Anatomy HSF II Lecture 1 Flashcards
Ribs that attach Vertabrae to Sternum
True Ribs 1-7
Cartilages that attach to cartilages of ribs superior
False Ribs 8-10
Ribs that have cartilages ending in posterior abdominal wall musculature
Floating Ribs
Cartilages of 7-10 combine for form ?
Infrasternal Angle
Boundaries of Superior thoracic Apperature
Ist thoracic vertabrae, Ist Pair of Ribs and Superior Border of Manubrium, 1st pair of ribs and 1st vertebrae
Levator Costae
O: Transverse Processes of Vertabrae
I: Inferior Rib
F: Weakly Elevate the rib at their angle
Serratus Posterior Superior
O: Spinous Processes under thoracic Vertabrae; I: Ribs 3-6. Raises the Ribs
Serratus Posterior Inferior
O: Lumbar Vertabrae to Lower ribs 9-10. Function Depresses the ribs
O: Transverse Process Cervical Spine. I: Anterior and Middle : Rib 1. Posterior: Rib 2. Functio: Flex neck. Elevate Respiratory Organs. (insertion and origin reverse when needed for respiration such as asthma). Usually just holds neck stable
Intercostal Space
Located Between Innermost and Internal Innercostal. VAN (Vein : suprior) Nerve: inferior. Nerve: Ventral Ramus, Somatic motor to innercostal muscles and sensory to skin overlying costals
In terms of introducing a needle to interocostal space where does the nerve lie and where should the needle go
Nerve lies inferior to ribs and the needle should only go to superior border of the ribs
Paralysis of one side of diaphragm, paradoxical movement. The side working goes down increases abdominal pressure and it pushes up on the side not working. Side not working elevated higher than it should be
Two Parts of Diaphragm
Muscular Part with fibers converging to Central Tendon
Central Tendon which is aponeurotic and fused with inferior surface of pericardium
3 muscular parts of the diaphgram
Sternal: Attaches diaphragm to posterior Sternum
Costal: Attaches Diaphgram to costal Cartilages
Lumbar: Attaches diaphgram to Crura
Originiations of Right and Left Crus of Lumbar portion of diaphgram
Right Crus: First 3 lumbar vertabrae
Left Crus: First 2 Lumbar Vertabrae
Ligament that passes over the aorta from Diaphgram
Median Arcuate LIgament
Ligaments that pass from diaphgram over psoas and quadratus lamborum
Medial and Lateral Arcuate Ligaments
Vena Cava foramen for Inferior Vena Cava inserts?
Central Tendon T8-T9 disc
Contents of Central Tendon
Inferior vena Cava, Right Phrenic Nerve, Lymphatic Vessels
Contents through Right Crus at T-10 Esophageal Hiatus
Esophagus, Vagal Trunks, Esophageal Branches of left gastric Vessels
Aortic Hiatus Location
Posterior to Diaphgram between Crura and T-12