Anatomy - Neck Flashcards
What are characteristics of typical cervical vertebrae?
- transverse mass: anterior and posterior tubercles
- transverse foraminae transmits vertebral a.
- bifid spinous process increase surface area for muscle attachments
- uncinate process
- I-V foramen
What are the 4 layers of deep cervical fascia?
- investing layer
- pretracheal layer
- prevertebral area
- carotid sheath
What are the 3 lateral vertebral muscles?
- scalenus anterior
- scalenus medius
- scalenus posterior
Which neurovascular structures run between scalenus anterior and scalenus medius?
- phrenic nerve
- brachial plexus
- subclavian artery
Where do the lateral vertebral muscles attach?
Attach to transverse mass of cervical vertebrae (tubercles)
Where are the lateral vertebral muscles located?
Deep to prevertebral fascia
What are characteristics of the C1 vertebra?
- no body
- anterior and posterior arches
- facet for dens
- upper surfaces articulate with occipital condyles
- long transverse process
What are characteristics of the C2 vertebra?
- dens (odontoid process)
- surfaces on dens articulate with anterior arch of C1
- strong spinous process gives attachment to strong stabiliser muscles
What is the passage of cervical nerve roots?
C1 and C2 pass behind facet joints
The rest pass between body and facet
At what spinal segment does the common carotid artery bifurcate?
Through which foraminae is vertebral a. transmited?
Transverse foraminae C6-C1
Where may compression of common carotid artery occur?
At anterior tubercle of C6 (carotid tubercle)
What are the superior joints (suboccipital) of the cervical spine?
Atlanto-occipital (0-C1)
Atlanto-axial (C1-C2)
What are characteristics of intervertebral discs of the cervical spine?
- thick disc with central nucleus
- form cervical lordosis
- relative to size of body, cervical I-V discs are largest
- prevent forward slip and rotation
What is an uncovertebral joint?
Uncinate process articulates with superior margins of body
Non-synovial joint
What sort of injury occurs in hyperextension of facet joints?
compression injury
What sort of movement does the atlanto-occipital joint permit?
Loose fibrous capsule permits nodding movement (flexion/extension)
Where are the atlanto-occipital joints?
- 2 lateral synovial joints
- between occipital condyles and upper surfaces of atlas
Superior cervical joints contain an intervertebral disc?
What sort of movement do the atlanto-axial joints permit?
Transverse ligament allows minimal flexion/extension
What is the ligament between atlas and occiput?
Posterior atlanto-occipital membrane
What ligaments are between axis and occiput?
Membrane tectoria/posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL)
Anterior atlanto-occipital membrane
What movements do the ligaments of the cervical spine limit?
Resist movements in sagittal plane - flexion/extension
What is the function of the transverse ligament?
Stabilises dens - prevents posterior translation of dens into the vertebral canal
What is the function of alar ligaments?
Restricts range of rotation of atlas around dens
What are the effects of aging on the cervical spine?
- Lordosis flattens when water content of I-V disc nucleus reduces
- Osteophytes may develop from uncinate processes and facet surfaces which may irritate nerve roots and occlude vertebral artery
What are the margins of the posterior neck?
Extends from superior nuchal line of the skull to C7/T1 disc
What are the compartments of the neck?
- Visceral compartment
- 2 vascular compartments (carotid sheath)
- Vertebral compartment
What structures are contained within the vertebral compartment?
- Cervical vertebrae
- Postural muscles
What structures are contained within the visceral compartment?
- Thyroid and parathyroid glands
- Thymus gland if present
- Trachea and oesophagus
What structures are contained within the vascular compartments?
- Carotid sheath
- Common carotid artery or ICA and ECA (if post-bifurcation)
- Internal jugular vein
- Vagus
What structures are contained within the superficial fascia?
- Platysma muscle (innervated by cervical branch of facial nerve)
- External jugular vein
- Anterior jugular vein
What are the fascial layers of the neck?
- Superficial fascia
- Investing fascia
- Prevertebral fascia
- Pretrachial and buccopharyngeal fascias
- Carotid sheath
Where does EJV begin in the neck?
Angle of the mandible
What is the descent of EJV?
Vertical descent on SCM
What structures does the investing fascia surround?
- All compartments of the neck
- Splits to surround SCM and trapezius
What structures does the prevertebral fascia surround?
Surround the vertebral compartment which consists of cervical spine and postural muscles
Which layers of fascia surround the visceral compartment?
- Pretracheal fascia
- Buccopharyngeal fascia
What structure does the pretracheal fascia extend up to?
Hyoid bone
What neurovascular structures does the carotid sheath contain?
