Anatomy Flashcards
What is Anatomy
It is the structure of the body - the various body parts and how they are formed
What is physiology
The function of the body parts and what they do
What are the four components/systems that make up the physical body?
Muscular system
Skeletal system
Nervous system
Connective tissues
What does the sagittal plane refer to?
Dividing the body into left and right parts
Movements will be up and down, flexion and extension
Frontal plane
Divides the body into front and back sections
Movements will be sideways - abduction and adduction
Transverse plane
Divides the body into top and bottom sections - from the midline
Close to the midline
Away from the midline
Distance from the trunk
Proximity to the trunk
Front of body or structure
Back of body or structure
Above the head
Below the head
Close to the surface of the body
Furthest away from the surface
Brings the spine down and towards the legs, often into a rounded position - for example balasana, cat, seated forward fold
Increasing the angle in the spine - lengthening the spine upwards and backwards. Backbends, wheel/Urdhva Dhanurasana, cow, camel, cobra/bhujangasana,
Away from the midline in the sideway motion - think of the word ‘abduct’ meaning to take away!
Towards the midline - think of ‘adding’
Happens across the body - to twist or turn
Axial skeleton
The scull, spine and ribs
The upper and lower limbs plus the bones that form the ‘girdle’ connecting the upper and lower limbs to the axial skeleton - these are the pelvic and shoulder girdle
Describe the bones, muscles and ligaments
The bones are the framework of the body, protecting the vital organs. Bones connect to other bone and are jointed together by connective tissue such as muscles, ligaments and tendons. The bones support the body and the muscles and ligaments allow everything to move in a safe and supported way.
What influences health synovial joints
Backing off when pain is felt and avoiding excessive activity that may cause wear and tear. Excessive weight may put too much pressure on a joint. Building muscles will help support the core and in turn support the joints. A good balanced diet will also nourish the body and joints.
In addition to synovial joints, what others are there?
Fibrous and cartilaginous
Which three tissues connect bones?
Ligaments, connective tissue and tendons
Is a balanced joint space necessarily symmetrical?
No, a balanced joint will not always be evenly distributed at all points of the range of movement
What creates imbalance in a joint?
Damage to the muscle which may cause stiffness, shortening, weakness and tightness
List the spinal actions
Flexion, extension and lateral movement
What is concentric contraction?
It is an activity that causes a shortening or tightening in the muscle
What is eccentric action?
Movement/activity which lengthens the muscle
What is isometric action?
Activity when the angle of the joint remains the same
What are agonist and antagonist
They work against each other - agonist is a chemical that binds to the receptor but the antagonist blocks the action
Long bones provide leverage or stability?
Give one example of such a bone?
Flat bones such as the heel provide stability or leverage?
Give one example of such a bone
Vertebral bodies/bones are for stability or to bear weight?
Bear weight
Examples of ball and socket joints?
Shoulder - designed to provide maximum range of motion
Hips - designed for stability
The Pelvic Girdle does what?
Connects the lower limbs to the upper(axial) skeleton.
What does the shoulder girdle do?
It is the yoke that connects the upper extremities to the axial skeleton.
What is the purpose of a ball and socket joint?
To support mobility in all directions and is useful for activities such as changing direction while walking or running or reaching for objects (shoulder joint)
What is the purpose of the hinge joint?
To provide greater stability and is useful for propelling the body forward and backwards (elbow joint)