Anatomy of upper limb Flashcards
Glenohumeral joint
Shoulder joint - synovial ball and socket joint
Articulation between scapula (glenoid fossa) and proximal humerus
Elbow joint
Synovial hinge joint allowing flexion and extension of forearm
Articulation of distal humerus with radius and ulna
Proximal and distal radio-ulnar joints
Synovial joints allowing pronation and supination of forearm and hand
Radiocarpal joint
Synovial (wrist) joint formed by articulation between distal radius and 2 of the carpal bones
5 movements of scapula
Rotation (tilts glenoid fossa aiding movement of upper limb)
Movement of:
Radioulnar joints
Pronation (palm down)
Supination (palm up)
Articulation of clavicle
Sternum at medial end (sternoclavicular joint)
Acromion of scapula at lateral end (acromioclavicular joint)
Ridge of posterior scapula separating infraspinatus fossa from supraspinatus fossa
Spine of scapula
What comprises the pectoral girdle?
Clavicle, scapula and attached muscles
Groove in head of humerus named…
Anatomical neck
Deltoid attachment and movement
Attaches to humerus (deltoid tuberosity - anterolateral) and to lateral part of clavicle and spine of scapula
Powerful abductor after the first 20degrees of abduction
Radial groove of humerus
Marks path radial nerve follows and runs over the posterior part of the upper humeral shaft
The 2 large superficial muscles of the posterior pectoral girdle
Latissimus Dorsi
Where does latissimus Dorsi attach to the upper limb
Proximal end of the anterior humerus
3 smaller, deeper muscles that attach medial scapula to vertebral column
Levator scapulae
Rhombus minor
Rhombus major
Which is the only muscle associated with posterior pectoral girdle doesn’t attach vertebral column to scapula?
Latissimus dorsi - attaches at vertebral column and proximal end of humerus
Innervation of trapezius
Accessory nerve (XI)
Latissimus dorsi innervation
Thoracodorsal nerve (branch of brachial plexus)
7 movements possible at shoulder joint
Medial rotation
Lateral rotation
6 muscles attaching scapula to humerus
(S)upraspinatus (rotator cuff)
(I)nfraspinatus (rotator cuff)
(T)eres Minor (rotator cuff)
(S)ubscapularis (rotator cuff)
Teres Major
Innervation of deltoid
Axillary nerve (branch of brachial plexus)
Teres Major attachment
Arises from posterior scapula attaching to anterior humerus
What 3 rotator cuffs originate from posterior clavicle surface and insert onto greater tubercle of humerus?
Teres Minor
Which rotator cuff originates from anterior surface of scapula and inserts onto lesser tubercle of humerus?
Part of the ulna that cups the lower end of the humerus to create a hinge joint
Quadrilateral space borders and its relevance
Teres minor above, teres major below
Long head of triceps medially and surgical neck of humerus laterally
Axillary nerve travels through this space to enter the posterior scapula region
Although there is a poor fit of articular surfaces in the shoulder, stability is maintained by…
-Contraction of rotator cuff muscles holding head of humerus in the glenoid cavity
-Rotator cuff tendons fuse with capsule of shoulder joint
-Glenoid labrum - rim of fibrocartilage surrounding margin of glenoid fossa deepening the shallow fossa
What separates the posterior and anterior compartments of the arm?
The lateral and medial intermuscular septa
Insertion point of triceps brachii
All 3 heads converge via a common tendon onto the olecranon of the ulna
Long head of triceps origin
Infraglenoid tubercle of scapula
Lateral head of triceps origin
Posterior humerus proximal to radial groove
Medial head of triceps origin
Posterior humerus distal to radial groove
All 3 parts of triceps innervated by…
Radial nerve (major terminal branch of brachial plexus)
Axillary nerve motor fibres inervate…
Teres Minor
Axillary nerve sensory fibres innervate…
Patch of skin over upper lateral arm
Shaft of humerus expands distally to form 2 bony prominences called the…
Distal to this, the humerus bears further prominences…
Medial and lateral epicondyles
Trochlea (medially) and capitellum (laterally) which articulate with trochlear notch of ulna and head of radius respectively at elbow
6 anatomical boundaries of the axilla
Anterior wall - pectoralis major and minor
Posterior wall - subscapularis, teres major and latissimus dorsi
Lateral wall - Upper humerus
Medial wall - serratus anterior and chest wall
Apex - 1st rib, clavicle and scapula
Base - skin and fascia between chest wall and arm
Axillary lymph nodes and what do they drain?
5 groups of lymph nodes that drain upper limb, chest wall, breast, scapular region and abdominal region as far as umbilicus
What nodes receive lymph from all other lymph nodes in the axilla?
The apical nodes
Axillary artery is the continuation of the… which travels under the … into the axilla
Subclavian artery which travels under the clavicle into the axilla
Axillary artery continues into the arm to become the brachial artery as it crosses the…
Inferior border of teres major
Axillary vein formed by union of…
What does the axillary vein then flow into?
Deep veins of the arm with the basilic vein
Runs alongside the axillary artery back into the subclavian veins
What is contained within the axilla?