- Vagus
What are the boundaries of the anterior triangle?
- In front of SCM
- Beneath inferior border of the mandible
- On either side of the midline of the neck
What are the boundaries of the posterior triangle?
- Behind SCM
- In front of trapezius
- Above middle 1/3 of clavicle
What groups of muscles are contained in the anterior triangle and where they located?
Supra and infrahyoid muscles
Between investing fascia and pretracheal fascia
What are the attachments of the suprahyoid muscles and what is their function?
Muscles of the floor of the mouth connect the hyoid bone to the skull
Contraction of these muscles elevates the hyoid bone and larynx
What are the attachments of the infrahyoid muscles and what is their action?
Anchor hyoid bone to the clavicle, sternum and scapula (omohyoid)
Contraction of these muscles depresses the hyoid bone and larynx
What is the innervation of anterior strap muscles?
Ventral rami of cervical nerves
What are the important structures found in the anterior compartment of the neck?
- Anterior strap muscles (supra and infrahyoid muscles)
- Carotid system
- CN IX, X, XI, X
At what level does the CCA bifurcate into ECA and ICA?
Level of C3/4 which also corresponds to superior border of the thyroid cartilage
ICA sends branches into the neck
What are the 6 main branches of the ECA?
- Superior thyroid artery
- Lingual artery
- Facial artery
- Posterior auricular artery
- Occipital artery
- Ascending pharyngeal artery
What 3 branches come off the front of ECA?
- Superior thyroid a.
- Lingual a.
- Facial a.
What 2 branches come off the back of ECA?
- Posterior auricular a.
- Occipital a.
What branch of ECA is deeply placed?
Ascending pharyngeal a.
Where is the IJV located in relation to the arteries of the carotid sheath?
IVJ is lateral to the arteries
What foraminae are associated with the anterior compartment of the neck?
- Jugular foramen
- Hypoglossal foramen
Which nerves enter the anterior compartment of the neck via jugular foramen?
- Glossopharyngeal
- Vagus
- Spinal accessory
What is path does glossopharyngeal follow in the neck?
It passes forward into the oropharynx and sends a branch to the carotid sinus
What path does the vagus nerve follow in the neck?
Descending in the carotid sheath with the vascular structures
What path does spinal accessory nerve follow in the neck?
Passes backwards
Pierces SCM
Enters posterior triangle of the neck
What path does hypoglossal follow in the neck?
Passes forward, like glossopharyngeal but emerges from hypoglossal foramen
Passes between the arterial and venous structures:
-In front of ICA and ECA
-Behind IJV
What are the boundaries of the thyroid gland?
Between upper border of thyroid cartilage and 6th tracheal ring
Which tracheal cartilages does the isthmus run in front of?
Tracheal cartilages 2,3,4
Which layer of fascia encloses the thyroid?
Pretracheal fascia
What structures does the thyroid gland relate to?
- Deep to strap muscles
- Lateral to trachea and oesophagus
- Adjacent to and overlaps carotid sheaths
What are the clinical consequences of an enlarged thyroid gland?
- Compression of the trachea may present as respiratory obstruction
- Compression of oesophagus may present as dysphagia
- Compression of IVJ may present as venous distension
What is the course of right recurrent laryngeal nerve as it ascends?
Comes off right vagus and loops beneath right subclavian
What is the course of left recurrent laryngeal nerve as it ascends?
Comes off left vagus and loops around ligamentum arteriosum beneath aortic arch
What is the blood supply of the thyroid?
- Superior thyroid arteries
- Inferior thyroid arteries
- Sometimes thyroid ima artery (10% of population) which ascends in front of trachea up to the isthmus
- Superior, middle and inferior thyroid veins
What is the embryological origin of the thyroid gland?
Develops as an outgrowth of the floor of the pharynx and descends ventral to the larynx
Which structure marks the site of origin of the thyroid gland?
Foramen caecum
What are the important neurovascular structures in the posterior triangle of the neck?
- Subclavian system
- Brachial plexus
- Cervical plexus
Which neurovascular structures emerge at the bottom of the posterior triangle?
Roots of brachial plexus between scalenus medius and scalenus anterior
Subclavian system
Which muscle does spinal accessory nerve run on top of?
Levator scapuli
Which nerve pierces SCM?
Spinal accessory
What muscles does spinal accessory innervate?
SCM and trapezius
Which nerve roots from the cervical plexus?
Ventral rami of C1-4
Which nerve descends on scalenus anterior in the posterior triangle?
Which cervical roots make up the phrenic nerve?
What plexus supplies the anterior strap muscles?
Ansa cervicalis
Which muscle maintains cervical lordosis?
Longus colli