Anatomy of the Cerebellum/Spinal Cord Flashcards
4 paired cerebellar nuclei
controls stance/gait, and muscle control
Lesion on the this area causes Abasia
Lesion on on the Dentate area causes?
delay in initiating and terminating movements, tremorsm intention tremor
3 layers of the cerebellar cortex
Vascular Supply of the Cerebellum
Posterior inferior (PICA) Anterior Inferior (AICA) Superior Cerebellar
3 meninges that protects the Spinal Cord
golden period for the spinal cord until irreversible damage occurs
2 hours
Terminal portion of the spinal cord
Conus Medullaris
Firbrous extension of the PIA mater
Phylum terminale
Collection of nerve roots at the inferior end of the vertebral column
Cauda Equina
2 major blood vessels of the SC
2 posterior - 1/3 of the cord
1 anterior 2/3 of the cord
Reinforces the anterior and posterior spinal arteries
Radicular artery
Radicular artery is a.k.a.
Adamkewikz can be damaged in
Kaisons disease and AAA repair
3 veins responsible for hematogenous spread of metastastic CA
External vertebral plexus
Internal vertebral plexus
Basivertebral plexus
Vertebral Venous plexus is a.k.a
Batson’s plexus
Herniation of the cord
Brown Sequard syndrome
3 SC tracts
Corticospinal Tract
Dorsal Column
Lesion of this area produces greater weakness of the ARM>Leg
“Sensory Sparing”
Central Cord Syndrome
Complete paralysis of the level of lesion
hyperestria- excessive pain
Anterior cord Syndrome
Posterior column is responsible for
Vibration and proprioception
Lateral Corticospinal is responsible for
fine motor movements of the upper and lower limb
Lateral Spinothalamic tract
Pain and temperature
(-)virbratory or position sense
Paralysis below the lesion
Extremely rare
Posterior cord Syndrome
EXTRA or INTRA medullary?
Pain first before weakness _______ example ______
Weakness before pain _________ ex. ________
pain>weakness - Extramedullary - compression fracture
Weakness>pain - Tumor “Epindymoma”
Anterior Spinothalamic tract conveys _____
light touch
Transection of T1-L1 results to
Transection of the cervical region
High Cervical Region
Dermatomal level of each C5 C8 T4 T7 T10 L1 L4
C5- shoulder C8-little finger T7- xyphoid T4 - nipple T10 - umbilicus L1 - inguinal L4- medial portion of big toe
(-) vibration/ position sense
Slow degeneration of the dorsal/posterior column
Tertiary Syphillis
Argill Robertson’s Pupil “prostitutes pupil”
Pupil that accomodates but does not react
Prostitutes pupil (argill robertsons pupil)
Uncrossed tract from the nucleaus of Clarke
None of the impulses reaches consious levels
fine coordination of posture and movement of individual limb muscle
Posterior spinocerebellar tract
Crossed tract concerned with coodrination and movement of Lower Extremeties
Anterior spinocerebellar tract
Upper limb equivalent of posterior spinocerebellar tract
Cuneocerebellar tract
For behavioral awareness, modification of motor and sensory activities and modulation of Electrocortical Activity
Spinoreticular Tract
Motor Pathway for Discrete voluntary skilled movements
Corticospinal System
3 divisions of the Corticospinal System
Lateral - larg, crossed
Anterior - small uncrossed
Anterolateral - minute, uncrossed
3 descending tracts from midbrain and their functions
Tectospinal tract - postural movement in response to visual and auditory stimuli
Rubrospinal tract: Flexor musle tone
Interstitiospinal tract: component of descending MLF
MC pituitary Tumor
Treatment for prolactinoma
Compression of this area causes bilateral hemianopsia.
Secondary to?______
Optic Chiasma compression 2 to Enlargement of the pitruitary gland
accessory oculomotor nucleus that is the parasympathetic pre-ganglionic nucleus that innervates the iris sphincter muscle and the ciliary muscle.
Edinger westpahl nucleus
Visual Cortex Brodmanns Area
Fubers of the Optic Chiasm
Temporal (Lateral) Nasal (Medial)