Anatomy Diagrams Flashcards
Identify the structures labelled A-I
A- Midbrain
B- Midbrain
C- Cerebral peduncles
D- Pons
E- Pons
F- Medulla
G- Medulla
H- Midbrain
I- Medulla
Identify the structures labelled A-I
A- Superior vermis
B- Anterior lobe
C- Posterior lobe
D- Inferior semilunar lobule
E- Anterior lobe
F- 4th ventricle
G- Posterior lobe
H- Flocullonodular lobe
I- Cerebellar tonsil
Identify the vessels labelled 1-14
1- Anterior cerebral artery
2- Anterior communicating artery
3- Ophthalmic artery
4- Internal carotid artery
5- Middle cerebral artery
6- Posterior communicating artery
7- Posterior cerebral artery
8- Superior cerebellar artery
9- Basilar artery
10- Labyrinthine artery
11- Anterior inferior cerebellar artery
12- Posterior inferior cerebellar artery
13- Vertebral artery
14- Anterior spinal artery
Identify the structures labelled A-I
A- Superior sagittal sinus
B- Inferior sagittal sinus
C- Straight sinus
D- Confluence of sinuses
E- Transverse sinus
F- Sigmoid sinus
G- Petrosal sinuses (inferior and superior)
H- Cavernous sinus
I- Ophthalmic vein
Identify the structures labelled A-E
A- Posterior clinoid process
B- Groove for sigmoid sinus
C- Cerebellar fossa
D- Internal occipital crest
E- Groove for transverse sinus
Identify the structures labelled A-G
A- Lateral ventricle
B- Posterior horn of lateral ventricle
C- Aqueduct
D- 4th ventricle
E- 3rd ventricle
F- Interventricular foramen
G- Inferior horn of lateral ventricle
Identify the structures labelled A-D
A- Rostrum of corpus callosum
B- Genu of corpus callosum
C- Body of corpus callosum
D- Splenium of corpus callosum
Identify the structures labelled A-G
A- Median longitudinal fissure
B- Lateral ventricle
C- Internal capsule
D- Lentiform nucleus
E- Thalamus
F- Caudate nucleus
G- Third ventricle
Identify the structures labelled A-O
A- Olfactory bulb
B- Olfactory tract
C- Optic nerve
D- Optic chiasma
E- Optic tract
F- Occulomotor nerve
G- Trigeminal nerve
H- Facial nerve
I- Glossopharyngeal nerve
J- Accessory nerve
K- Trochlear nerve
L- Abducens nerve
M- Vestibulococchlear nerve
N- Hypoglossus nerve
O- Vagus nerve
Identify the structures labelled A-G
A- Optic nerve
B- Optic chiasm
C- Optic tract
D- Geniculate body
E- Optic radiation
F- Mamillary body
G- Brainstem
Identify the structures labelled A-E
A-Ciliary ganglion
B- Optic nerve
C- Trochlear nerve
D- Occulomotor nerve
E- Abducent nerve
Identify structures labelled A-E
A- Maxillary branch of trigeminal nerve
B- Ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve
C- Inferior alveolar nerve
D- Mandibular branch of trigeminal nerve
E- Mental nerve
Identify the structures labelled A and B
A- Facial nerve
B- Corda tympani