducts and extends thumb
Extensor Pollicis Brevis OINA:
O: Posterior Radius I: Base of thumb proximal phalanx N: Radial- PIN A: Extends the thumb at MCP
Extensor Pollicis Longus OINA:
O: Posterior Ulna I: Base of thumb distal Phalanx N: Radial- PIN A: Extends the Thumb at IP
Extensor Indicis Proprius OINA:
O: Posterior Ulna I: MCP, PIP, DIP or index finger N: Radial- PIN A: extends index finger
Pronator Teres OINA:
O: Medial Epicondyle I: Lateral radius N: Median A: Pronates and flex forearm
Flexor Carpi Radialis OINA:
O: Medial Epicondyle I: Base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal N: Median A: Flex wrist and radial deviation
Palmaris Longus OINA:
O: Medial Epicondyle I: Flexor retinaculum/ Palmar aponeurosis N: Median A: Flex wrist
Flexor Carpi Ulnaris OINA:
O: Medial Epicondyle I: Pisiform, Hook of Hamate, 5th MC N: Ulnar A: Flex wrist and ulnar deviation
Flexor Digitorum Superficialis OINA:
O: Medial Epicondyle I: Middle Phalanges of digits N: Median A: Flex PIP joint and wrist
Flexor Digitorum Profundus OINA:
O: Anterior Ulna and interosseous membrane I: Distal phalanx of IF, MF, RF, SF N: Median- AIN (IF 1/2 MF) Ulnar (1/2 MF, RF, SF) A: Flex DIP and Wrist
Flexor Pollicis Longus OINA:
O: Anterior radius and proximal ulna I: Distal phalanx of thumb N: Median- AIN A: Flex thumb IP
Pronator Quadratus OINA:
O: Medial distal ulna I: Anterior distal radius N: Median- AIN A: Pronate forearm
Triceps OINA:
O: Long Head: Infraglenoid tubercle Lateral head: Proximal Posterior Humerus Medial Head: Distal Posterior Humerus I: Olecranon N Radial A: Elbow extensor
Brachialis OINA:
O: Distal Anterior Humerus I: Ulnar Tuberosity N: Medial: Musculocutaneous Lateral: Radial A: Flex Forearm
Biceps Brachii OINA:
O: Long head: Supraglenoid tubercle Short head: Coracoid Process I: Radial Tuberosity N: Musculocutaneous A: Flex and supinate forearm
Coracobrachialis OINA:
O: Coracoid process I: middle humerus N: Musculocutaneous A: Flex and adduct arm
Deltoid OINA:
O: Clavicle, Acromion, Spine of scapula I: Deltoid tuberosity N: Axillary A: Abducts arm
Pectoralis Major OINA:
O: Clavicle and Sternum I: Intertubercular Groove N: Lateral Pectoral and Medial Pectoral A: Internal Rotator and Adducts arm
Pectoralis Minor OINA:
O: Ribs 3-5 I: Coracoid process N: Medial pectoral A: Stabilizes scapula
Serratus anterior OINA:
O: Lateral ribs 1-8 I: Medial border of scapula N: Long thoracic A: Upward rotation of scapula
Subclavius OINA:
O: Rib 1 and costal cartilage I: Mid 3rd of clavicle N: Nerve to subclavius A: Depresses clavicle
Supraspinatus OINA:
O: Supraspinatus fossa I: Greater tubercle N: Subscapular A: Abduct arm
Infraspinatus OINA:
O: Infraspinatus fossa I: Greater tubercle N: subscapular A: External rotator
Teres Minor OINA:
O: Lateral scapula I: Greater tubercle N: Axillary A: External rotator
Subscapularis OINA:
O: Subscapular fossa I: Lesser tubercle N: upper and lower subscapular A: Internal rotator and adduct arm
Teres Major OINA:
O: Inferior angle of scapula I: Intertubercular groove N: Low subscapular A: Internal rotation and adduct arm
Trapezius OINA:
O: C7-T12 I: Clavicle, Acromion, Spine of scapula N: Cranial nerve XI A: elevate and rotate scapula
Latissimus Dorsi OINA:
O: T7-T12, Illiac crest I: Intertubercular groove N: Thoracodorsal A: Adduct, extend, internal rotation
Levator scapulae OINA:
O: C1-C4 I: Superior medial scapula N: Dorsal scapular, C3-C4 A: Elevate scapula
Rhomboid minor OINA:
O: C7- T1 I: Medial scapula N: dorsal scapular A: Adduct scapula
Rhomboid Major OINA:
O: T2- T5 I: Medial scapula N: Dorsal scapular A: Adduct scapula
Muscle of the Thenar compartment:
Muscles of the Adductor compartment:
Adductor Pollicis
Muscles of the Hypothenar compartment:
PB Abductor Digiti Minimi Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis Opponens Digiti minimi
2-5 Intrinsic Muscles:
Lumbricals 1-4 Dorsal interosseous Palmar interosseous
2-5 Extrinsic muscles:
EDC EDM Extensor indicis proprius FDS FDP
Intrinsic thumb muscles:
APB OP FPB Adductor Pollicis 1st palmar interossei
Extrinsic Thumb muscles:
Common Extensor Tendon Muscles:
Anconeus Extensor Digitorum Communis Extensor Digiti Minimi Extensor carpi ulnaris Extensor carpi radialis
Deep Extensor muscles:
Supinator APL EPB EPL Extensor indicis proprius
Common flexor Tendon muscles:
Pronator Teres Palmaris longus Flexor Carpi radialis Flexor Carpi ulnaris Flexor digitorum superficialis