Lymph nodes
Axillary artery
Axillary vein
Brachial plexus
Brachial Plexus and its originating nerves
Complex network of nerves that provide motor and sensory innervation of the upper limb
Formed by spinal nerves C5-8 and T1
Trunks of the brachial plexus
C5 and C6 combine to form SUPERIOR TRUNK
C7 continues as MIDDLE TRUNK
C8 and T1 combine to form INFERIOR TRUNK
(all trunks located in neck)
Divisions of the brachial plexus
Each trunk divides into an anterior and posterior division under the clavicle
Cords of brachial plexus
LATERAL CORD - anterior divisions of superior and middle trunks
POSTERIOR CORD - posterior divisions of all trunks combine
MEDIAL CORD - continuation of anterior division of inferior trunk
5 branches of brachial plexus (located in axilla)
AXILLARY - branch from posterior cord
RADIAL - continuation of posterior cord
MUSCULOCUTANEOUS - branch from the lateral cord
ULNAR - branch from medial cord
MEDIAN - formed by branches from the lateral and medial cords
Axillary nerve
Innervates deltoid and teres minor
And small region of skin over upper lateral arm
Branch of posterior cord
Runs close to surgical neck of humerus (vulnerable to surgical neck fractures)
Radial nerve
Innervates triceps, and all muscles in posterior forearm (extensors of wrist and digits)
Continuation of posterior cord
Runs along radial groove of posterior humerus (vulnerable to mid-shaft fractures)
Musculocutaneous nerve (what does it innervate? where does it arise from?)
Innervates the 3 anterior arm muscles (BBC- Biceps, Brachialis, Coracobrachialis)
Continues as sensory nerve innervating region of skin over forearm
Arises from lateral cord
Median nerve (what does it innervate? where does it arise from?)
Innervates most muscles in anterior forearm (flexors for wrist and digits)
Innervates skin in lateral aspect of the palm (thumb and next 2 fingers
Formed by contributions from medial and lateral cords
Where is the median nerve most vulnerable?
As it crosses the anterior elbow at the cubital fossa
Ulnar nerve
Innervates most small muscles in hand (fine movement of digits)
Innervates skin over medial aspect of palm (pinky and one next to it)
Its a continuation of the lateral cord
Where is the ulnar nerve most vulnerable?
Behind the medial epicondyle as its in a superficial position
Biceps brachii
Most superficial muscles in anterior arm
Long head - supraglenoid tubercle origin
Short head - apex of coracoid process of scapula
Insertion into deep fascia of forearm
Proximal attachments of biceps brachii
Long head - to the supraglenoid tubercle
Short head - to the coracoid process
2 muscle bellies of biceps brachii converge onto a common tendon attaching to…
The radial tuberosity on the radius
Bicep movement
Flexion of elbow
Flexion of shoulder joint
Supination of forearm when elbow is flexed
Brachialis attachments and movement
Proximally - Anterior aspect of lower shaft of humerus
Crosses elbow joint to attach:
Distally - Upon the ulna tuberosity
Flexor of elbow
Coracobrachialis attachments and movement
Proximally - coracoid process
Distally - medial aspect of mid-humerus
Acts upon shoulder joint as weak flexor
What is the Cubital fossa?
Triangular shaped region anterior to elbow joint
Contents of cubital fossa
Tendons of biceps brachii (can be palpated easily when elbow flexed)
Bicipital aponeurosis (extension of biceps tendon separating superficial veins from deeper structures)
Brachial artery (medial to biceps tendon and in the cubital fossa it bifurcates into radial and ulnar arteries)
Median nerve (medial to brachial artery travelling anteriorly)
Radial nerve (through lateral aspect of cubital fossa deep to brachioradialis)
Superficial veins (lie in subcutaneous tissue of cubital fossa and using for venepuncture - so mustn’t accidentally puncture brachial artery or median nerve
Origin and insertion of trapezius
Origin - skull, cervical and thoracic vertebrae
Insertion - Clavicle and scapula (spine and acromion)
Origin and insertion of latissimus dorsi
Origin - Lower thoracic vertebrae
Insertion - Humerus (upper anterior)
Origin and insertion of levator scapulae
Origin - Upper cervical vertebrae
Insertion - Medial scapula border
Origin and insertion of rhomboid minor
Origin - C7 and T1
Insertion - Medial scapula border
Origin and insertion of rhomboid major
Origin - Thoracic vertebrae
Insertion - Medial scapula border
How do rhomboid major and minor move the scapula?
How does the trapezius move the scapula?
Upper part elevate
Middle part retracts
Lower part depresses
(rotates scapula)
Latissimus dorsi movement
Extends, adducts and medially rotates humerus
Deltoid action, origin from scapula, and insertion
Abduction beyond 20degrees
Spine and acromion (plus clavicle)
Deltoid tuberosity
Teres major action at shoulder joint, origin from scapula and insertion
Medial rotation and adduction
Posterior surface, inferior part of lateral border
Anterior humerus
Supraspinatus action at shoulder, origin from scapula and insertion
First 20degrees abduction
Supraspinous fossa
Greater tubercle - superior facet
Infraspinatus action at shoulder, origin from scapula and insertion
Lateral rotation
Infraspinous fossa
Greater tubercle - middle facet
Teres minor action at shoulder, origin from scapula and insertion
Lateral roation
Lateral scapula border
Greater tubercle - inferior facet
Subscapularis action at shoulder, origin form scapula and insertion
Medial rotation
Subscapular fossa
Lesser tubercle
What connects the radius and ulna?
Interosseous membrane