Anatomy Lab week 1 (back muscles and bones) Flashcards
What nerve innervates the Trapezius?
spinal accessory nerve
What nerve innervates levator scapulae?
dorsal scapular
What nerve innervates Rhomboid Major/Minor?
dorsal scapular
What nerve innervates Latissimus dorsi?
Thoracodorsal nerve
What nerve innervates the Deltoid?
What nerve innervates Supraspinatus?
suprascapular nerve
What nerve innervates Infraspinatus
suprascapular nerve
What nerve innervates subscapularis?
upper subscapular nerve
What nerve innervates Teres Major
Lower subscapular nerve
What nerve innervates Teres minor
axillary nerve
What is the function of Trapezius?
retraction, elevation, upward rotation of scapula and extension of neck
What is the function of Levator Scapulae?
elevation of scapula
What is the function of Rhomboid Major/Minor
retraction of scapula and upward rotation
What is the function of Latissimus dorsi?
extension of humerus and adduction and external rotation
What is the function of Deltoid?
extension, flexion and abduction above 20 degrees
What is the function of supraspinatus
abduction to 20 degrees
What is the function of infraspinatus
external rotation
What is the function of subscapularis?
internal rotation
What is the function of Teres Major?
adductor of humerus
What is the function of Teres Minor
Lateral rotation of the humerus
What is the function of Rectus Capitis posterior Major/Minor and Obliquus capitis inferior?
rotate and tilt the head to the same side
What is the function of Obliquus capitis superior?
rotate the head to the opposite side