Anatomy of the Meninges Flashcards
what fissure divides the 2 cerbral hemispheres
great longitudinal fissure
where is the tranverse fissure located?
between occiptial lobe and cerebellum
what is the termination of the spinal cord called?
what are the extension the spinal nerves below this level referred to as?
spinal cord- brainstem ——> lumabr vertrbae L1
cons medullaris (L1)
Lumbar, scaral and occygeal spinal nerves extend downwards to leave the verebtral colum—–>cauda equina
what are the 3 layers of thje meninges and what is there function?
dura matter
arachnoid matter
pia matter
function- provide framework for cranila and cerebral vasculature
Protective- from mechanical dmaage help from too CSF
Label this diagram
Describe the Dura matter
- tough, fiborous , vascularised
- loos fititng
- double emembrane in the cranium
- outer periosteal layer (con tinuoius with the periostrum of the outer surfave of the skull
- inner meningeal layer (exits skull to cover tehs pinal cord. SC only has one layer.
what is the extra-dural space?
Potential space between the cranium bone and the dura.
Name the Dural Reflections and what is there function
- Falx cereberi- dural extension within great longitudunal fissure
- Tenotrium cerebelli- tranvers fissure
- Falx cerebelli- btetween cerbellar lobes
- diagrahm sellae- hyposeal fossa
Label this
label this
Describe the arachnoid matter
Describe the pai mater
tirghtly adherent to surfacve of the brain- follows fyri and sulci
Ppathophysiology of the Dura matter?
raised intracanial pressure- brain can herniate under the Falx cerebri
what are the subarachnoid spaces?
true spaces between the pia and arachnoid matter
filled with CSF and blood vessesl
as the pia is atightly adhered to the brain and the arachoid is loose- region sof subarahcnoid spaces - comparatively lareg called Cistern
what holds the arachnoid and pia matter together?
Label the following…
superiro cistern
chiasmatic cistern
interpeduncular cistern
pontine cistern
cerebelliomedullary cistern
Describe blood supply the the dura
blood supply travels in the outer periosteal layer
4 major arteries
Anteriro meningeal
middle meningeal (main- branch of the maxillary artery from external carotid)
acessory meningeal artery
Posteriro meningeal artery
where does the middle meningeal artery branch from?
branhc of the Maxillary ateyr from external carotid
Where is the Middle meningeal artery?