Deep Flexor muscles of the arm:
Flexor digitorum profundus Flexor Pollicis Longus Pronator Quadratus
Origin of Platysma:
Fascia: deltoid/ pectoralis major
Insertion of the platysma:
Mandible; skin
Action of the platysma:
Depress jaw
Innervation of Platysma:
CN 7
Origin of sternocleidomastoid:
Manubrium & clavicle
Insertion of the sternocleidomastoid:
Mastoid process
Action of the sternocleidomastoid:
Turn head to opposite side
Innervation of sternocleidomastoid:
CN 11
Origin of the anterior scalene muscles:
C3-6 transverse process
Insertion of anterior and middle scalene muscles:
1st rib
Action of the scalene muscles:
Laterally flexes neck and elevates 1st or 2nd rib
Innervation of the scalene muscles:
C5-C8 nerve roots
Origin of the posterior scalene muscles:
C4-6 transverse process
Origin of the middle scalene muscles:
C2-7 transverse process
Insertion of the posterior scalene muscle:
2nd rib
Origin of the serratus posterior superior:
Spinous process C7-T3
Insertion of the serratus posterior superior:
Ribs 2-5
Action of the serratus posterior superior:
Elevate ribs
Innervation of the serratus posterior superior:
Intercostal (T1-4)
Origin of serratus posterior inferior:
Spinous process T11-L3
Insertion of serratus posterior inferior:
Ribs 9-12
Action of serratus posterior inferior:
Depress ribs
Innervation of the serratus posterior inferior:
Intercostal (T9-12)
Origin of the splenius capitis:
Ligamentum nuchae
Insertion of the splenius capitis:
Mastoid and nuchal line
Action of the splenius capitis and cervicis:
Laterally flex and rotate neck to same side
Innervation of splenius capitis and cervicis:
Dorsal rami of inferior cervical nerves
Origin of the splenius cervicis:
Spinous process T1-6
Insertion of the splenius cervicis:
Transverse process C1-4
Deep intrinsic back muscles:
Splenius capitis Splenius cervicis Iliocostalis Longissimus Spinalis Semispinalis capitus Semispinalis (C&T) Multifidus (C2-S4) Rotatores Levator costarum Interspinales Intertransversarii
Muscles of the spinotransverse group (superficial layer):
Splenius capitis Splenius cervicis
Muscles of the sacrospinalis group (erector spinae):
Iliocostalis Longissimus Spinalis
Muscles of the transversospinalis group (deep)
Semispinalis capitus Semispinalis (C&T) Multifidus (C2-S4) Rotatores Levator costarum Interspinales Intertransversarii
Origin of the erector spinae:
Sacrum, iliac crest and lumbar spinous process
Insertion of the iliocostalis:
Insertion of the longissimus:
T and C spinous process, mastoid process
Insertion of the spinalis:
T spinous process
Action of the erector spinae:
Laterally flex, extend, and rotate head and vertebral column
Innervation of the erector spinae:
Dorsal rami of spinal nerve
Origin of the semispinalis capitus:
Transverse process T1-6
Insertion of the semispinalis capitus:
Nuchal ridge
Action of the semispinalis capitus:
Extend head
Origin of the Semispinalis (C&T):
Transverse process
Insertion of the semispinalis (C&T):
Spinous process
Action of the semispinalis (C&T):
Extend, rotate opposite side
Origin of the multifidus (C2-S4):
Transverse process
Insertion of the multifidus (C2-S4):
Spinous process
Action of the multifidus (C2-S4):
Flex laterally, rotate opposite
Origin of the rotatores:
Transverse process
Insertion of the rotatores:
Spinous process +1
Action of the rotatores:
Rotate superior vertebrae opposite
Origin of the levator costarum
Transverse process
Insertion of the levator costarum:
Brevis: rib -1 Longus: rib -2
Action of the levator costarum:
Elevate rib during inspiration
Origin of the interspinales:
Spinous process
Insertion of the interspinales:
Spinous process +1
Action of the interspinales:
Extend column
Origin of the intertransversarii:
Transverse process
Insertion of the intertransversarii:
Transverse process +1
Action of the intertransversarii:
Laterally flex column
Innervation of the transversospinalis group:
Dorsal primary rami
Origin of the psoas major:
T12-L5 vertebrae
Insertion of the psoas major:
Lesser trochanter
Innervation of the psoas major:
Action of the psoas major:
Flex hip
Origin of psoas minor:
T12-L1 vertebrae
Insertion of psoas minor:
Iliopubic eminence
Innervation of the psoas minor:
L1- ventral ramus
Action of the psoas minor:
Assists in hip flexion
Origin of illiacus:
Illiac fossa/ sacral ala
Insertion of illiacus:
Lesser trochanter
Innervation of illiacus:
Action of the illiacus:
Flex hip