Anatomy of the Ear Flashcards
Nerve supply to external auditory canal
might cough if removing wax because vagus nerve supplies afferent cough reflex
What week should ear be formed by?
- what protects tympanic membrane externally
- label
by week 28
Parts of Ear
outer, middle, inner
Arterial supply to pinna
-what vessels
Auricular hematoma:
-what layers does it often form between?
External innervation of pinna
-posterior, anterior, middle
important lymphatic drainage of ear
Outer vs inner parts of auditory canal vs eustachian tube
-bony vs
out 2/3 of eac are soft tissue/ cartilage, inner 1/3rd is bony
eustacian tube: outer 2/3 bone, inner 1/3 soft
- middle ear pressure difference affects what membrane
- external TM innervated by what?
- internal TM innervated by what?
external 5, 7, 10
internal 9
Mesotympanium vs epitympanium
- majority of incus and malleus are in epitympium
- only bone in mesotympium is stapes
adult vs infant ear tubes related to ear infections
infant has less angle, less drainage
parts of the ossicles
-which parts in epitympium
the epitympium portions come from 1st branchial arch